Chapter 1146

In a dark world, a world where everything is gone, the young man is lying on the ground, and the girl is sitting next to him.

“I’m also… crazy…. Are you guys… crazier than me…”

Looking at Otinus weakly, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Now I really can only die meaninglessly when I can’t fulfill your wish…”

“I can only keep you…in this dark world…oh… by the way, and the unfortunate guy Kamijou…”

“Stayed in this dark world with a awkward fellow like you… Kamijou Touma is really… so unfortunate…”

“You are such a bastard!!”

Otinus stared at Xie Ming fiercely: “I said, don’t think why things happen as you think!”

“I’m a demon! It’s not something a bastard like you can understand!”

While cursing Xie Ming, a white cone of light appeared on Otinus’ hand.

A magic technique developed by Orells specifically to kill the demon gods, it turns into a fairy. The girl pierced her chest.

100% failure leads to 100% success. The power of the demon god returned to Otinus again.

The next moment, just like time recovering, Xie Ming’s injury was quickly repaired. Although his face was still pale, he had no problems with his body.

It was just because of the fact that the Demon Eye was running at full force, he developed a high fever, who had not been sick for a long time.

“…You can do it like this…”

Xie Ming gave a wry smile and passed out into a coma. It’s just that there is a trace of peace of mind on his face.

“Sure enough, you are the most selfish bastard in the world…”

Otinus really wanted to punch this guy in the face and let out the burning anger in his heart. But seeing his peaceful face, he couldn’t do anything.


He created an ice bag and placed it gently on Xie Ming’s forehead, and Otinus also lay down. Looking at this dark world, he sighed softly.

From the beginning, Otinus had no plans to kill Xie Ming. The reason for destroying the entire world, but leaving Xie Ming here, is also because she wanted to destroy the relationship between herself and Xie Ming.

She wants to return to her original world, so she needs a fantasy killer as the benchmark of the world. But although the fantasy killer is now lodged on the boy named Kamijou Touma, after killing him, the fantasy killer may not appear on him.

In the omnipotent Otinus in this world, only the appearance of the fantasy killer, she cannot control. Therefore, she specifically destroyed the world in order to increase the chance of a fantasy killer appearing on her.

However, she didn’t want to kill Xie Ming, even if the world was destroyed, she didn’t want Xie Ming to die.

As a demon god, Otinus had long seen the aura of other planes in Xie Ming’s body, and she knew that Xie Ming was from other worlds. As the apex of the forbidden world, how could she not know the thousands of planes?

She understood Xie Ming’s character, and knew that if he knew this, he would definitely not leave this world. That’s why she created so many worlds specially and wanted Xie Ming to give up and Xie Ming to leave.

After Xie Ming left, she was going to kill Shang Tiao Dangma, so she could return to the original world. Unfortunately, the final plan did not go well. Instead, let this Damn it guy see everything through.

But incredible, after being successfully stopped by Xie Ming, she didn’t have any negative emotions like unwillingness or anger in her heart. Instead… relieved?


Obviously, I have planned so much, calculated so much, in order to return to the original world. But when lying next to him like this, I felt that this was all right, this was enough.

After all, why did you want to return to the original world?

Yes, he had already said the reason why he wanted to go back.

I am a person who desires to understand, a person who treats himself equally and can lick the wounds of his alienation. It is precisely because I have not encountered it in the transformed world, so I want to go back.

But even if you return to the original world, is there really a person who understands it in that world? Do creatures that become their own understanders really exist in that world?

Even the Demon God in charge of possibility, Otinus couldn’t know this. But there is one thing she still knows, the understander she wants is actually by her side long ago.

Treat yourself equally, not be afraid of the power of your own devil, even if you are treated maliciously by yourself, a man who is willing to pay his life to fulfill his dream.

So what did you just do? Are you letting your own understander…leave yourself?

“It’s so stupid.” Otinus said to himself, “I was infected by the stupidity of your lunatic.”

However, even she had to admit that the young man said that one sentence was correct, that he was such an awkward fellow. And if you are willing to take the initiative to understand such an awkward guy, there is probably only this lunatic, this bastard in the whole world.

After walking around in such a big circle, I found that what I wanted was by my side at the beginning, and I almost gave him away on his own initiative.

“It’s so stupid.”

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and Otinus was smirked by himself.


The hot head and weak body slowly recovered under the blessing of various passive skills. Xie Ming opened his somewhat confused eyes, feeling the cold texture on his head.

“ice bag….?”

“Wake up.”

“Um… Although it’s still a little dizzy, but it’s okay.”

“I didn’t ask about your physical condition.”

Otinus, who was lying on the ground, stood up and stretched out his hand to Xie Ming: “Get up when you lie down enough.”


Borrowing a force from the girl’s hand, Xie Ming stood up and looked at Otinus with his mouth slightly raised in confusion.

“What happened?”

“Nothing, I just want to understand.”


“Things that have nothing to do with you.”

Otinus glanced at the dark world for the last time, and then set his gaze on Xie Ming’s body.

“Well, now that you are awake. Then, go ahead.”


Xie Ming blinked, a little confused: “Continue what?”

“Go on, the original world.”


The crisp sound of snapping fingers spread slowly in the dark world, and the white light occupied the field of vision.

In the original world, there is not necessarily an understander. But the original world, the world with Xie Ming’s hard work experience and results, has Xie Ming, an understander who is willing to sacrifice himself to achieve his dreams.

So now it’s her turn to sacrifice her dreams to become her own understanding.

Although, my dream has actually been realized. But let’s not talk about this kind of thing, who would know? Wait, with this guy’s head, maybe you can really guess it…

Well, forget it, just guess it.

As your own understander, if you can’t even notice this, let him be kept in the dark.

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