Chapter 1150

After Xie Ming uttered the word “arrogance”, there was suddenly no sound behind the communicator. And Vasilisha’s expression instantly became extremely anxious. Sasha also raised another torture weapon to do it, but it was stopped.

Because their further actions will only make the situation worse.

“no surprise…..”

Shaking his dizzy head, Xie Ming laughed.

“I don’t know how your technique was formed, but I understand one thing. That is that this technique in the name of [Seven Deadly Sins] is definitely not a judgment on sin.”

“Just now, you named me seven great sins. For each great sin, my body loses one-seventh of its strength. But if it all works, I should have died of exhaustion by now. . But as you can see I am still standing here, so why?”

“That’s because I didn’t confess all of the crimes you mentioned from the bottom of my heart.”

Indeed, Xie Ming believes that he is unique and capable of being an enemy of the world. If this matter is defined as [arrogance], he does not think there is any problem.

If Otinus is such a lovely and beautiful girl, it would be too hypocritical to say that Xie Ming didn’t have any thoughts about her body. Therefore, he did not deny the definition of lust.

But other definitions of serious crimes are really far-fetched.

I stopped the action because I was attacked by the technique. Is this [lazy]? What’s a joke, it’s because Otinus is asleep next to him, afraid of being shot by you.

It is nonsense to protect her because he wants to [greedy] the exclusive power of Otinus. The girls are so weak that they are so weak, so what is the power to change the world? And even if the girl is in her heyday, he will not approach each other out of a ‘covetous’ mentality.

Want to vent your emotions and squander your strength, so you are convicted of [anger]? What a joke, if Xie Ming is really such a person, then I don’t know how many planes have already been destroyed.

Because of [jealous], so take important members from other magic organizations? Why should he be jealous of an organization that he can simply destroy? Enough support? If this term is defined as [Lexus], Xie Ming really has nothing to refute.

But defined as [jealous]? What are you thinking about?

The last thing is [gluttony]. It’s too far-fetched to think about it. Because I like to enjoy food, so it is [gluttony]? [Greedy] It’s pretty much the same.

So in fact Xie Ming lost only two-sevenths of what he did not deny. The reason why the young archbishop uttered a kind of guilt, he appeared weaker, it was pure acting.

After all, he is now in an extremely weak state. He has activated the True Red Dragon Emperor twice in a short period of time, and these active skills have fallen into the commonly known cooling time.

The wave of killing intent cannot be activated, the Fury of Spartan cannot be activated, and the Cage Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor can only use a few abilities in the most basic state. Therefore, he has no power to fight back with this technique that can work against the demon god.

Therefore, Xie Ming can only obtain it through acting skills and understand this technique to formulate countermeasures. And now, he has succeeded.

“To misinterpret the target’s behavior and transform the falsehood into a realistic attack technique. This is the truth of your so-called ‘Russian adultism’. So in essence, this is a debate.”

It doesn’t need to be correct, just refute the other party and let the other party admit it, then it will take effect. But if the other party does not admit it and refutes the caster, then the effect may also be applied to the caster.

“Then, let me refute you, kiddo.”

Xie Ming grinned and said faintly: “First of all, it is [arrogance]. Directly attack others regardless of the situation, and judge others’ lives without authorization. You are too [arrogant]!”

“So what about you!? What about you! Help the root of chaos in the world and shelter world-class villains! Don’t you know how sinful you are like this!?”

“Yes, I admit that my behavior is definitely not correct. But is it not correct behavior, is it wrong? This is the same as dividing the world into good and evil, white and black, it is too naive NS!”

The strength gradually returned to the body, Xie Ming borrowed the force of the cane to stand up again: “No matter how big the sin Otinus commits, she will be killed indiscriminately, she will be judged, and she must be judged. This is the path to peace, should you think so?”

“What’s the problem!? It’s not just us, most people in the world think so!”

“That’s why you are too naive!”

Xie Ming yelled coldly: “Even if you actually killed Otinus, how do you plan to solve Gramlyn, who is the leader of her? You just said that you plan to kill us and use our bodies for research. If you don’t see a person or a corpse, you just declare that Otinus is dead. How many people do you think will believe it?!”

“Want to take this opportunity to kill me, it is your [anger] of Russian adulthood! It is your [greed] who wants to use our body for research!”

“In terms of stepping back ten million steps, even if you are really successful, and even take the body of Otinus to an outside exhibition, how many people will believe it? Regarding the power of the demon god of Otinus as a life-saving As far as the straw people are concerned, will they believe it?”

“No! They will only think that Otinus is just guilty of death, and will reappear after a while. Once this kind of information spreads, then the unfounded fear will always spread in the world, and then cooperate with Gramlin. Will the world be peaceful with the terrorist activities of the remnants?”

“Yes! As long as we continue to eliminate rumors and continue to disclose information and content, then people will believe it one day!”

“So before this one day comes, innocent people will die, and how many people will suffer misfortune? Don’t think about this, just think about your own convenience, you are really [lazy]!”


“You were so refuted by me, you should be very [angry] in your heart now?” Xie Ming sneered: “Then, there are the last three.”

“Listen to your voice, you should be young and look very pitiful. In disgusting terms, you should be a cute little boy, right? So how much is caused by your appearance? What about the ugly emotions in the human heart? Is this a kind of “lust”?”

“You bastard!!”

“Oh, Lord Supreme Bishop, are you now [angry] again?”

Xie Ming squinted his eyes and lightly touched the ground with his cane: “You should also be aware of my strength, so the best way to win should be to gather all your strength to fight against it. However, you only sent two of you Russian Adult Education, oh no , Two people brought a communicator over.”

“Do you want to monopolize this credit? Because you have been tricked by the fire on the right, which has led to the decline of Russia’s international status, you must be very [jealous]?”

“Finally, a few of us are standing on the snowy field in the northern land and are suffering from the cold. Where are you brat? It should be in a warm and gorgeous room with sweet and delicious expensive on the table in front of you. Black tea and expensive snacks?”

“Do you think this is a kind of [gluttony]?”

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