Chapter 1148

High in the sky, Xie Ming holding Otinus was flying at full speed. The destination is the location of the spring referred to by Oetinus: Denmark.

“In Denmark, there is a fountain of wisdom called Mimir’s Fountain, where my eyes are soaked.”

With his hands wrapped around Xie Ming’s neck, Otinus squinted his eyes while looking at the clouds passing by.

“In other planes, do you exist a lot?”

“There are still a lot of guys who are stronger than me.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “But there shouldn’t be many people who are similar to my power system.”

After all, they are not freaks, who dare to fuse different powers casually. If one is not good, there may be conflicts between forces and explode. If there was no one-time imperial tool transformed by the main god space, Xie Ming would not dare to make such a bold attempt.


Otinus nodded approvingly: “You lunatic, it’s better not to have too much.”

“Hahahaha, I’m so embarrassed.”

“I didn’t praise you.”

“By the way, Otinus, are we moving in the direction of Denmark? Although I have probably identified the direction of Northern Europe, I don’t know the exact location.”

“…I should have understood that you guy is definitely not as reliable as it seems.”

Some helplessly covering his face, Otinus glanced at the stars in the sky: “No problem, the general direction is correct. At the current speed, in about ten minutes, you should be able to reach the border of Denmark. ”

“When the time comes, you can just follow my command to fly.”

“Well, the premise is that there is no obstruction…”

Xie Ming, who felt tingling in his head, raised his head. Mind and intuition told him that if he didn’t use any means, he would be seriously injured.

“A technological weapon.”

Otinus also raised his head: “Although this attack is nothing for the complete Demon God. With your reaction speed, you should be able to avoid this attack.”


“You can’t get out of it.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said helplessly: “Academy City, these bastards, just want to take this opportunity to get rid of me?”


Xueyuan City has three satellites in space, one of which is named Queqiao II. This satellite has a system called S5.

The SpaceSaveSupplyShootSystem (SpaceSaveSupplyShootSystem) produces a large number of cumulonimbus clouds by pumping a large amount of mixed nutrient water into the desert planet, thereby creating a planet where humans can survive. After all, the source of life is water.

Very simple and rude, but effective plan. But how can the upper strata allocate funds to realize such an inconsequential plan for the development of planets? Obviously, there are more practical uses.

As a result, S5 has become the strongest military weapon system in Academy City. The water inside, which was originally intended to be the source of life, has also become artificially set up intermolecular water that will not vaporize even if it reaches 100 degrees Celsius.

In other words, it turns water into a powerful bomb.

English was continuously displayed on the screen of the satellite’s automation system, and various indicators flashed one after another.

The target is detected to stop the movement, and the lock is successful.

The mode is set to “attack”.

Conveying cartridge case·Choose size C. Carry out non-destructive final inspection of electromagnetic field and ultrasound. The inspections of air tightness, cushioning, heat resistance and other items are all completed. Please refer to the report for details.

Gas combustion system, magnetic system, electromagnetic projection system, three items are completed at the same time.

The magnetic and electrical conductivity of the liquid drive shaft has been confirmed. The intermolecular bonding is reset by vibration.

The initial speed of the gun body is 1500kmh, the surface terminal speed is 31000kmh, and the speed parameters are set.

Make sure that the ballistic operation starts. Solar wind, debris, geomagnetism, gravity, and centrifugal force all pass. Please refer to the report for details.

The parameter setting is completed.

S5, enter the final launch state.

The final count starts.



The blooming white light beam descended from the sky, and the dazzling light even made people think that a second sun appeared in the sky. But in fact, it is not the sun, but something that can be sublimated by the sun.

H2O, a collection of water.

The water vapor explosion caused by the friction of the air, and the high-pressure water gun formed by the high pressure, its super destructive power can even directly cause an annular desert with a diameter of up to 15 kilometers on the ground.

It can be said that this is an alternative, but more in line with the actual mobile energy weapon. Under the dual blessing of the speed bonus and the particularity of water, this attack is cost-effective and destructive. As a weapon for killing gods, it is really too suitable.

“The Earthly Sword Art, Yao.”

Holding Otinus in one hand, the other hand suddenly pulled out the demon sword, the black seven-pointed star turned into a strong shield, and it blocked the water beam from the universe.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom…”

Successive explosions kept pressing on Xie Ming’s body, causing the two of them to get closer and closer to the ground. The strong impact caused the seven-pointed star blade energy composed of pure energy to melt into orange and start to shatter.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh, this is really…”

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming’s hands suddenly showed hideous scarlet cage hands, and a strong and powerful voice came into the ears of the two of them.


The doubled energy was injected into the light of the knife, adding a touch of bright red to the dark seven-pointed star array. But it was this bright color that stabilized the sword energy formation.

A huge mushroom cloud slowly rises from this high altitude several kilometers from the ground.


Xie Ming has no spare time to appreciate the spectacle that only appears in science fiction. He has never had a good impression of Mushroom Cloud. After all, whoever has personally experienced a nuclear explosion will have a shadow over this stuff.

After dispelling the bad mood, Xie Ming looked down. The small village below is still safe and sound, and has not been affected.

Logically speaking, Xie Ming should be able to continue on his way. It’s just that he didn’t move forward, but stayed where he was.

Because not far away, a fast approaching supersonic fighter is coming here. A white-haired and red-eyed guy standing steadily above had an extremely unhappy expression on his face.

“A matter of course.”

Xie Ming shrugged: “The strongest force in the Academy City is never a high-tech product, but a super power development.”

“Is it, one side passes?”

“What the hell did you bastard do?”

With a light step on the soles of the feet, the white-haired monster rushed towards Xie Ming with a low growl.

“It’s not clear in a few words.” He flashed the pounce lightly, and took a slight breath with one hand. The first person who turned on the reflex all the time was held in his hand.

“By the way, why did you come here again. Don’t the little guy at home take care of it?”

“Whose fault do you think!?”

“Well, I admit that I was wrong about this. However, let me be a little headstrong once in a while.”

With a subtle movement, Xie Ming flashed past the attack of one party, and Xie Ming said with a light smile.

“Anyway, you can’t beat me, so come here for a scene, just deal with it. Then, say hello to the last one for me, goodbye~”

After speaking, his arms bulged slightly, and Xie Ming threw out what he was holding.

“You bastard~~~”

Listening to the voice of one party passing further and further away, Xie Ming looked at Ortinus next to him: “Okay, let’s move on.”

“……. Let me explain first, the direction you just lost is not the direction of Academy City.”

“…Well, it’s not a kid, that guy should be able to go back.”

I guess so.

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