Chapter 1087

“Hey, Indix, get up.”

“Um…Xie Ming…Let me sleep for a while…”

“It’s going to be late to go to bed again. Moreover, Chuchun and Saten are already waiting for you outside.”

“Early Spring… Zuotian…”

Sitting up in a daze, the large white shirt he was wearing slipped slightly, revealing his white shoulders. I have to say that although the girl Indicus is essentially a foodie, she is still one of the best in terms of appearance.

It’s just that Xie Ming, who has already seen the true face of this food nun, has long since been shaken by such a trivial matter. Hmm… It should have been changed from the role of non-pro-brother to the role of the old father.

“I remember that you should have bought pajamas with Chuchun and the others…” Xie Ming stared at his eyes and said in a calm tone: “Why do you have to wear my shirt if you don’t wear pajamas?”

“… Now, Xie Ming. I think before that, we should have more serious topics to discuss.”

Intiks, who was gradually waking up, gradually became uncomfortable in her eyes.

“Why, do you want to enter the lady’s room without consent?”

“…Lady? You?…Puff!”

Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing, and gently touched Inticus’s head: “Don’t substitute the things that happened in your dreams into reality. Forget it, just wear a shirt if you like to sleep. Change your clothes quickly. Get ready to go to school.”

Seeing Inticus’s face quickly turning red, Xie Ming didn’t hesitate to turn around and leave the room quickly. When going out, bring the door of the room easily. After all, he knew what would happen next.

“Xie Ming!!!”

Sure enough, it alarmed the screams of the entire monastery. If Xie Ming had stayed in the room just now, it would have been unavoidable to be bitten.

Walking down the stairs from the third floor to the first floor can accommodate four to five hundred people, in a simple hall with rows of wooden benches. Chuchun played Li and Zuotian Leizi, sitting on a row of chairs, waiting for Intiqs.

“Sorry, two people.”

Xie Ming said with a chuckle: “It is estimated that that girl will take more than 10 minutes to get better, so please wait for her a little longer.”

“No, it’s okay, classmate Xie Ming.”

Chuchun Shili shook his head slightly, and then said with some worry: “Is Inticus, is she okay? Just now, we seemed to hear a loud scream.”

“It’s okay, something often happens.”

He waved his hand indifferently, Xie Ming looked indifferent.

“That girl will have strange self-awareness from time to time, just leave it alone.”

“Well, I won’t talk to you anymore. On the first day of returning to school, it is always a bit bad if you are late. Intiks will trouble you, and I will go to school first.”

Saying hello to the two, Xie Ming picked up the student bag and walked out of the monastery.

After a while, Zuo Tian Lei Zi and Chu Chun Shi Li heard the sound of “dong dong dong dong” coming from the stairs again, and Inticus, dressed in the school uniform of Zhachuan Middle School, ran down aggressively.

“Tears, Shi Li, where did Xie Ming go!?”


Zuo Tian Leizi blinked: “Senior, it hasn’t been long since I left.”

“Inticus, has something happened?” Chuchun Shili looked at Inticus who was grinding his teeth, and asked cautiously: “Xie Ming, what did he do?”

“Listen to me! Xie Ming is too much!”

It seemed that she had found someone to confide in, and Indix began to complain to the two of Xie Ming’s various bad things. And Zuo Tian Lei Zi and Chu Chun Shi Li also showed such an expression as expected.

No wonder they think that the man who has always given people a slow and leisurely feeling, today is like hiding something, running so fast.

“Xie Ming classmate…”


In their hearts, they sighed helplessly at the same time.


“Well….. Sure enough, I still get chanted…”

Walking slowly on the way to school, Xie Ming squeezed his itchy nose. If your intuition is too sensitive, such signs will appear. Just like Altria, the dull hair on her head becomes straight when she feels someone speaking badly about her.

In Xie Ming’s situation, he felt a little itchy nose.

After using mental pressure to scare Emperor Yuangen into a fool, Aleister dispatched a recovery team and recovered it to the research institute to let him dissipate the waste heat.

Needless to say, the endings of the two school members who went to Maiye Shenli, hunting tigers with bows and arrows and Wanhua’s reputation are naturally needless to say.

As for the dress female prisoner Aya Haimei captured by Xie Ming, and the mercenary sand dish that is dense, Xie Ming gave them a choice of one or the other.

Die, or obediently become a member of Item.

The two naturally didn’t want to die, so they could only choose the latter option. So the two followed Xie Ming and came to Item’s base, and Xie Ming introduced them to Mai Ye Shenli.

After learning that Xie Ming is the new person in charge of Item, Takiju did not have any comments. Although Jianqi favorite and Flanda have complaints, they still look very happy. As for Maiye Shenli… ….

Thinking of the girl’s complicated look, Xie Ming could only shrug his shoulders.

All in all, Kazami Haimi and Sawan Dense succeeded in becoming a member of the Item. Prison Cai Haimei is directly under the management of Maiye Shenli, and Sandaden is the Instructor of Item’s subordinate organization, which is responsible for teaching some talented members of sniper techniques.

As for the arrangements and actions after Item, he has no idea.

“If there is any special event that endangers public security, you can go over and help you if you have time. I will call you when I need your strength. As for the rest of the time, you can do whatever you want. Go to a peaceful day.”

Xie Ming don’t need to worry about funds, Aleister can’t control Xie Ming in terms of money. Xie Ming’s current bank card in Xueyuan City does not have any upper limit online.

This also solved the last trace of worry in the hearts of Item, the big-spending eldest ladies.

The Orsola Monastery, which was densely blown up by the sand, was re-completed before the planes of Inticus and others landed in Academy City, and the scale was also enlarged. The first and second floors are the chapel and various prayer rooms and confession rooms.

From the fourth floor to the sixth floor, there are the dormitories for the nuns and Amakusa-style members of the Agnes army. Like the student dormitory, there is a room for two people, and it is fully equipped.

On the third floor, there is the room for Xie Ming, Inticus and Shencrahuozhi, the dining room and guest room for parties. On the night Zuotian Leizi was discharged from the hospital, Xie Ming struggled here for three or four hours and made five or six tables of dishes.

All of Xie Ming’s acquaintances and friends in Xueyuan City were invited over. It can be said that it was a very lively night. However, the classmate who was invited by Xie Ming told Xie Ming a reality that he had to face.

“Xie Ming, since you are all busy with your home affairs, you can also come back to school. Next Monday, remember to come to school.”


Facts have proved that even if you are strong outside, even if you just prevented the outbreak of the Third World War, you still have to go back to school obediently.

After all, going to school represents everyday life.

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