Chapter 1326

Xie Ming is not a stupid person. Although his head cannot be compared with that group of demon-powered guys, he is also very smart. He naturally considered the things Shirlock mentioned.

Why did Shilock stay trapped in the Grieving Cave for so long? Why didn’t she try to leave this painful place when she still had strength?

Also, after transferring Shilock to the Screaming Cave, Held really doesn’t care about anything?

How can it be.

Maybe, in the area of ​​the Grieving Cave, the woman had discovered something technologically and was monitoring it. If there is any abnormality, it may be reported to her.

After all, Herder is not only a powerful magician, but also inherited the ancient technology developed by the residents of Terra, the predecessor of the devil world.

Even the mechanical civilization used by the heavens is based on the Terra civilization technology brought to them by Herder.

Only with the sacrifice and hard work of the Dragon King Bakar and some people, the Celestials truly fully understood the Terra technology, and developed their own mechanical civilization on top of this.

But knowing all this, Xie Ming still didn’t mention anything, and said nothing to Shilock. Is he not trusting Shilock? Does he have other plans?

Not at all, just because he didn’t want to hurt Shilock in order to prevent something.

If Held really found out that Shilock was not dead and shot him, he would actually have nothing to fear. Directly forcibly use the Red Dragon Emperor state on the projection of consciousness, just to fight her. His power does not exist to hurt the people around him.

Moreover, he really didn’t know much about the power of the apostle. After all, he was not an apostle, and he knew only fragments of information.

So in this, Shilock has more say than him.

He doesn’t like to make decisions for others without authorization, especially such decisions that will cause harm to others. But since it was Hilock’s own decision, Xie Ming wouldn’t say much.

It’s just that there are some important things, and you still need to ask clearly.

“Since you made this decision yourself, and it’s done, it’s useless for me to say anything.”

With a light sigh, Xie Ming looked at Shilock who had become a little girl in front of him: “But I still have some questions.”

“Say it.”

Shilock lay on his side in mid-air and said lazily.

“First of all, the forces that you split must have caused a lot of damage to you. Can these damages be recovered?”

“Of course, I’m not interested in suicide.” Shilock flipped Byakugan: “Although the damage is great, I basically don’t have any offensive ability now. I can only turn it into a weapon and you can use it.”

“But at least, my sanity is still there. It’s much better than the previous state of crazily destroying everything. As long as I absorb enough heat and light, I can quickly recover.”

“That’s fine.”

Feeling relieved, Xie Ming then asked: “I know, there seems to be a very strange connection between the apostles. You blew up most of your power, can you block this connection?”

“Humans, you also said, that is the connection between the apostles.”

Shilock smiled, if she was still a queen, this smile would be very evil. But the little girl’s state will only give people a naughty feeling.

“I was born in the invisible world. I am an invisible person. I can adjust my own state. This is my ability. Although the nature of the apostle will not change after becoming a weapon. Strictly speaking, I Has become a weapon, not an apostle.”

“The nature still exists, but because of the explosion of power, the sleep of consciousness, and the seal of the scabbard, this connection has been reduced to a minimum.”

“Unless the other apostles saw me turned into a weapon face to face, they would not have noticed my existence at all. In other words, after the self-detonation, mine was indeed ‘dead’.”

“Of course there is some difference from the real death. After all, Bakar’s death caused the division of the Celestial Continent. If I really die, I am afraid it will also have some negative effects on the Arad Continent.”

“But this kind of influence is certainly not observable in a short time. At least, within ten years, there should be no abnormality. In your situation, this period of time should be enough?”

“That’s it.”

Xie Ming answered non-committal. ten years? Too long. You know, his plan is within three to five years. Try to go back before Asuna is worried.

According to the previous calculation by Otinus, one day on the Sword Art Realm plane is equal to about two months here. One year, which is six days. Three to five years, that is, half a month to a month.

It’s not too long, and I’ve talked to Asuna before, so in a month, she won’t worry too much.

However, ten years is only two months. If the time is too short, you might not be able to wait for the apostles to be transferred to the Arad continent and heaven.

Well, these things are not in a hurry to consider now.

After thinking about it, Xie Ming raised his head: “The last question.”

“The weapon you changed into…”

“You don’t need to worry about this.”

Shilock waved his hand at will: “The thing I transformed into is the real thing. The weapon that turns into, whether it is the blade of the sword soul or the state of your absolute weapon that destroys the nature of the weapon, there will be no weapon. What damage.”

“Moreover, it will have my special nature.”

“The first thing is that when attacking, there will be a strong addition of dark attributes, and then there will be a considerable bonus to the sword-type professional skills, and you can even use my power in the weapon to display some skills that can only be used by special occupations. ”

“The final ability should also be your favorite ability.” At this point, Shilock laughed: “As long as you inject the same power as mine into the weapon, you can change the type of weapon.”

“Wands, clubs, spears, hand armors, firearms, swords, giant swords… As long as you have an impression, then I can become any type of weapon. How about? Take an apostle as a weapon, I’m afraid you are the first in history People.”

“I would rather you be well.”


This sentence choked on Shilock, looking at Xie Ming with a weird expression, and then changed the subject: “In short, you don’t have to worry about any damage to me because you use it too violently. The apostle is not that vulnerable yet.”

“As long as you don’t entangle any messy things on your weapons, such as your special flames.”

“Okay, give me a name for the weapon I changed into.”

The figure turned into black mist and surging for a while, Shilock once again transformed into the giant sword that he had just seen, floating in front of Xie Ming.


Gently grasped the hilt of the great sword, the energy conversion transformed the energy in the body into Hilock’s unique invisible transformation energy and injected it into it. In the next moment, the body of the giant sword became narrower and narrower, turning into a long sword with the same specifications as the Demon Sword Nightmare.


After thinking for a while, Xie Ming inserted the long knife into the scabbard that was thrown on the ground and said softly.

“It’s called the Magical Magic Soldier·Apophis.”

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