Chapter 1098

The supple waist-length blond hair, sapphire pupils, snow-white skin, slim and soft body curves, exquisite facial features, and pure and flawless voice. No matter who it is, seeing such a girl, I am afraid that such an idea will pop up in my heart.

Just like the princess in a fairy tale.

Like a princess, it is not only the appearance of a girl, but the strange dress on her also brings her a strange beauty.

Like a transparent dress formed by superimposing layers of thin films, it fully reveals the curves of the body, yet it looks very elegant. In the transparent gown, the body shape correcting underwear is worn like a diving suit.

With her princess-like appearance and dress, coupled with the softly singing lines in her mouth, Xie Ming could easily guess the essence of the girl’s magic.

In other words, when hearing the words pumpkin carriage and crystal shoes, there are only a few people who still fail to respond.

“Is it the magic that made the Cinderella story religious?”

Xie Ming tapped the earphones lightly and said calmly, “What are you going to do with Levinia?”

“Hey? Mr. Xie Ming, do you want to ask me?”

Levinia’s slightly smiling voice came from the earphones.

“If you look directly at it with your magic eyes, it won’t be solved.”

“It just can’t be solved, so I asked you.”

After sighing, Xie Ming’s pupils had turned into emerald green at some point: “In my magic eye vision, Cinderella’s art is made by her body and clothes. If my magic eye is directly Sweeping over will cause serious injuries to her body.”

“Ohhhhhhhh, I didn’t expect that Big Brother Xie Ming, you would be so pitiful and pity for the enemy?”


The corners of his eyes had already twitched slightly, and Xie Ming replied in an angry tone.

“Yeah, the other party is so beautiful, it’s a pity to kill the monster.”

“…Mr. Xie Ming, you are so dirty and disgusting.”



“Cough cough cough, after Xie Ming’s description, I probably already understand the details of the other party.” Levinia also seemed to understand that the other side of the phone seemed to be going crazy, holding back her smile and making her tone serious.

“Actually, the method to weaken the opponent is very simple. Since it is a technique that matches the body and clothes, as long as the clothes are torn off, the effect of the technique will disappear. Or, just like the method in the fairy tale, wait until At 12 o’clock in the evening, then Cinderella’s magic will fail.”

“…… sure?”

After Xie Ming was silent for a moment, his voice was a little low and said, “Are you sure you can solve it by doing this?”


Levinia said affirmatively: “I definitely didn’t make any jokes.”

“So, hurry up and take off the clothes of the beautiful girl, Brother Xie Ming, come on!”


Scratching his hair a little irritably, Xie Ming raised his head and looked at Cinderella who was looking at him, and suddenly felt a little pressure in his heart.

Well, when you come to Hawaii, you will not only become an accomplice of the terrorists who planted bombs at the airport, but also become the gangsters who strip girls off their clothes in public places. Life is really full of surprises everywhere.

“Old lady of the pumpkin carriage, please give me the carriage quickly. Faster and faster than waking up in a night’s dream. Let the pumpkin carriage run.”

Although Xie Ming was still struggling, it was naturally impossible for the other party to wait for Xie Ming to finish struggling. The crystal shoes on her feet made Cinderella look as graceful as dancing in a ball, but quickly came to Xie Ming’s face.

The slender white wrist grabbed Xie Ming’s arm, and his right leg slightly stepped into the gap between the legs. It seemed that he wanted Xie Ming to be his dancing partner and danced with him on the stage called the airport hall. .

However, something unexpected happened to Cinderella, and her hands did not pull Xie Ming. Obviously, under the strengthening of the technique, a small mountain can be lifted by her. But Xie Ming didn’t move.


Looking at Cinderella who was holding her hands, Xie Ming’s face was speechless: “Come here, the little white rabbit will give the big bad wolf.”


Cinderella did not answer Xie Ming’s question, but seemed to be angry, using her hands again. Well, this time Xie Ming felt a little pulled.

Seeing the girl whose pretty face was already flushed because of her hard work, for some reason, Xie Ming felt that the guilt in her heart had increased a bit. How should I put it… he is not a pervert, and this kind of behavior of bullying a little girl is a little unattainable.

“Um…” Xie Ming asked tentatively: “Or, how about your surrender? Take off your clothes by yourself, so I don’t have to do it anymore….Wait, how does it sound like this? That’s right.”

“Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha…”

“…Unexpectedly, the Godkiller who defeated the fire on the right was such a…man…”

The laughter of Levinia from the earphones and Cinderella’s strange eyes and words made Xie Ming’s expression more and more rigid.

Damn, he didn’t come here just to get his wind critics killed!

“In other words, you don’t want to surrender, right?”

Trying to keep his face expressionless, Xie Ming said flatly: “Then, forgive me for being rude.”

Both arms shook slightly, and easily got rid of Cinderella’s slender wrist. Xie Ming reached out his hand and grasped the dress like a thin film.

“The old woman in the pumpkin carriage…”

Stepping on the pace of graceful rhythm, the moment Cinderella was freed, she quickly moved away from Xie Ming, and at the same time she continued to chant: “Thank you for letting me have the time to dance with His Royal Highness, her glittering skirt. …..”

“there is none left.”


Hearing the flat voice, Cinderella’s expression was stunned, and her step back suddenly became confused, her right foot tripped behind her left foot, and she fell directly on her back to the ground. On her body, the transparent strange dress had been torn to pieces by Xie Ming, and she threw it aside.

Under the dress, there is a body-correcting underwear covering the collarbone to the knees. Although it is a bit GHS in words, the exposure is not as high as that of a swimsuit.

This fact also slightly reduced the guilt in Xie Ming’s heart. During the observation of Forbidden Demon Eye, the magic wave of Cinderella’s body had completely disappeared.

“Sure enough, you don’t need to remove them all…”

Xie Ming felt relieved: “Although to be on the safe side, removing all of them is the right choice. But in that case, I would really lose some vital things.”

“Cinderella’s magic is a pumpkin car, crystal shoes and beautiful clothes. Fortunately, the response is timely, otherwise the little demon will be teased by the show.”

Although he comforted himself so in his heart, one fact has not changed.

He, Xie Ming, was indeed in the crowd, and took off a young girl’s clothes.

From the moment you made this behavior, some vital things have already begun to be lost.

However, neither the people in black who recovered nor Levinia who came over did not remind him of this.

After all, you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep.

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