Chapter 122

74th floor, Andi, Portal Plaza.

Xie Ming had been waiting here for nearly an hour. Had it not been for Xie Ming who knew that Asuna was the kind of person who would definitely observe the time, she would have left her hands long ago. Open the menu and bring up the friend list from it. A few poor friends appeared in front of Xie Ming.

Edmund Dantes, Argo, Asuna, Silica.

Yes, gratifying, gratifying, gratifying, Xie Ming has added a new friend, Silica, to his friends list. It has been one and a half years since SAO started serving. Xie Ming has added 3 friends in total. In other words, Xie Ming only adds a friend every six months. But from the perspective of others, this is really an indescribable sadness.

But there is a benefit to having fewer friends, that is, safety. In the friend system, there is a friend tracking device that can find the current location of the friend. The team system can also query the location of teammates. So in SAO, if you accidentally add someone with bad intentions into your friends, then you may be in danger.

Seeing Asuna’s current location at Selmu Brook on the 61st floor, Xie Ming frowned: “What is this Nizi doing? Overslept?” Then he was about to send her a message. It was discovered that Asuna’s position had begun to change, and it became a 74-story Andi.

Then there was an exclamation from behind: “Hurry up and get away!!”

Xie Ming turned around and looked at the girl who leaped over. While his mind was full of black lines, his body was not idle. Turning sideways, squatting, holding the girl’s legs with one hand and her waist with the other, saving the girl in the form of a standard princess hug, allowing her to avoid intimate contact with the ground.

Asuna subconsciously hugged Xie Ming’s neck and blushed as she looked at the purple pupils that were slowly extinguishing.

Xie Ming looked at the girl in his arms with black lines in his head: “Little girl, is this the surprise you have prepared for me for so long?”

“Of course not! You don’t know what I experienced this morning…” Asuna complained.

“Oh, but then again, are you sure that we both want to keep this position? Everyone around is pointing.”

“Ah!” Asuna reacted and quickly jumped from Xie Ming’s arms and hid behind him, her face flushed. Immediately after the portal, there was another wave. A heavy armor with a white background and a red border style, coupled with the iconic skull face, did not need to say who came.

“Klatil…” Asuna shrank behind Xie Ming, as if trying to hide with his body. However, it is a pity that if Xie Ming’s figure is more plump, he might be able to hide it. It’s a pity that Xie Ming has never been associated with the term “fullness” since he was a child. No matter how much he eats, his body is still the same.

Kratiel looked around, then found his goal and the characters he didn’t want to see, and frowned, “Asuna-sama, please don’t be willful. Come back to the guild headquarters with me.”

“I don’t want it!” Asuna looked at the man with a dissatisfaction, “Besides, why did you ambush near my house early in the morning!”

“…Isn’t it.” Xie Ming looked at the skull face with a speechless expression, and his expression slowly developed in the direction of pervert.

However, Kradier didn’t realize it at all, and said with a serious face: “I had expected this situation a long time ago. I have been monitoring you, Asuna-sama near Selmu Brook for a month ago.”

“……Oh My God.”

“This shouldn’t be the command of the head!!” Asuna shuddered and shouted.

“My task is to protect Asuna-sama, so of course the surveillance of the residence is also included…” Kradier said, “What are you talking about?”

Xie Ming could clearly feel that Asuna was completely blown up behind her. She shouted: “Not included! Stupid!”

“Oh~” Kladier sighed and walked slowly over: “Asuna-sama, please don’t say these willful words. Okay, please come back with me.” He stretched out his hand and wanted to remove Asuna behind Xie Ming. Nora came out.

“Oh~ you are really going to cause me trouble.” Xie Ming said helplessly to Asuna behind him, and then stood in front of Kradier.

Kradier stiffened, and then looked at Xie Ming coldly: “So your Excellency Edmond is going to interfere with the internal affairs of the Knights of the Blood Alliance?”

“This sentence, if you are the head of your group, it is almost the same as I said.” Xie Ming said lightly: “Your deputy head has an appointment with me today, so you should go back first. As for her safety, I will protect her. If you can’t, you are in vain.”

“Don’t be kidding!” Kladier roared, “Isn’t it the most dangerous thing to be by your side!? You murderer!”

“Kladier! You…” Asuna wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xie Ming.

Looking at Klatil, who was in the dark, Xie Ming said indifferently: “Then do you understand? You are talking to a murderer. Do you…want to die?”


“Also, what I’m talking about is not a request, it’s a request. You are not worthy to make terms with me. You can truthfully report today’s matter to Heathcliff, and it doesn’t matter if you add some modification.” Xie Ming turned around and glanced at his face. Kladier, who was suffocated into the color of pig liver, dropped the last sentence.

“Besides, if I want to kill your deputy commander or other people, can I stop it with you?” Then he pulled Asuna away from the portal square where the crowds were gradually gathering, leaving Kradier trembling all over. .


On the way to the labyrinth area, Asuna kept staring at Xie Ming’s back with maroon eyes, smiling from time to time.

“Asuna, you’d better dismiss this pervert as soon as possible.” Xie Ming said with his head clasped, “I was a little bit ridiculous when I heard those words just now.”

“Don’t, don’t talk about him anymore.” Asuna rubbed her arms, and her expression was a little gloomy: “In fact, the cause of this incident is because of me. It’s all because I added a lot of rules to the members for the strategy, which led to the guild now. The atmosphere is so depressing.”

“But thanks to you, your Raiders team’s strategy is so fast, isn’t it?” Xie Ming walked ahead and said, “Although, personally, it’s just a group of people who want to grab the boss with me.”


“Okay, put it all down today and relax.”

Asuna gave a faint smile and caught up with Xie Ming: “Yes, let me listen to you today and relax. You play avant-garde.”

“…Oh.” Xie Ming looked helplessly at Asuna who left her and ran forward, and muttered: “Sure enough, a woman turned her face like a book. Just now she had a low face, but now she is happy. .”

“What more! Come here quickly, or I will leave you behind~” Xie Ming shook his head as she looked at Asuna who waved at her, and accelerated her pace.

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