Chapter 135: Facing Shinigami

In the Black Iron Palace in the town of Beginning, there is a huge stone monument known as the monument of life. The names of all SAO players are burned on it. At this time, nearly one-third of the players’ names have been crossed out, which proves that these players have died. If you want to learn more, you can also click on the names of the players that have been crossed out to see their death levels and cause of death.

Today, the Black Iron Palace welcomed four guests. Xie Ming, Asuna, Yui and Yuriye. Because it trapped Sinka’s labyrinth entrance, it was in the Black Iron Palace. Originally Asuna didn’t agree to bring Yui to the maze area, it was too dangerous. But Yui couldn’t bear to act like a baby, so she nodded her head.

Yui sat on Xie Ming’s neck, her feet shaking constantly. Obviously, she was very happy to come out with Mom and Dad this time. Along the way, Liyere introduced the message of this underground maze.

The tooth king faction originally wanted to monopolize this labyrinth and become an exclusive hunting ground for its faction. But since the monsters inside are all level 60 monsters, it is impossible to hunt effectively at all and can only give up.

The four people descended from the dark stairs and came to this labyrinth.

Walking all the way, Asuna was responsible for protecting Yui, Xie Ming was responsible for killing monsters and clearing the road, and Liyele was responsible for calling 666. Finally, the last monster was killed, and Sinka was getting closer and closer.

“Asuna, I found that the monsters here can burst out delicious ingredients.” Xie Ming said with a smile looking at the harvest after the battle.

Asuna asked curiously: “Did you break any good things?”

“Yeah!” Xie Ming opened the menu, called up the props from the props, and appeared in his hands. It was a frog’s leg that had been skinned.

“Eh! This is…what?” Asuna took a few steps back obviously, with a few drops of cold sweat on her face.

“Let me see, it’s called the meat of a scavenging frog. It’s a rare ingredient~” Xie Ming reached out and brought the frog’s leg to Asuna’s eyes.

“This is! The frog just now?”

“Yes, how about we eat dried frog meat tonight?”

Looking at the frog’s leg that seemed to be still moving, Asuna burst out: “Never!” She grabbed the frog’s leg from Xie Ming’s hand and threw it back. The sound of frog legs falling to the ground and props broken can be clearly heard in the silent corridor.

“Ah!” Xie Ming stretched out his hand, then looked at Asuna dissatisfiedly: “How can this be done? That’s precious meat.”

“Huh~” Asuna stared at Xie Ming with her hands on her hips.

However, Xie Ming smiled badly, and again took out a lot of frog legs from the props, “It’s delicious, Asuna, you should try it too~”

“Don’t don’t don’t don’t!!!!” Yuriyel and Yui watched the husband-and-wife comedy staged by Xie Ming Asuna who kept holding frog legs and throwing frog legs aside. There was no smile at all. Yu Liye was amused involuntarily.

“Laughing!” Yui looked at Yuriye happily.

Yuriel heard Yui’s voice and looked at the girl. The girl’s smile was like a sunflower: “I finally saw the big sister smile.” When she heard Yui’s words, she couldn’t help but stunned, and then smiled slightly at Yui. .

Yui looked very happy, her cheeks flushed. Looking at the two of them, Asuna wasn’t arguing with Xie Ming, holding Yui’s hand, and said, “Okay, let’s go.”

Continuing deep underground, the four of them came to a spacious corridor with a room in front of which was exposed to white light. Two sharp stones engraved with runes at the door indicate that that place is a safe area in the labyrinth area.

“Ah, it’s a safe area.” Asuna whispered while carrying Yui who was asleep.

Xie Ming’s pupils glowed purple, and he saw a man at the door: “There is a player inside, but…”

Upon hearing the exact news, Yuriye could not contain her excitement and ran away.

“Listen to it!” Xie Ming helplessly, and Asuna chased after her. Xie Ming ran and equipped his shield and the proof of fate to his left hand.

“Sinka!!” Yuriye ran tearfully, carrying the man’s name.

“Yuriel!” the man shouted at the door, raising his hands high and waving them incessantly.

“Don’t come here!” Sinka yelled anxiously, “That crossroad is…”

At this time, Xie Ming’s speed began to accelerate, turning into a bloodline blocking Yu Liyere’s front. The shield in his left hand collided with the sickle waved from the right side of the intersection, and the monster’s sickle bounced back. Xie Ming couldn’t help but retreat. A few steps later.

“Huh~ It’s exciting now.” Xie Ming shook his arm and muttered. Then he turned his head and said to the other three people: “I’ll take care of this, you hurry to a safe area.”

“Edmond!” Asuna wanted to draw her sword up to help.

“Asuna, you too. The level of this item is 110, which is equivalent to a monster of level 90.” Xie Ming watched as he recovered from his stiffness to the boss, his expression became rare and serious.


Xie Ming turned his head and smiled at Asuna: “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

Asuna slowly inserted the rapier back into the scabbard around her waist, and said worriedly: “I know, I will be with Yui. But if something is wrong, you have to run away immediately and use the transfer crystal, know? I’ll be there. The safe area is waiting for you.”

“Oh!” Xie Ming grinned, then focused his attention on the monster.

Floating in mid-air, he was wrapped in a shabby black cloak, his hands were bones, and his right hand was holding a huge crescent sickle obliquely. The head is like a human skull. There are two large holes on the left and right sides of the forehead, and blood-red eyes in the eye sockets. Without lips, pale teeth were directly exposed.

The name is: The Soulbringer has 10 blood cells next to it.

“Oh, brother. It was really awesome just now, do you want to do it again?” Xie Ming’s eyes showed fanatical emotions, which he would not usually show, and he was full of enthusiasm for fighting.

“Roar~” The BOSS grabbed the long handle with both hands, brandishing the tip of the sickle and stabbing Xie Ming fiercely.

The purple magic pupil accurately grasped the monster’s movements, and the shield in his left hand drew up again.

“Ding!!!” The sickle collided with the shield, and the wind pressure blew across the corridor, blowing Xie Ming’s black bangs.

Xie Ming’s feet sank, but the sickle of the monster facing him was also shot off, and the empty door opened wide. In the vision of the purple magic pupil, only attacking the monster’s white hands and head skeleton can effectively cause damage.

“Then, let’s start our game, monster.” With his feet on the spot, he flew straight to the head of the monster with a thunder and thunder. Xie Ming slashed out with a knife and smiled.

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