Chapter 133

Because of Yui’s arrival, neither of them continued their original play plan. Xie Ming went to the 75th floor labyrinth area to continue her upgrade, but Asuna was worried that Yui was at home alone, so she stayed behind.

The next day, Asuna woke up in a daze, and found a pair of clear eyes looking at herself curiously, and immediately lost her sleep.

“Edmond, Edmond!”

Xie Ming, who was watching the news downstairs, ran up and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Then I saw Yui on the bed had woke up and was helped by Asuna to sit up.

“Great, you woke up.” Asuna relaxed and asked, “Do you know what happened to you?”

Yui tilted her head, then shook her head slightly.

“…Really. So, do you remember your name?”

“Name…name…my…name…” Yui lowered her head, thinking about something. Then suddenly I remembered, “Yui…Yi…Yui, this is…name.”

Asuna gently stroked her head and said softly, “Yui, a nice name. I’m Asuna, and then he is Edmond.”

“Ya… U… Na? Love… Meng?”

Looking at Yui who couldn’t speak clearly, Asuna was a little worried, but still smiled and said, “Now, Yui. Do you know why you are in the forest? Where are your father and mother?”

“…I don’t know… I… don’t know anything.” Yui lowered his head sadly.

“Why…” Asuna turned her head, preventing Yui from seeing her worried expression.

Xie Ming slowly sat on the side of the bed, looked at Yui and said, “Yui, can I call you that?”

“Yeah.” Yui nodded gently.

“Then Yui can also call my name.”

“Love… Mongolian?”

Xie Ming smiled lightly, “So, what does Yui want to call me?”

“Hmm~” Yui hesitated, and then tentatively called, “Dad?”

“…Yes.” Xie Ming was choked, then smiled bitterly.

Then Yui slowly turned her head, looked at Asuna who had been looking at her worriedly, and yelled softly, “Auna is…mother.”

“…” Asuna looked at her hesitantly, pursed her lips, and smiled softly like Yui like a puppy she was afraid of being rejected by herself.

“Yes, it’s mom, Yui.”

Upon hearing the response, Yui immediately burst into an angelic smile and plunged into Asuna’s arms.


Asuna raised Yui and said happily, “Are you hungry? Let’s eat.”


Xie Ming looked at Asuna and Yui who laughed and laughed, feeling a little relieved.

“But… Dad? I didn’t expect me to have such a day.” Then stood up and said, “Breakfast is ready, Yui, let’s try Dad’s craftsmanship.”

“Yeah! Daddy’s meal, I want to eat it!”


In this short week, Xie Ming finally knew what it was like to be a parent. Watching the sauce on the corner of the mouth, eating happily, and then saying, ‘It’s delicious! For Yui, Xie Ming felt that he was about to become a daughter-in-law.

After eating, Yui yawned, and then slowly lay down on the sofa to fall asleep.

Sitting next to Yui, who was sleeping soundly, Asuna leaned on Xie Ming’s arm, tears in her eyes.

“What’s wrong? Asuna.” Xie Ming gently wiped away Asuna’s tears and asked.

“When I think that Yui has lived in this game alone for so long, I just…”

During this time, Asuna knew that Yui had no memory and everything was like a baby. In fact, Yui’s age is equal to SAO’s age. Therefore, strictly speaking, Yui is only one and a half years old. And through the experience, Far Biasna imagined pain and helplessness.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming also sighed slightly, then squeezed Asuna’s hand, and said: “I know what you are worried about. You want to take care of Yui, but we have to go back to the front line again. Raiders. So there is a dilemma. If you don’t return to the front line, Yui will be liberated later. If you return to the front line, no one will take care of Yui.”


“What an idiot.” Xie Ming tapped Asuna’s head lightly. “It’s okay. Let us take care of Yui during the period when Yui remembers her memory. I will contact Argo. Came to collect news about Yui’s parents. That’s a very reliable information provider.


“Don’t worry, I’m here for everything. Who are you to be your man? The strongest player, Edmund Dantes.”

Asuna heard the confident words, her heart gradually relieved. “But we’d better go to the town of Beginning to find it.”

“Then do as you said.” Xie Ming said helplessly, “but you also have to sort out the equipment and props. These days I have gone to the maze to fight so it doesn’t matter, but you have not fought for half a month. Got it.”

“Yeah! I’ll prepare now.” Asuna said happily after receiving a reply.

“But the first level seems to be under the jurisdiction of the army, I don’t know if they did what I said.” Xie Ming thought, and then began to recall the plot of the original town of Beginning.

“…I don’t know if I can beat that underground skeleton boss with my current strength.”


The first floor, the town of beginning

Asuna, who was wearing casual clothes, and Xie Ming, who was still in a red robe, moved here with Yui.

“It’s been a long time since I have been here…” Asuna looked around the portal square complicatedly. The red cloak at that time, Kayaba Akihiko’s speech seems to be vivid.

“Yui, do you see any familiar buildings?” Asuna asked.

Yui looked around, then shook his head.

“Let’s go to the Central Market first.” Xie Ming suggested.

The two of them walked around holding their daughter’s hand. Suddenly heard the shouting in the corner.

“Return the children to me!!” An angry female voice.

“Oh~ the babysitter is here.”

“It’s been a long time.” Two male voices of abuse also came out.

The two looked at each other, then Xie Ming picked up Yui and ran over.

“Return the children to me!” The woman with glasses shouted with a little pockmark on her face.

“Don’t say that, we are just teaching them the common sense of society. This is also an important task of the army.” In front of the women is a team of people in standard armor. The green cloak and steel-colored armor have demonstrated their identity, it is the army.

“Yes, that’s right, paying taxes is the duty of the citizens.” The army group laughed, their faces full of mockery.

“Really? Then do you want me to tell you the truth of this world?” Two figures crossed them and protected the three children who were forced to the corner.

“It’s okay, put away the equipment and money.” Asuna, who was wearing a beige sweater, squatted and said softly to the fearful children.

“Hey hey hey, who are you? How dare you interfere with the mission of the army?”

“Me?” Xie Ming put down Yui, motioned her to look for Asuna, and slowly pulled out the Avenger at her waist.

“My name is Edmund Dantes, and it is the greatest horror you are about to face.” Xie Ming said coldly, looking at the group of people.

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