Chapter 1310 Bloodthirsty Blood Blade


“It’s actually a ghost…”

“This dark elf…”

The reaction and gossip of the crowd did not exceed Luxi’s imagination. She knew from the beginning, or from the beginning, what would happen when a ghost hand appeared in front of everyone.

It’s better to say that it’s just a tongue-in-cheek evaluation at this time, which is already very polite.

We must know that for more than two decades, there is no difference between ghosts and disasters and plagues. People with ghost hands will be rejected, resisted, even driven, attacked and killed by others.

In the period when the principle of ghost hands has not been investigated, people will naturally be afraid of an irregular, regional and hereditary disease.

The fear of the unknown is the instinct of human beings, even creatures. Few people can face their fears bravely. This is why there are so few heroes and brave men.

Not everyone has the consciousness and courage to overcome their fears. After all, this world is made up of most ordinary people.

Since he is an ordinary person, he naturally fears the unknown. In a state of extreme fear, creatures are prone to overreact behavior.

However, the person whose arm turns into a ghost hand is because the body contains a powerful ghost and god power. This kind of unstable force is lodged in people’s bodies, which is a dangerous thing.

A person with a ghost hand is like a room full of biogas, as long as there is a little spark, it will explode. And this Mars is the violent fluctuation of emotions.

So the question is, when do people experience excessive mood swings?

There are many reasons, but there will definitely be this. When people themselves suffer injustice and grievances, their emotions will fluctuate considerably. The degree of this fluctuation varies from person to person, but the magnitude will be much larger than before. This is absolute.

Seeing people with ghost hands-repelling, resisting or even driving them-encountering injustice and angry patients running away regardless of the enemy’s attack-things spread, and people are even more resistant to those with ghost hands.

Things have fallen into such a vicious circle.

Luxie has lived for 357 years, most of which time has been living in the dark elf country, just like ordinary dark elf. However, when her arms began to change, she began to wander the Arad continent.

In order to cure her own ‘strange disease’, she devoted everything she had to. Finally, when there is no other way, he can only block the road and rob.

It can be said that as the first group of people suffering from ghost hands, Luxie has seen things and the reactions of people who have seen it. Not only other people, but she herself is very disgusted with her discolored arm.

That’s why she put on shoulder-length gloves and hid the ghost hand and the shackles that restrict the ghost hand, and did not want to show it to outsiders.

But now, not only was the glove torn, but a deep blood stain appeared on his left arm. Even the shackles used to limit the power of ghosts and gods were cut off by Nuo Yu. Luxi’s reaction at this time can be imagined.

“court death….”

Because of the loss of a heavy bondage, Kazan’s power of ghosts and gods became more active in Luxi’s body. His eyes were already scarlet, but at this time they were already red and bleeding.

The blood on his body broke out completely at this moment.

The last of the Berserker’s triple state, and the most dangerous and powerful state: bloodthirsty.

Explode your own blood qi, improve your sensitivity to blood and control ability, and increase all blood qi skills with a super-high range. But because of the outbreak of blood qi, his body will also become weak.

Simply use four words to describe it, that is, high attack and paper defense.

The color on the sword with both hands was about to be completely covered by blood at this time, becoming two blood-red weapons. After stomping on the ground with one foot, after stepping on a pothole in the same place, Luxi leaped high and made a big slashing action again.

The blood qi strengthens, collapses the mountain and strikes.

Under the superposition of the triple state of blood rage, runaway, and bloodthirsty, Luxi’s speed at this time has surpassed Nuoyu. This collapsed mountain attack even entered the field of specialization.

Locked by Luxi’s own blood qi, the blood qi in his body was also affected a little out of control, Nuo Yu had fallen into a rather dangerous situation at this time. But also, it’s just quite dangerous.

No, there is no solution.

The beautiful eyes condensed, and the sharp aura exuding on his body added a sense of violentness.

Soul of Sword Skills: Liuxin·Crazy, which greatly improves the effect of Liuxin’s sword skills, which can be described as the exclusive raging state of Soul of Sword.

Afterwards, Nuoyu didn’t make any movement, his eyes fixed on Luxi’s collapsed mountain and shot down. At that moment, her toes hit the ground and her body leapt.


The blood followed the trajectory of the blade, swayed out in the night sky, and fell to the ground. A scar appeared behind Luxi. The tip of Nuo Yu’s sword was dripping blood continuously.


This is the name of the sword technique used by Nuo Yu.

At the moment when Luxi’s Mountain Blasting Strike was about to fall, Nuo Yu, with Liuxin·Kuang’s bonus, used Liuxin·Leap to break through the blood gas blockade, and from the enemy’s head at an extremely dangerous distance. While turning over and jumping over, he severely cut out a sword.

The damage caused by this sword is beyond doubt. But now Luxi has turned pain into strength. Therefore, it did not have any impact on her actions.


Bengshan smashed the ground, and the splattered blood cut the road like a blade, and the powerful force once again opened a hole in the ground. The blow failed, Luxi didn’t hesitate, and immediately turned around and locked Nuo Yu again.

And this time the blood energy lock-in is several times stronger than just now. The speed also increased again because of the injury. Even behind her, a little afterimage was pulled out.

The two swords, fused under the envelope of blood, turned into a scarlet greatsword the size of Luxi himself. Following the guidance of the blood lock, stab the enemy fiercely.

This is one of the most powerful killer skills of the unawakened Berserker: Blood Blade.

If this great sword successfully pierced Nuo Yu, it would definitely be dead or maimed. The duel between the two had entered the most dangerous stage at this time. Forrest Gump and Xi Lan, who were watching the battle, both gripped the hilts of their swords.

If the situation is not right, they will act immediately.

The reason why the two have not made a move now is that Luxi has no major problems on Forrest’s left side. Those injuries are considered serious for other professions, but when placed on the Berserkers, it is a night’s rest.

As for Xilan, it is unnecessary.

Because Nuoyu’s ability to protect the bottom of the box hasn’t come out yet. But at this moment, it should also be forced out.

Sure enough, just as Xi Lan thought, seeing the blade of blood approaching him quickly, Nuo Yu understood that he couldn’t dodge this trick.

Since you can’t hide, defend.

Nian Qi skyrocketed instantly.

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