Chapter 1323 Phantom Sword Dance

What is a partner, is that you can trust him (her) behind, and you can completely believe in his (her) existence. For Xie Ming, it is really a vocabulary he values ​​most, a vocabulary that does not allow others to insult.

Trust each other, rely on each other, help each other, for each other’s lives, and for each other’s sake, do not care about gains and losses.

This is the true partner, true friend.

But now, Xi Lan actually told him that the girl named Lin En, who was almost killed by herself just now, was their partner?

Ba En, one of the Four Swordsmen, Xie Ming certainly remembers him. It can be said that Barn is the most uncoordinated existence among the Four Sword Saints. It can be said that he was alone, directly lowering the name of Four Sword Saint.

He didn’t know the story of Barn and Lyn very well, but he still vaguely remembered that there was a green-named monster on the map of Screaming Cave in the game, called the sky ghost Lyn.

You know, based on the timeline of the game, when the adventurers went to the Screaming Cavern, it was already 12 years after Shilock’s death. At that time, because of Shilock’s resentment, countless monsters who died with resentment in the Grieving Cave were revived.

And Lynn is among these recovered monsters, one of them.

What does this mean, on behalf of Lynn, is to become the undead under Shilock together with Guy En. At the beginning, Xie Ming didn’t study this monster too deeply. But now it seems that it’s not the same thing at all.

Lin, actually came here with Barn. So why, she didn’t appear in the Four Sword Saints team, but walked with the murderous Guy En?

In an instant, Xie Ming thought of many possibilities. And what he said casually just now was only one of the possibilities.

But unexpectedly, he was right.

“Oh, I guessed it just right.” Xie Ming’s expression suddenly became cold: “It turns out that throwing your partner into the forest and getting lost is the way you treat your partner.”

“I really have a long experience.”


Xilan made a sloppy look: “It’s not the same thing, I also let my apprentice…”

“none of your business?”


Barn’s sudden speech caused the second half of Xilan’s mouth to get stuck in his throat. Xilan’s expression at this time was a bit wonderful. Is this 17-year-old bastard really looking for death?

The opposite is the kind of person who is strong and decisive. Why are you provoking him at this time? Anxious to find death?

“Well, it really doesn’t matter to me.”

Glancing at Lin En, who looked a little dim and sad, and then at Ba En, who was full of discomfort, Xie Ming sneered: “What does the dead thing have to do with me?”

The words fell, and the blade of mist in the scabbard came out again.

“Quickly draw a knife and cut.”

Daoguang struck Ba En again, but this time, Xie Ming himself rushed over with Daoguang.

“Asshole, don’t underestimate me!!”

Seeing Xie Ming who attacked him again, Ba En roared, not retreating but advancing, facing the sharp blade straight. On the short sword in his hand, a sharp air current has been entangled.

Break the extreme weapon.

At the same time, powerful aura and energy also burst out of Ba En. He is young and vigorous, but not a fool. He had already made it very clear just now that ordinary moves are absolutely unable to resist this attack.

If that’s the case, then use your strongest move to smash Daoguang along with that bastard!

The blade of the short sword turned into countless phantoms under the swing of Bath, and countless slashes and sword aura erupted with the cutting of the blade. Like moths fighting the fire, they slammed into the sharp and powerful knife light one after another.

One of the most powerful sword skills of Soul Sword: Phantom Sword Dance.

As the weapon used by the user changes, each Phantom Sword Dance has a different effect.

The use of the great sword has not changed. Using a blunt weapon, the sword energy of Phantom Dance will turn into a hammer of AOE Haki that causes percentage damage. Using the sword, the slashing speed is extremely fast, and the damage will be greatly reduced with the number of slashing, which will cause a negative state of high bleeding to the enemy.

Note that the high bleeding state is a comprehensive escalation of bleeding. If the bleeding state only drops 100 points per second, then the high bleeding is 500 points or even 1000 points.

If you use a lightsaber, the slashing speed will increase to Ultimate. Although the damage will decrease with the number of slashes, it is not as exaggerated as the sword. Use a short sword, then double the number of sword attacks will be triggered.

Ba En’s plan was to use a double-strength sword attack to cut Xie Ming’s instantaneous sword and directly suppress it back.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding…”

The sword aura madly cut everything around it, but when it hit the huge sword light, it shattered like glass. But no matter what, the quantitative change will cause the qualitative change, and the sense of danger that the blade light brings to people is indeed steadily weakened under the continuous reduction of the sword aura.

“final hit!”

With fierceness in his eyes, Ba En viciously smashed his short sword to the ground in the posture of using a smashing blow. The next moment, the extremely huge sword energy shattered the knife light and hit Xie Ming, who was following behind the knife light.

“Oh, waste.”

Seeing the huge sword energy oncoming, Xie Ming just sneered. Guy can only rely on physical fitness and weapon quality to suppress himself. You a sword soul who didn’t even feel it, how could you have the courage to perform such a big move in front of yourself.

Stupid out of reach.

The blade of mist was swung from a strange angle and slashed frontally on the huge sword energy. In the next moment, Jian Qi was like an apple placed on one end of a wooden board, which was directly picked up and shot into the sky.


Ba En’s pupils shrank rapidly, and he was confident that even the awakened Sword Master, facing his Phantom Sword Dance’s final blow, could only deal with it by dodge, and it would never be possible to defeat it head-on.

Not to mention, he actually picked up his sword aura directly! ?

Xie Ming, naturally, he won’t give Ba En any shocking time. The mist blade slashed across the air, slashing straight towards Barn’s neck.


Realizing that he had made the huge mistake of being stunned in the battle against a powerful enemy, Barn gritted his teeth, quickly retracted his sword, and assumed a blocking posture. At the same time, kick your feet backward.

Jump after block.

However, before he completed this series of actions, Xie Ming’s blade was only a few centimeters away from his neck. Even Barn’s skin has been cut a small way by the sharp knife gas entangled by the blade of mist.

“That’s too late!!!!”

I would actually explain here with such a method of death! ? Sure enough, the strength is still insufficient! I need more powerful power, different from swordsmanship, invincible power!

How can you just die here! ! ! !

If he was the only one present, then Ba En would definitely be decapitated. But unfortunately, he has a group of good teammates.


The simple Taitou stood in front of the blade of mist. At the same time, Xie Ming felt the crisis in all four directions.

The powerful magical light bullet like a star rushed straight into his body, and he could feel the heavy attack before hitting the three heavy splits, blocking all his retreats.

Magician skills: improved magic star bombs.

Great sword, blunt weapon, berserker: Bengshan strike.

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