Chapter 1089 Incomplete Power

It seems to be because the girl named Otinus has a temperament that is too high and cold, and her eyes are too high when she looks at others. So whenever a transfer student came over, the usual ‘transfer student questioning’ did not happen to her.

Or, it may be that the girl demon god has used some other method to make her become a transparent person in the class when she comes to this class.

However, these operations made Xie Ming feel a little relieved, although he didn’t know what purpose Otinus came to his class for. But it can be seen that she did not want to cause commotion at will.

Otherwise, she doesn’t need to spend so much time and effort, just walk into the academy city directly, and whoever blocks and kills will be fine.

What bothered Xie Ming was that since Otinus sat in his seat, his single green eyes had been staring at him, and he did not leave for a moment. The other classmates already ignored her, but Xie Ming couldn’t ignore her!

But people just stared at him and didn’t do anything. What can he do? Draw a knife? What if she destroys the world? Xie Ming was too late to cry by then.

She likes to watch, just let her watch.

Xie Ming, she can only comfort herself in this way, at least she didn’t cause any trouble, did she?

But since he knows that Otinus is coming for himself, he naturally can’t let this guy stay in his class like this. Anyway, he should talk to her first and confirm her thoughts. .

The spare time is definitely not enough. What can be used should be the lunch break.

“This can only be done first…”

Xie Ming, who was staring at that single eye as if sitting on pins and felt, sighed helplessly in his heart. Only a few hours, Shinnin passed.


Carrying a lunch box in his hand, Xie Ming unhurriedly walked onto the roof of the teaching building where countless students had struggled. And Onutis also followed step by step.

“Otinus, I should call you that, right?”

Putting the lunch aside, Xie Ming asked calmly when his dark pupils looked at the green single eye.

“Ah, it doesn’t matter if you call me that, a young man with the power of [Godkilling].”

Onutis used the cold and high-pitched words as if he was evaluating the value of the man in front of him: “No, do you still have the special properties of [Devil Breaking] and [Amplification]?”

“Compared with your three powers, those world-famous eyes have fallen behind.”

“…Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have seen through all my hole cards at once, should I say that I am a demon god?”

Some helplessly scratched his head, Xie Ming’s pupils turned into emerald green. The rainbow color circle that slowly rotates in the emerald green wraps the girl’s reflection in it: “But these eyes still have a future for development, and there is still a possibility.”

“Maybe when the time comes, even the power of your demon god, these eyes can nullify it, maybe.”

“Possibility…. Do you actually use these three words in front of me?” A light flashed across Otinus’ eyes: “Do you really understand the meaning of the three words’possibility’? ”

“In my opinion, the development of your eyes of [recovery] will only continue when you leave [human] life. And you originally possessed the power of [life], but you were hit hard by it. , Thus being weakened to the limit, can only be maintained, but cut off the way forward.”

“Your [life] development is no longer possible, and what will continue to wait for you will be [100% failure]. Even so, do you think you have [possibility] that you can continue to develop?”

“Why not?”

Listening to Onutism’s negative words, Xie Ming smiled lightly and asked, “There is no 100% failure in the world. If I don’t give up in my heart, I can continue to move towards the future.”

“If you think that my future is a 100% failure, then the persistence and will in my heart will become 0.1% of breaking that 100%. As long as there is a possibility of that 0.1%, I will do my best to grasp it. it.”

“What you said is just an idealistic fallacy.” Onutis shook his head and looked at Xie Ming disappointedly: “Even if you have the power of [God Killing], you are just a reluctance to see the reality clearly. It’s just a mortal.”

“There is still a possibility for human beings to sublimate to the devil, and there are successful cases like you. So why can you determine my failure?” Xie Ming chuckles: “Well, you who became the devil, I am afraid you have already forgotten it. All kinds of human beings. It doesn’t make any sense to talk to you about this.”


Onutis nodded calmly: “You and I can’t understand each other at all. Any more words will only add to the unhappiness in our hearts.”

“Then let’s get to the point.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Xie Ming’s expression turned indifferent: “What are your plans for coming here? You shouldn’t have such leisure time to experience ordinary student life.”

“And as far as I know, the demon gods should all exist in different aspects called the ‘hidden world’. Are you the demon god who specifically divides the power from the ‘hidden world’ to the present world? Or…”

“The power of the demon god I have now is an incomplete power.”

Unexpectedly, Otinus answered Xie Ming’s doubts calmly.

“However, I want to return to the world I have lived in, so I need to complete my incomplete Demon God’s power. But in the plan, there is a variable like you that we can’t handle.”

“That’s why I came to your side to monitor and interrupt you to minimize the possibility of you interfering with our plan.”


Xie Ming looked at Ortinus with a smile but a smile: “Just tell me so honestly, is it really okay? You are not afraid that I will take advantage of your incomplete strength and solve you first. Come to prevent future troubles?”

“After all, to allow an existence that could destroy the world at any time is an irresponsibility for the safety of my friends.”

“Your reason is not valid.” Otinus said with a calm face: “My current strength is not complete. I do anything with the same probability of success and failure. Even if I want to destroy the world, there are failures. Risk. Failure means my death.”

“If you really think so in your heart, then before I came, you had already found other demon gods besides me. And you didn’t do that. In other words, I didn’t show that Before a clear hostility, you will not use your own force.”

“Now that you are still talking to me, it means that there is still the possibility of coordination between our two sides. This is also the main purpose of my coming here.”

“Although they cannot understand each other, can they coordinate with each other?”

With a chuckle, Xie Ming looked at Ortinus: “I have to say that before you came, you did have a good understanding of my code of conduct. Then, I will trust you once.”

“I hope you never, betray my trust, Otinus.”

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