Chapter 1173 Scum

“Um… Elimination can be eliminated, but I have a better solution.”

Looking at the Yangyan fireball that could directly blow up a city, Xie Ming smiled, and slowly lifted into the air: “Come on, throw it down, let me see if your ability to rely on the battle can save your life. .”

“Hahahahaha, then you can take a good look! Then in pain and regret, die!!!”

With that, the Golden Face Vulcan threw a fireball.


Calmly watching the fire group quickly approaching him, Xie Ming stretched out his right hand. A hideous scarlet cage hand appeared on the right hand. Gently, he caught this group of pure Yang Yan.

“How…how could it be…”

Looking at the unmoving pure Sun Yan underneath, the golden-faced Vulcan’s red eyes that were rendered by the demon power and flames were directly filled with bloodshot eyes: “You!! Who are you!!?”

“I’ve said it since the beginning, my name is Xie Ming.”

Gently pushing Pure Yangyan, Xie Ming slowly approached the Golden Face Vulcan: “I have been called this name since I was born. Of course, I still have a name.”

“It’s called Uranus Temple Houtaro.”

“Could it be! Could it be that!!! Could it be that!!!”

“Do you know why I can eliminate your flames, but not directly, but in this troublesome way?”

Xie Ming smiled slightly: “The so-called despair is the feeling of powerlessness that can’t change the reality when you use all your means. You are honored. What you just said made me a little angry.”

“So, in return for making me angry, I will grant you despair.”

One step, one step, another step. The fireball slowly lifted into the sky, slowly approaching the Golden Face Vulcan. Even if the Golden Face Vulcan tried his best to control the fireball and suppress Xie Ming, it was of no use.

Even he couldn’t even detonate it.

“Even if this spell called Pure Sun Flame is more restrained and miraculous for the Monster Race, it is only an ability developed by the Superman of the Pollution System through life energy evolution. What’s more, it is not the so-called so-called use of it. A true Eastern Spirit Race.”

“Really feel the despair spreading in your heart at this time, Golden Face Vulcan “Sir”?”

“You…you…you monster!!! Don’t come over!!!”


The huge fireball suddenly exploded and turned into a sky full of fireworks. And Xie Ming came to Tu Shan Honghong with the golden-faced Vulcan who was scorched all over his body.

“Red girl, fortunately not insulting her life.”


He glanced at Xie Ming calmly, and then looked at the other members of the Yiqi Dao League, Tu Shanhong said lightly: “Tushan’s rules, you guys who have been here many times, shouldn’t need me to say more. What’s up.”


The men collectively stepped back, and after looking at each other, looked at Xie Ming nervously: “You…really, that adult in the legend?”

“No, I’m not that handsome.”

Xie Ming turned over Byakugan and returned to the wall with the golden face Vulcan: “Girl Rongrong, what should this guy do.”


He opened his eyes slightly, looked at the coke in Xie Ming’s hand a few times, and Tu Shan smiled softly.

“All in all, let’s hand him to Sister Cuiyuling first. Everyone in the guard, please take the following guests and follow the old rules.”

“Yes, Lord Rongrong.”

“Then, please trouble Master Xie Ming to carry this guest and come with me.”

“Little things.”

Throwing the broken rod casually, using mental power to control it to set up the golden-faced Vulcan, Xie Ming and Tu Shan Rongrong walked into the Fengji City.


If it is said that Tu Yamanaka has the best medical skills, then everyone will think of a beautiful woman with an elegant green dress, Cuiyuling. Of course, the Jade Spirit is also a monster. However, she is not a fox demon, but a leech demon.

That’s right, the prototype of Jade Spirit is a leech. And it is not an ordinary leech, but the king of leeches.

Xie Ming was greeted warmly by the girl when he led the golden-faced Vulcan to the hospital. The reason is naturally that she is very curious about Xie Ming.

But when she saw the golden-faced fire god who was similar to Coke and learned his true identity, the warm smile on her face brought a little coldness. And one more person came to the hospital.

Just a few months ago, I had been living in Tushan with the money I got from the Tiger and Crane Shuangxian and Yumian Feng-kun, Dongfang Yuechu.

“Big Brother Xie Ming!!”

Pushing open the door of the medical hall abruptly, Dongfang Yuechu came in bluntly: “I heard that you severely injured the golden face master uncle?”

“Aren’t you lying on the ground?”

Xie Ming motioned to the golden-faced Vulcan who was thrown on the ground at will and received Tu Shan Rongrong’s treatment: “Why, he is your master uncle?”

“Isn’t that of course! He is kind to our Dongfang family!”

Dongfang Yuechu smiled brightly: “At the beginning, he pretended to be chased by his enemy, and then he was rescued by my grandfather. After that, he became the chief disciple of my grandfather, and my mother and my aunt were both his junior sisters. .”

“My master uncle is very interesting, a lot of age still pesters my aunt and my mother, but my mother and aunt ignored him. Seeing that I can’t get the Eastern spirit blood from my aunt and my mother. , He paid attention to my grandfather. Taking advantage of this, he sneaked up on his own master.”

“I exchanged my own blood with my grandfather’s blood using the secret technique of blood exchange that I didn’t know where I got, and thus obtained the spiritual blood of our Eastern family. After witnessing this, my aunt was married in order to protect me and my mother. The big families in the Dao League, the royal family, in exchange for protection. Since then, the Eastern family has completely declined.”

“Hehehe, the secret method of blood exchange may come from our leech family.”

Cui Yuling chuckled a few times, but there was no smile in her voice: “At the beginning there was a cutie in our clan who was abducted by a handsome guy, but after a while, we were in a pharmacy in a city. Her packed body was found in it.”

“Essence and blood are drained, like dead wood. That kind of appearance is exactly the same as those demon races who were refined into pill by refining demon pill. It seems that he not only deceived us from the little cute in our clan. The clan’s secret blood exchange method also used all of the things by the way, refining her into a scarlet blood demon pill to use the secret blood exchange method.”

“After all, there is no demon power, it is impossible to use the secret method of blood exchange.”

“…… This guy really shows the scum attribute to the fullest.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at the golden-faced Vulcan, who had already recovered halfway: “Anyway, he is going to be abolished, or he will be handed over to you?”

“Yes… His ugly skin is really not worthy of the spiritual blood flowing in the body.” Cui Yuling covered his mouth with a smile: “Please trouble Master Xie Ming to hand him over to me and Hong Hong.”

“I do not mind.”

Shrugging, Xie Ming walked out of the door: “If you need help, just call me. I’ll go on patrol first.”


Dongfang Yuechu was stunned for a moment, looked at the Golden Face Vulcan, gritted his teeth, and then chased it out.

“Brother Xie Ming! Big Brother Xie Ming wait for me!!”

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