Chapter 1238 We, See You Again (Four Thousand Words)

The battle is relatively fierce.

Lucia’s body has been entwined with fragmented starlight, and the astral power enhancement has been activated. Jingliu has also created drugs in his body that are harmless to him, which has improved his reaction ability and hunting instinct to the extreme.

In a sense, the two of them have been fully fired. However, he still couldn’t get close to within one foot of Xie Ming’s body. In other words, after approaching this range, it will be ejected by a soft force.

“Okay, Lucia, all four of you will wait a moment.”

After being bounced off again, the four of Lucia heard Zhu Yin’s voice coming from behind.


“Little bird?”

Looking at the two people, Xiaoniao and Zhu Yin, who just came by without any arms, the four stopped their movements and looked confused.

What are they doing here?


Perceiving the questions of the four people in front, Zhu Yin sighed, then gritted his teeth and continued to move forward. The bird is almost the same, with his head lowered, walking silently beside Zhu Yin.

Soon, they passed through Lucia and quickly approached Xie Ming.

“…Xiaoniao, Zhu Yin, what are you doing? Stop fighting?”

Lowering the tip of the sword of Tianhuo Jingyan slightly, Xie Ming looked at the two men with some caution: “Or, Zhu Yin, have you come up with any weird idea?”


The two did not answer the conversation, but silently continued to approach Xie Ming.

“If you don’t speak, even if you acquiesce in it.”


Xie Ming really didn’t think much about it. After all, one of these two people relied on the control of monsters and the other was a commander, so their own strength was not high. Although a little guarded, but not really guarded to that level.

Seeing the two men were silent, Xie Ming also returned the skyfire and pure flames back to the scabbard, and said helplessly: “Really, I’m going to leave today, so I have to play this.”

“Everyone spends the day peacefully together, isn’t it?”

“Little bird?!”


Everyone made strange noises when they saw Xiaoniao and Zhu Yin boldly embrace Xie Ming’s arms.

“That……..that…Miss Bird? Miss Zhu Yin?”

Feeling the softness of his arms, Xie Ming’s body instantly became extremely stiff, swallowed his throat, and asked dryly, “You guys, where is this?”

“Do not move.”

The bird lowered his head, his ears covered by long hair had become red, and his voice was inaudible.

“Stay obediently.”

“No…no, what do you want…”

“Shut up!” Zhu Yin raised his head, his face was full of embarrassment: “It’s cheap for you guy!”

Then he took a few deep breaths, resisting his shyness, and said to Tu Shan Honghong who was dumbfounded, with both fox ears pricked up.

“Well, this idiot can’t move now. Honghong, do what you want to do to him.”

“Master Bird…. Master Zhu Yin…”

Tu Shan Honghong blinked, and a slight ruddy appeared on her cold face: “This…”

“hurry up!”


Hearing Zhu Yin’s embarrassed urging sound, Tu Shan Honghong could only walk to Xie Ming’s. But looking at Xie Ming, whose arms were tightly hugged by the two birds, Zhu Yin, her expression and body were so stiff, she couldn’t say a word.

This, what does this let her say.

Tu Shan Honghong lowered her head and fell into silence.

“…That.” Xie Ming bit his tongue and forced himself to calm down: “Little bird, Zhu Yin, I probably understand what you mean. But with so many people present, you still look like this. …”

“I think in this scene, even if Red Girl wants to say something, I’m afraid she can’t say it.””…”


Xie Ming could obviously feel that the bodies of the two girls holding his arms became stiff at the same time. After looking at each other, he quickly released his arms.

“Misguided, why didn’t you take this into consideration…”



The remorse of the two made Xie Ming laugh bitterly.

“Since Red Girl has something to tell me, let’s give the two of us some time alone.”

“Then…. That’s it…”

“… Damn it, it’s really a loss…”


Helplessly watching the noisy seven people leave, Xie Ming smiled bitterly and looked at Tu Shan Honghong again.

And Tu Shan Honghong also raised her head, with complex emotions in her emerald-like pupils.

“Red girl, let’s go?”



Walking silently on the border of Tushan, Tushan Honghong walked in front, and Xie Ming followed behind. Everyone else seems to feel embarrassed.

After Zhu Yin and a few people made a fuss, the atmosphere between the two became even stranger.

But the only good change is that Xie Ming already understood that Tu Shan Honghong did have something to say to him. But because of her character, she couldn’t express it well.

Xiaoniao and the others just wanted to help Tu Shanhonghong to tell her what she wanted to express and what she wanted to say.

In this case, Xie Ming must take the initiative.

“Girl Red?”


“Speaking of it, I don’t seem to have had a good conversation with Honghong Girl.” Seeing Tu Shan Honghong did not reply, Xie Ming didn’t mind, and went on.

“When we met for the first time, we didn’t have a good impression of each other. At that time, I just thought that this girl was not good at listening to people, and she was so beautiful, but she did it without saying a word.”

“But after knowing everything, this impression disappeared. I also understand why Red Girl has such a big opinion of me.”

Speaking of this, Xie Ming couldn’t help showing a wry smile.

“I owe the little birds too much, and I can’t pay off just waiting for my thousand years of love. But in the same way, I also owe the three sisters, Hong Hong a lot.”

“So I have been thinking about how I can compensate you. Not for anything else, just to make my heart more comfortable.”

“At least, I hope I can make good friends with you and change this kind of hostile relationship.”

“Yaya is innocent and innocent, so she didn’t care for too long. Rongrong is very smart and calm, so I can only use sincerity and action to get her approval. But I really don’t know how to get along with Honghong. Girl you reconcile.”

“This incident has troubled me for quite some time. How can you dispel the grievances in your heart? Don’t be a bad person on purpose. Let’s get along well together.”

“But the farce just now made me understand something. No matter how I think, it is impossible to really understand a person’s true thoughts. Therefore, I don’t plan to worry about it anymore, I plan to ask the person directly. ”

Xie Ming stopped, and Tu Shan Honghong also stopped.

“Red girl, what should I do?”


“What do I need to do to become friends with you and get along well with you?”


Looking at Xie Ming’s earnest eyes, Tu Shan Honghong was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his fist and punched it fiercely.


The wind blew, and his fist stopped in front of Xie Ming’s eyes.

“Why not hide?”

“Because there is no need to hide.”

“…Heh, because I’m too weak, I can’t kill you with one punch, right?”

“I am indeed better than you, but it will also hurt to be attacked like this.”

“…I can’t forgive you, because if I forgive you, no one will remember your fault.”

“I will remember.”


“yes, I.”

Xie Ming said calmly: “I will remember forever. Please also Hong Hong to believe that I will remember.”

“What if you forget?”

“There is no such an if.” Xie Ming said decisively: “I will not forget.”

“Please, trust me again.”

“…Remember what you are now, remember what you look at now, remember what you promise now.”

Tu Shan Honghong stared at Xie Ming for a few seconds, then turned and continued forward.

“Also, just call me Honghong.”

“People who are familiar call me that.”


Seeing the abrupt footsteps of Tu Shan red, Xie Ming scratched his face and laughed.

“Okay, Hong Hong.”

“…Forget it, you should add the honorific title.”

“Huh? Why?”

“There is no why.”

“There must be one reason, Hong Hong.”

“I said, don’t scream like that!”

The two continued to move forward along the border, just like the few months Xie Ming had just arrived. However, the atmosphere now is completely different.


At night, everyone gathered at the big dining table. Bird, Jingliu, and Lucia kept serving excellent and scented dishes from the kitchen. The rich fragrance made the ears of the three fox sisters sitting at the dining table unstoppable. Live swaying.

As the last dish was served, Xie Ming took his seat. Everyone said in unison, ‘I’m moving’, and laughter continued from the wooden house.

After eating and drinking, everyone began to talk about the past again.

Just as Xiaoniao and others wanted to know what Xie Ming had experienced after he left, Xie Ming also wanted to know what happened in this world after he left, and what happened to his former friends.

Nishikujo, Imamiya, Yoshino, Inoue…

These were a little strange to Xie Ming, but when he heard the name that he missed by Xiaoniao and others, Xie Ming couldn’t help but put a nostalgic smile on his face.

As time passed, the dishes on the table were replaced with fruits and melon seeds.

It’s like a family celebrating the Spring Festival, and everyone smiles and enjoys this short gathering time happily.

However, happy times are always quick and short. As Xie Ming got up, the large living room, which was full of laughter and laughter, slowly quieted down.

“Then, time is almost there.”

Putting on his coat and hung two knives around his waist, Otinus sitting on the table flew over Xie Ming’s shoulder. Xie Ming smiled and looked at everyone who had also got up.

“It’s almost time for me to leave.”


Xiaoniao walked forward with a smile, tidyed up Xie Ming’s clothes like his wife, and then said softly.

“come on.”


Xie Ming responded softly, and then said with a smile: “Then everyone, I’m leaving.”

“Be careful on the road.”

“See you in a week.”

“When you come back, let’s grill saury together.””Remember Obito products!”

“Bring me more network equipment, this world urgently needs to be connected to the Internet!”

“Xie Ming remember to come back early!”

“Master Xie Ming, please don’t forget the agreement.”

“Remember what you said.”

“Yeah, of course.” Xie Ming’s figure disappeared into the room after giving a thumbs up to the crowd, leaving behind a silent crowd.

“……..All right.”

In the end, the silence was broken by the bird. She clapped her hands and said softly: “It’s too early, everyone clean up and go to sleep.”

“He will be back in a week.”



“Hu Tailang will not violate the promise.”

Everyone agreed and began to clean up the somewhat messy room. There is nothing to be sad, nothing to be upset about. Because he will come back.

Everyone believes.


Outside the atmosphere, the energy is converted into a protective cover, isolating the vacuum environment from the body. Xie Ming smiled when he looked at the earth underneath that was completely different, the land full of emerald green plants.

He raised his head and looked at the planet shining brightly.

“Okay, one last thing.”


Sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum, but if it can be transmitted, then an explosion can definitely be heard. At this moment, standing outdoors, looking up at the people, monsters, and animals of the beautiful night scene, you can definitely see that a meteor against the sky is quickly moving away.

The average distance between the earth and the moon is 384,400 kilometers, which is approximately equal to 380,000 kilometers.

With the normal speed of the dance air technique, it was obviously a waste of too much time. Although Xie Ming’s air dance technique had the highest speed in the previous test, it could reach the speed of light. But that also takes a certain amount of time.

Moreover, to maintain the speed at the speed of light, it takes a huge amount of energy, and the requirements for physical fitness are also harsh. However, 380,000 kilometers does not require Xie Ming to accelerate to the speed of light.

He only needs to keep accelerating towards the speed of light, and then keep decelerating as he approaches.

The forbidden state has been opened, and the Cage Hand of the Chilong Emperor is constantly doubling the speed. For Xie Ming, this 380,000 kilometers is an unprecedented distance that he has not experienced so far.

This is also his first attempt to use the universe in the flesh. It feels a bit strange.

The Chilong Emperor’s armor cuts off the low temperature, the energy flow allows the blood to flow as usual, and the energy conversion allows Xie Ming not to worry about hypoxia. All the factors that restrict mankind in the universe cannot be limited to Xie Ming.

Unable to stop, Xie Ming’s movement to the moon.

The speed is getting faster and faster, the moon is getting closer, and the memories that I don’t know how long I spent on the moon are getting clearer.

Putting all the energy of Aurora into the earth means that the moon will be deserted. Trees, flowers, grass, everything will disappear.

She is the only one left on the entire moon.

She is the consciousness of the moon, the incarnation of the moon, in essence, I am afraid she will not feel lonely.

But in order to allow the continuation of human civilization, she added a human emotional module to herself, in order to be able to better understand and help mankind.

How much time has passed since Aurora re-entered the earth? millennium? Ten Thousand Years? Ten Thousand Years?

Not sure.

But after learning about companionship, feelings, and friends, what was she thinking when she took the initiative to let go?

Isn’t she, watching the opposite planet at a distance of 380,000 kilometers, blessing the life of that planet? Blessing, can I succeed?

Xie Ming thought, it should be.

Because he saw it, saw the petite girl with black dress, red belt and short silver hair, standing on the deserted ground, raising her head.

The crimson meteor turned into a figure and landed. It was obviously the moon, but Xie Ming didn’t need any precautions. Because this space is the space where she spent a long time with herself.


“Xie Ming.”

The two stepped towards each other, reaching a distance where they could touch each other.

“”We, met again. “”

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