Chapter 1124 Who will stop me

The throat began to become thirsty. Tingling began to appear all over the body. It seems that countless small insects have penetrated between the skin and the flesh, and they are constantly squirming.

Unbearable pain, unspeakable pain. Consciousness has become a little fuzzy because of the pain, and has begun to want to act instinctively.

Want to eat, want to eat, want to eat…

Want to eat, want to eat, want to eat, want to eat, want to eat, want to eat! ! ! !

Eat it, eat it, that kid’s brain! !

The strong desire from the body’s evolutionary instinct is constantly impacting the bottom line of Floran’s consciousness. This impact is ten thousand times stronger than the self-preservation instinct made because of danger. She is now holding on to the reins of her body.

Even if there is a hundredth of a second of relaxation, she will gallop, split her mouth, and devour the child.

“Fortunately… I left in time…”

Throwing down in the dim alley, Xie Ming had lost one of the leather shoes that Xie Ming bought for her. The dress, which is simple in style, but still in style, has turned into the same color as a rag. Ten fingers slammed into the ground, and Floran was still strangling his instincts.

I also said before that the instinct of Floran’s body is to swallow the intelligence of the surrounding environment, to make himself more complicated, and finally to evolve, which is the so-called ‘emergence’. However, because of the need for intelligence digestion, it will take more than two thousand years to achieve true ‘emergence’.

However, if the digestion of information accelerates, that is, the computing power increases?

An hour after seeing the last work, she obtained a lot of information from the last work. Among them, there is a huge ultra-high-power parallel computing machine such as’Misaka Network’.

So her body began to evolve because of this information, evolving a function that Floran could not even think of.

By “preying on the human brain”, it is possible to reproduce the “swallowed brain structure” in one’s own body.

In other words, if Floran eats the upper individual of the last work, Misaka’s sister, then she can reproduce the brain of the last work. Join the Misaka network through the brain of the final work.

With the ultra-high performance of Misaka Network, the information that she needs to digest about 2,300 years is reduced to the unit of second.

Therefore, when she realized that her body had this function, she quickly left the two of them.

“Stay far… farther… while consciousness can still suppress instinct…”

By letting the predator target out of your sight, you can briefly get rid of the body’s predatory impulse. But this kind of behavior can not solve the problem at all.

Upon arriving in this alley, Floran’s body once again evolved new organs. The organ that appeared to prey on the last work.

Lorenzini organ (electroreceptor organ).

By sensing the ‘bio-electricity’ generated in the organism, the location of the target can be accurately located. This is the organ used by sharks when they hunt prey.

And what she evolved was very similar to this organ of a shark. What she felt was the radio waves of Misaka Network. Using the radio signals emitted by the Misaka network, the electromagnetic intelligence network, to exchange information, the approximate location of the final work can be inferred.

This is why she is so painful.

After all, she is using her consciousness to forcibly prevent the body’s greatest instinct, evolution.

Pained, squirming, staggering, step by step, walking in the direction of the predator target. Even though the consciousness was trying desperately to stop it, the body moved on its own.

Why should I stop instinct so painfully?

do not know.

Maybe it’s just because of the word “friend”.

She just wants to maintain, the only thing she has obtained in these hundreds of years, this little bond. And, the eyes that treat oneself equally.

“The one who held hands… is the friend.”


Staggering, without knowing it, Floran walked to the overpass. Incredibly, there is not a car.


With a swaying step, Floran slowly walked in the direction of the final work.

Anyone is good, if you can stop me, please stop me. Please stop my action, please… end my life.

But she knew that it was impossible.

She is an immortal monster, possessing abilities that others cannot match. No one can stop her and end her.

By the way…maybe someone…

Floran suddenly remembered what Xie Ming had said to her. It seemed that there were two forces, and they might have the ability to stop her.


“Hey, did that guy tell you?”

The slightly immature voice came into Floran’s ears. She raised her head and looked at the three people in front of her with sluggish, crazy, and painful eyes.

In other words, three monsters from the magic side.

The blond girl, wearing a classic dress with a white waist, exudes an unruly aura.

The tall maid with goggles gave a sense of boldness and carelessness.

A blond woman like a modern Valkyrie, holding a double-edged sword with a grip like a huge iron plate.

Three monsters from the magic side appeared in front of Floran at this time.

“As you wish, we came to you.” Levinia said quietly: “We are what the man said, Orells side. With the ability, you can end your meaningless life. ”

“Do you want to end? Do you want me to end you?”


Two new emotions appeared in Floran’s eyes.

Killing instinct from the body, and doubts from thinking. Can the three people in front of me end their lives?


As if to answer Floran, Levinia gently lifted the blond hair in her ear.

“Different from the scientific side’s positioning of you, our magic side’s positioning of you has no beginning and end. Just like the Mobius circle, it continues to circulate. The reason for the cycle is because of your purity. ”

“Just like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, they originally had eternal life and were able to live happily and happily in the Garden of Eden. But because of the temptation of the snake, they ate the fruits of good and evil. And because of the fruits of good and evil, their pure nature was tainted. NS.”

“So they were driven out of the paradise, and the infinite life became limited. If I explain this, you should understand?”


“And I’m an expert who specializes in these things. I am an impure and depraved expert.” Levinia said lightly: “So, I can turn your purity into impurity. In this way, you are unlimited. Life will be limited. You will become a being that can be killed.”

“I am a magician, not a volunteer. I can do this for you, but you have to pay the price you deserve. You need to be a bait to help us catch the demon hidden in the dark.”

“I will cut off your limbs and seal you in a coffin at minus 195 degrees. After we draw out the demon god and kill him, I will give you an understanding. This kind of transaction is for you, It should be pretty good, right?”

Like abandoning all feelings, Levinia took out her magic wand and lowered her eyes slightly.

“By the way, you can only accept this transaction, not refuse it.”

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