Chapter 1132

Saul left, left contentedly. The reason is simple, because he has earned enough experience points.

Not only the Thor mode was defeated, even the Almighty God mode was easily cracked. For him, it doesn’t make any sense to continue the fight.

In fact, Sol is really strong. The world came to help him choose a location to attack. This kind of bug-level magic can be said to have made him invincible under the demon god. Defeating the enemy, there is no suspense at all.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Thor is so eager for combat experience. After all, in the state of the Almighty God, even if he defeated the enemy, he would not gain anything.

He desires to fight, and what he desires is not the battle itself. But through fighting, he can gain something.

If Xie Ming does not have the skill of Spartan’s Wrath, unless his swordsmanship breaks through to a master of the same level as the world, or the supreme realm beyond the world level, he may be able to defeat Thor.

Or, by turning on the strongest state, and then forcibly inspiring the Kabbalah tree of life catalogue behind it through strength, in order to forcefully crack the Almighty God of Thor.

But no matter which way it is, it is impossible for him to end perfectly like he is now. Or, it ends up with one’s own defeat. Or, it ends with Sol’s death.

But Xie Ming couldn’t help squinting his eyes when Sol’s words before leaving.

“Gramling is an organization that doesn’t give up until it reaches its goal, but this time it retreats so easily. Of course, there is the reason why I was interfering in it. But what is the main reason, I believe I don’t need to say more. .”

Saul waved his hand at Xie Ming and got into the logistics truck leaving the school city.

“Don’t stop until you reach the goal, then it also means that Gremling has already completed the goal in this city. In other words, they have collected materials for the gun as a substitute for Floran… ”

If there are still qualified materials in this city, I am afraid that there is only that one.

Sure enough, the next day, Xie Ming saw such a news on the Anbu Information Network of Academy City.

“The second imperial superintendent Yuangen mysteriously disappeared.”

After this news silenced Xie Ming for a long time, he picked up the maintenance tools from his side and wiped the two long knives that he had just maintained.

But all in all, Saul’s contented departure finally put an end to this incident. The big family of Ossola Monastery also welcomed a new family member.

But it seemed that Yanis and the others seemed to be used to it, so everyone welcomed Floran’s arrival. However, after knowing the matter, Shen Lihuozhi was a little dissatisfied with Xie Ming.

After all, only the saints can deal with the saints, and it is too dangerous for Xie Ming to fight against the three saints alone. If you call her obviously, the danger will be reduced. But Xie Ming never counted them into the combat effectiveness, and solved everything by himself.

Obviously, on the night in the UK, she deliberately treated her badly, letting her understand that there is a limit to a person’s power, and let her rely more on her companions. As a result, I said one thing and did another thing.

Xie Ming couldn’t help but smile at Shen Lihuozhi’s dissatisfaction, and replied to her quite seriously.

“You just need to be by my side safely, which is a great support and assistance to me.”

By the way, this sentence was said to everyone without any concealment when everyone was there. So please imagine how big the commotion is.


At the beginning of December, Xie Ming walked out of the hospital where the soul chaser was located. Even in the face of a death crisis, he could treat him as calmly as Shisui, his face couldn’t help showing a hint of joy.

The reason is simple, the vaccine for treating Lucia toxin has finally made a breakthrough. Because of the research on the universal element of omnipotent element, Soulchaser successfully broke through the bottleneck in multiple treatment researches.

If you talk about the understanding of Wanyingsu, it can be said that the soul chasing after the earth has stood at the apex of everyone in the city of learning war. Of course, without the information that Xie Ming brought, plus the fact that Soul Chaser only studied the medical effect of Wanying Su, it would not have been possible to achieve success so quickly.

After all, even if you are a genius doctor, you need to accumulate and practice things that are completely unknown before you can put them into application.

According to him, the vaccine has been put into the actual experimental stage. I believe it will not be long before results can be achieved.

I have to say that this news made the stone that had been pressing on Xie Ming’s heart finally showing signs of falling. It can be said that curing Lucia’s physique has become one of Xie Ming’s obsessions.

Now, this obsession is about to be resolved. Thinking of this, Xie Ming felt that his sword skills were showing signs of breaking through.

At this moment, he only wants deep hope, at this critical time, no more moths will come out. Although he knows that this kind of thought itself is a kind of extravagant hope.

Because the gun materials have been collected.

There is such a place on the sea. There is no record on the map or the nautical chart, but the local fishermen know it well and have warned for generations to stay away from the island.

The fishermen call this island the ‘Tomb of the Ship’.

The currents converge and accumulate the drifting objects floating in various places in the sea. The hard reef hung these drifting objects and fixed them there. Later, for various reasons, various things continued to accumulate, and finally an island of debris was formed.

The wreckage of the ship, the decaying wood, the steel covered with iron filings. From ordinary rubber boats to huge battleships, you can see the parts of these ships here.

There can be no such thing as this ‘cemetery of ships’ in the world. But this ship’s cemetery has become the most special cemetery in the world.

Because on this island, there are the most special people in the world, or gods.

Demon God, Ortinus. The black dwarf, Marion Sringnaia. At this moment, the two of them walked through the ruins of the ship covered with seaweed indifferently.

If you want to forge the weapon of the god, the gun of the main god, you need to consider not only materials and energy, but also design drawings. Earth veins, dragon veins, concealment, equipment, etc. are all indispensable.

Because the main god’s gun needs more than just the power of the magic side. The large-scale high-speed parallel calculation device on the scientific side is also indispensable.

Therefore, the ship’s cemetery has become the forging site that they finally decided on.

“How are you preparing?”

Stepping on the rusty deck, Otinus asked faintly.

“It’s almost there.”

Marion shrugged: “The things we need are almost complete, and the rest is the debugging of some details.”

“Soon, we can start.”

“To the Lord God’s Spear, Gunganer’s forging.”

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