Chapter 127

When Xie Ming made this action, people who had seen the duel couldn’t help getting excited. The original skill—unlimited drawing and cutting, it can be said that it has become a legendary skill. The strongest skill improved from the unique skill Draw Knife and Slash.

“Unlimited Slash Blade… (Unlimited Slash Blade)” Xie Ming’s scabbard gradually emits a black light, which is the unique skill of Slash Blade. The purple pupils burst out with brilliant light, and the blood-colored robe turned into a scarlet cloak of a ghost.

Using the super fast speed brought by the sword-drawing skill as a way to accelerate, at this speed, the observation ability brought by the purple magic pupil and the reaction speed of the body are used to catch the footing and the key points of the enemy to attack, which is infinite The principle of slashing.

As long as there is no slash that must kill, the draw and slash skills will not be counted as completed, and the super high speed will be maintained. The player’s sword skills will be adjusted by the system’s actions, not to mention the speedy slashing of the sword, which ordinary people can’t control at all. But Xie Ming is different. He is able to master his body completely, and he also has the nerve to react at high speeds.

Super reaction nerve, complete master of the body, deep understanding of skills, the three are indispensable, forming a unique skill in SAO, unlimited drawing and cutting.

Xie Ming’s body turned into a blood line. Before the blue-eyed demon’s breath was released, he had already come to its front, tracing its huge body, leaving a red data stream representing the wound. Immediately afterwards, a storm of blades descended.

This is a true three-dimensional blow. The BOSS who was swept into the air showed dense knife marks, and there were no dead ends at 360 degrees. But everyone couldn’t catch Xie Ming’s trace at all, and some of them were only the dust that occasionally splashed on the ground.

The blood volume of the BOSS drops like flowing water, no matter how many special attacks and special sword skills it has, but under the attack of this squally rain, it is completely useless. Time passed 5 or 6 seconds, and it had entered the red beheading blood volume.

“That’s it… it’s over.” A flat voice sounded around, and the last line of blood was unusually thick, slashing at the blue-eyed demon from top to bottom. It was chopped in half along with its own big sword, which he wanted to resist with a horizontal sword.

“Huh~” Gasping Xie Ming slowly inserted the black-lighted Avengers into the scabbard again, breathing calmly, without looking back, the purple light in his eyes slowly dimmed, and finally turned black.

The BOSS’s left and right bodies slowly shifted, and then turned into fragments.

“Congratulations to player Edmond Dantes for taking the 74th floor BOSS. Repeat…” The usual announcement echoed in every corner of Aying Grande. Some people gritted their teeth when they heard the news. Some people are full of hope, but these have nothing to do with Xie Ming.

In fact, even if the BOSS had a special attack that could not be counterattacked with a shield, Xie Ming didn’t need to resort to an infinite draw and slash that was extremely physical and mental. Just dodge the breath, and then use the shield again when the enemy uses a melee attack. It doesn’t take much time for such repeated exchanges, but the situation does not allow him so much. After all, Asuna and the others were there, as were the two stunners of the army. If you recover and run into trouble, or if something accident happens, it’s not good.

With the death of the BOSS, huge congratulations (congratulations) appeared in front of Xie Ming, and the props obtained after killing the BOSS appeared on the menu. The icy flames on the ground and surrounding torches also gradually extinguished. The torch turned to a warm normal flame.

“Edmond!” Asuna rushed over with tears, hugged Xie Ming tightly, and suffocated her face on Xie Ming’s chest.

“…Hey, Asuna, so many people are here.” Xie Ming said helplessly.

But Asuna didn’t care about it, Xie Ming could only smile bitterly.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you watch it, it’s so amazing, your original skill.” Kirito also walked over slowly and said happily.

“That’s right!” Klein patted Xie Ming’s shoulder familiarly. “The unique skills are enough to make people envy and envy, but the original skills can only make people feel the difference in realm. Love. Brother Demon.”

Xie Ming looked at this front foot treating himself as a big demon, and his back foot was familiar with Klein, who was a brother and brother, and he was speechless to the extreme. But this kind of second-hand character makes people feel unpleasant, Xie Ming can only turn over Byakugan.

Looking at the people who were laughing together, Xie Ming looked at the army and the group of people who were like bereaved dogs, and his originally somewhat relaxed expression turned into calm. Lightly patted Asuna in her arms and motioned her to let go.

Asuna slowly let go of Xie Ming, but she kept tugging at the corner of Xie Ming’s clothes and buried her head behind his back. Xie Ming looked at Asuna’s look like a little woman, saying that it was impossible not to be moved. Gently shook her hand, and then came to Kobatz.

“Your Excellency Edmond…” Kobarz led him and stood aside, neither walking nor staying.

Xie Ming looked directly at his pupils, and then slowly said: “I understand your urgency, want to wash away the negative image of the army, want to prove that your guild is not like that. But your method is wrong. In fact, Don’t you also know what happened in the army? The first thing you need to do is to remove the pests in the guild, and then restore the reliable leader. In this way, you can truly have a new look.”

Then he turned his head and left, leaving the last sentence: “Say everything here, so you can do it for yourself.”

Gather with Klein Kirito and others, go to the 75th floor to activate the portal.

Kobats and his men stayed where they were, not knowing what they were thinking.


“…Why do you want me to come here?” Xie Ming couldn’t help sighing as he looked at the surroundings.

This is a tavern introduced by Agil on the 50th floor, and everyone gathers here. Kirito, Fortunately, Lisbet, Moonlit Black Cats and his party, Agil, Klein’s Fenglin Volcano and his party, Asuna, Silica, and…Xie Ming.

Lisbeth is a close friend of Asuna. The last time Kirito looked for someone to inquire about the blacksmith, she was introduced by Asuna. Lisbeth’s forging skills are also among the best in the entire SAO, and the forging level has also reached the master level. Seeing a pause when she and Kirito sometimes had their sights in contact, it seemed that the scene in the original work had happened normally.

In the original book, Kirito met Lisbeth through Asuna’s introduction, and then used his weapon interpreter to cut off the treasure of the town shop at the first meeting. Then came a feast. Liz puts down her rhetoric, and if she has excellent materials, she can forge a weapon comparable to Kirito’s interpreter. (Kirito’s interpreter is also among the top ten in SAO’s weapon rankings)

Because the material needs to be taken out by the forge himself, Kazuto Kirito entered the West Mountain on the 55th floor, preparing to hunt the dragon that feeds on crystals to obtain the material. In the 55th floor of the ice zone, Liz was blown into the pit by the dragon because of Liz’s carelessness. To save her, Kirito also jumped into the pit and protected Liz with his body as a cushion. He almost died in a state of red blood.

In the deep pit, the two met each other, and their feelings quickly warmed up. The next day Kirito dug out the forging material in the deep pit. It turned out that this deep pit was the dragon’s lair, and the dragon’s dung was hidden under the snow, which was the tempered crystal crystal. Because dragons are nocturnal creatures, the two of them flew out of the cave on the returning dragon and successfully escaped. The two of them watched the beautiful beginning of the day from high in the sky, and Liz knew that she had fallen in love with the delicate boy in front of her. (PS: Congratulations to Kirito for winning the title of Dragon Knight)

In the end, containing his own mind, he forged a one-handed sword comparable to the interpreter-the Dark Chaser. That is, Kirito’s second sword.

But looking at this girl with shoulder-length pink hair and pinning her bangs with a white hairpin, Xie Ming looked at Xing Xing with a gentle smile and fell silent.

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