Chapter 1206

“Speaking of which, Hu Talang, it seems that you just said something very important?”

Suddenly, Chihaya fell into entanglement: “It seems to be… something related to Zhu Yin?”

“Huh? There are indeed some problems with Zhu Yin, and you need the four of you to work together to do it.” Xie Ming unhurriedly explained to Qianzao what was going on right now. Listening, Chihaya’s eyes are gradually getting bigger.

“That’s not a serious matter! Why didn’t you talk about it earlier!!”

“…Yes, why didn’t I tell you about this earlier?”



There was a brief silence in the room, and the two looked at each other, and then had their own reactions.

Qianzao sighed deeply, while Xie Ming slowly held his forehead and muttered: “I forgot, Qianzao has this extremely contagious’Phoenix virus’.”

“Hey, I can hear you whispering there~” Chihaya glared at him, and then began to look around: “But it’s been so long, why haven’t I seen Sakiya? I remember him at the time. I said that when I see Hu Tailang again, I have to take a good lesson.”

“Speaking of it, there seems to be something like this.”

Patting his head, Xie Ming smiled bitterly and said: “Chihaya, according to the current northern demon emperor Shi Kuan, Sakuya he…”

“Northern Demon Emperor Shi Kuan? Who is he?”

“Well, I haven’t told you what is going on in the Northern Territory now. In fact, it was after you fell asleep…Wait, I ran off again!!”

“Wow! Hu Talang, why are you suddenly shouting so loudly!? It’s terrifying!”

“…Let me calm down.”

He rubbed his face fiercely with both hands, Xie Ming organized his thoughts in his head. What kind of explanatory method can be used to make her understand the current situation without being biased by Chihaya.

After much deliberation, there is still only this one.

“That, Chihaya?”


He took out a few bags of snacks bought from Xueyuan City from his portable space and put them beside Qianzao, Xie Ming said solemnly.

“All in all, you eat snacks first, and slowly listen to what I have experienced and the changes in this world, okay?”

“Wow~ It’s a snack, I haven’t eaten it for a long time.”

Chihaya happily opened a pack of snacks, put the puffed food in it into his mouth, and made a chewing sound of ‘click, click,’: “Well, okay, Hu Tailang, please explain.”

“…This is a serious matter, so listen carefully?”

“Don’t worry, I will listen carefully.”


To be honest, Xie Ming felt in his heart that when he had finished speaking, he might have made a lot of progress if he could understand it early. Therefore, my heart is very disturbed.

But these things will not work if you don’t talk about them…

“You must listen carefully?”

“Hu Talang, you’re so long-winded, are you getting older?”


The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, Xie Ming took a deep breath and calmed down, and then began to explain slowly.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of ‘click, click’.


“That’s about it…”

“…Well, I don’t know much about complicated things, but in a nutshell, there are only a few things that Hu Tailang wants to explain, right.”

Chihaya stretched out a finger: “First, besides us, Hu Tailang found two more women outside, as well as a daughter and a contract creature, right?”

“Little girl, who is a contracted creature.”

Otinus couldn’t help showing up, sitting on Xie Ming’s shoulder and glaring Chihaya: “This man is my understander. We are directly in this relationship.”


Looking at Ortinus blankly for a few seconds, Chihaya blinked, as if thinking hard: “So, what kind of relationship is the understanding person?”



Silently pulled down his wide brim to cover his face, Otinus’ voice was full of helplessness.

“You just understand that the relationship between you and the man named Sakiya is enough.”

“Ah~ I see, I said that earlier.”


“Really, then that’s it. Next is the second point.” Chihaya continued with his second finger, “Zhu Yin has become abnormal because of the saint of Gaia. So he didn’t fall asleep, and It’s doing bad things outside.”

“…Something is incorrect.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “Thousands of years, you should have known that multiple personality is such a mental illness? Simply put, Zhu Yin got this disease. The Qianli Zhuyin we knew went into a deep sleep normally, and the abnormal Jiadao Zhuyin was doing bad things. .”

“Haha….. Almost understand.”

Seemingly nodding, Chihaya raised his third finger: “The next third thing is about Sakiya. You think, Sakiya may have received the news of the bad Zhu Yin before leaving. Northern Territory. The result was probably controlled by Bad Zhu Yin in some way, right?”

“Yeah. So I want Chihaya to see what happened to the monster contract between you and Sakiya.”

“Um… it’s still connected.”

Chihaya closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then opened his eyes again, but his expression became serious, and it seemed that he finally felt very serious.

“Although it is still connected, the contract seems to have been contaminated by something dark, and it is on the verge of being cut off. If it is some time in the evening, I am afraid that Sakuya will be taken away.”

“But now, as long as I strengthen the contract, I should be able to summon Sakiya again after a while. But in that case, I might be discovered by the bad Zhu Yin.”

“How to do?”

The clear blue pupils looked at Xie Ming, and Chihaya seriously asked, “Is it necessary to wait until I get together with everyone and find the position of the bad Zhu Yin before strengthening it. Or is it now?”


Without hesitation, Xie Ming said decisively: “But Chihaya, you may have to work harder. While strengthening, you have to find the position of Kashima Zhuyin through the World Tree.”

“…It’s okay.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s answer, Chihaya smiled happily and patted his chest lightly: “I am, Contract Sakuya’s strongest monster!”

“Ok, I know.”

Xie Ming also showed a gentle smile: “Let’s work hard together and wake up our minister.”

“But in the final analysis, it’s Hu Talang that you come back too late for such a thing, isn’t it?”


The words were like a sharp knife directly inserted into Xie Ming’s chest, letting him cover his heart, not knowing how to answer.

“And let’s forget about it. We are still looking for a woman outside. I think if Zhu Yin knew, even if there was no reason for the Saint Gaia, she would be angry.”

The second knife was stabbed hard.

“It’s better to say that if you change to someone else, you should teach Hu Tailang the most correct behavior. If you know it, Sakiya will definitely fight you.”

“Cough… Chihaya…”


“Man, no, be merciful…”


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