Chapter 120

“I’m going to Asuna’s house today…..oh~” Xie Ming, who came out of the maze area on the 74th floor, sighed again thinking about this. You know, going to someone else’s house is very troublesome. Even if the two are very familiar now, some routines can be avoided. But if she didn’t bring the souvenir, even if the girl didn’t say anything, she would still mind.

Xie Ming was so worried, wandering in the forest outside the labyrinth area, suddenly remembered something.

“Speaking of which, the only S-grade ingredient that Kirito gets in the plot is here…it seems to be called, Chowder Rabbit?” Then, a rabbit with red eyes met him unexpectedly.

The whole body is snow-white, his ears are dancing behind his head like two pieces of noodles, and his red eyes are shining. One person and one rabbit looked at each other blankly for a few seconds, and time seemed to stand still.

The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times, “It wouldn’t be such a coincidence.” However, the name that appeared on the rabbit’s head had already undoubtedly indicated that it was a chowder rabbit. The rabbit also reacted and ran away.

“Keng.” A large sword stuck in front of it, blocking its way. Then a big hand grabbed its two ears and picked it up. The little rabbit twisted and struggled desperately, but this didn’t get him out of clutches.

Xie Ming grabbed the rabbit with one hand, and pulled the Avenger out with the other, and inserted it back into his waist. “Since you met, you are welcome.” The tone was light, but the happy emotions could be heard.

S-level ingredients, chowder rabbit, successfully captured. You know, the rarity of S-level ingredients in SAO is one of the best, and it is comparable to top-level equipment. Now he has reached the 74th floor. In nearly three-quarters of the floors, Xie Ming has only obtained S-level ingredients three times.

The first time I couldn’t wait to eat it, and the second time I hosted Asuna.

“It’s such a blessed woman.” Xie Ming sighed.


55th floor, Grandsam.

Xie Ming found a corner in the portal square, yawned against the wall, bored and threw the chowder rabbit back and forth in front of the ball. I believe that if this rabbit is alive, there are definitely 10,000 alpacas running continuously in his heart at this time.

Is there anyone who abuses animals like this, can you please have a good time! If you want to kill, you want to kill whatever you want, but is it too much for you to play this rabbit as a ball! ? Anyway, it is also an S-grade ingredient!

“Edmond, I’ve been waiting for a long time~” Asuna’s soft voice came from the front, and Xie Ming raised her head. Watching Asuna trot over, her chestnut hair was fluttering. However, behind him was closely followed by a very obvious cheekbone, a skull face with a deep hatred. As for the name, Xie Ming has forgotten.

Xie Ming yawned and said, “Ah, here it is. Then let’s go.” He continued to play with the snow-white ‘ball’ in his hand.

“Um~ I just wanted to ask.” Asuna looked at the things in Xie Ming’s hand curiously, “What are you holding?”

“This?” Xie Ming threw the’ball’ into Asuna’s arms and said: “S-grade ingredients, chowder rabbit. Today, I will go to your home souvenir.”

Asuna looked at the unlovable rabbit, her eyes sparkled with dazzling light: “S-grade ingredients? Is this something you gave me?”

“There are still fakes, so hurry up. It’s up to your cooking skills today. If it doesn’t taste good, it will be wasted.”

“Well, leave it to me!” Asuna straightened her chest and said proudly: “I have mastered my cooking skills some time ago~”

“Oh. Very powerful.” Xie Ming replied with expressionless clapping hands.

Asuna puffed up her face and stared at Xie Ming dissatisfiedly: “There is no sincerity at all.” Then she glanced at the rabbit in her arms, and immediately lost her dissatisfaction. “Then let’s go quickly.” Then suddenly remembering something, he glanced at the skull face behind him and said faintly

“Klatil, it’s okay today. It’s a hard work.”

Klatil coldly glanced at Xie Ming, who was yawning next to him, and looked at Asuna and said, “Asuna-sama, you can’t invite people to your home casually, let alone this notorious one. Murderer.”

Because Asuna’s reputation is so great, some unpleasant things often happened before. For this, the Knights of the Blood Alliance specially formulated a policy, and a guard was placed next to each high-level. And Asuna’s guard is this Klatil.

With this guardian status, Kladier often intervenes in Asuna’s private affairs, which has caused Asuna a headache and dissatisfaction. It can be described as a model of holding chicken feathers as an arrow.

Hearing this name, coupled with his identity as Asuna’s guard, immediately reminded Xie Ming of the plot in the original book. This person can be described as a pseudo-kun with inconsistent appearances. The surface is high-sounding, but the inside is filthy. It’s the murderer’s guild, the spy hidden by Smiling Coffin in the Knights of the Blood Alliance.

In the original book, Kirito and Heathcliff duel, Heathcliff started the action to accelerate and defeated Kirito, making Kirito join the Knights of the Blood Alliance. Arranged for him, Klatil, and another cheerful and strong member to perform the task as the captain. In this mission, the captain confiscated all their crystals, including detoxification crystals, in order to strengthen the relationship between the members.

However, the tragedy just happened. Kratiel, who was in charge of food preparation, dropped a paralyzing poison in the water, leaving the other two people in a state of immobility. First killed the captain with a very cruel method, and then began to torture Kirito slowly. Just as Kirito’s life was at stake, Asuna rushed to save Kirito. Asuna’s quick attack left him no place to fight back.

However, at this time, Kradier used Asuna’s kindness to expose her flaws and knocked Asuna’s weapon away, and wanted to kill Kirito and Asuna together. In the end, Kirito, who recovered instantly, pierced his belly with a knife and died.

Remembering this incident, Xie Ming glanced at Klatil indifferently. Now that the smiling coffin was wiped out by him, would this person still commit such a crime? Do you want to kill him in advance to avoid future troubles?

Asuna heard the insults of Xie Ming by Kradier, her eyes showed a trace of disgust and anger: “Kradier, I don’t want to hear from your mouth all your insults and prejudice against him.”

“But, Asuna-sama!”

“Let’s go, Edmond.” Looking at Klatil coldly, who was still trying to say something, Asuna grabbed Xie Ming’s hand and walked to the portal to ignore it.

Before leaving, Xie Ming glanced at Klatil meaningfully, only he knew the meaning in his eyes.

As for the clown, Kladier was so cold that he could not breathe until the two figures left. Immediately afterwards, the fear that had just filled my heart turned into jealousy and resentment.

“Edmond… Dantes.” In a cold tone, he said the name.

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