Chapter 1374

Tucao returns to Tucao, but the action of dispersing one’s consciousness and turning it into mental power is not slow. Starting from the fingertips and the tips of the hair, the human form began to loosen up, turning into traces of invisible spiritual power spreading out.

In other words, is he really still a human figure now? What basis do I have to determine that my consciousness is a human form?

Being able to determine the existence of “Xie Ming” is Xie Ming’s confidence in himself and the affirmation of himself by the great master of swordsmanship. However, it is impossible to determine in what way it exists.

After all, people use certain things as the basis of judgment to judge other things.

If there is no white in the world, will black become white? If there is no water in the world, will fire become water in people’s mouths?

It is always necessary to use what as the standard, so that people can accurately recognize things. And this standard of judgment is formed by learning, by inheritance, by something accumulated from generation to generation.

What Xie Ming needs now is to establish a benchmark that he can be sure of!

And what is this benchmark?

The answer is simple, knife.

This has been with him from the beginning to the definition of his current weapon, Xie Ming has absolute self-confidence. Moreover, for him, everything can be a knife. Then, there is nothing wrong with defining it as a knife.

If there is a pair of eyes that can see through the darkness, the owner of these eyes will find that a bright white long knife has appeared in the empty darkness.

And with this long knife as the center, the invisible mental force is like a sound wave emitted by a sonar, spreading everywhere.

“Okay, now I am a complete one.”

So what should I do next?

With a knife, it is natural to need a suitable scabbard. For knives, the scabbard is where it belongs. It is a place where the knife can be at ease. It is a lover and a loved one. Now that he has become a knife, he naturally also has his own scabbard.

And who is his scabbard?

Xie Ming has already admitted this. If he is a knife, then he is definitely a bad scum knife. And the scabbard of the slag knife is absolutely impossible to be made of one kind of material.

Bird’s tenderness, Lucia’s affection, Jingliu’s love, Chihaya’s support, Zhu Yin’s dedication, camp’s waiting, Asuna’s tolerance, Yui’s company, Jeanne’s trust, CC’s life and death together, Otti Nuth’s mutual understanding.

In the dark space, something new appeared again.

The scabbard radiating a faint gleam contained the bright white blade. If you have that ability, you can see that the shimmer of the scabbard is a combination of 11 completely different colors.

A color that makes people feel at ease.

Xie Ming finally felt the feeling from the bottom of his heart: warmth and peace of mind.

After the knife returned to the scabbard, Xie Ming clearly felt that the mental power he continuously spread was stronger.

It is precisely because of belonging and home that people have the motivation to fight and struggle, have the courage to challenge, and have the consciousness to bear.

Relatives and lovers are the objects that one must guard. Then a friend is someone who fights with oneself, helps each other with oneself, and trusts each other to challenge each other.

One after another, long knives of different colors appeared beside the long knives that belonged to the scabbard.

Yes, there are Sakura flowers floating around. Yes, the gloom flickers. Yes, electro-optical entanglement…..

“This is everything I have now.”

With their existence, what is the darkness?

“For a swordsman, everything can be cut. Even if all six senses are lost, even if the darkness is entangled. But there is one action that the swordsman will never forget. Moreover, I have already imprinted it in the depths of my soul.”

The bright white long knife slowly came out of its sheath, with the tip of the knife facing upward. The scabbard was tightly attached to the back of the long knife, while the other long knives made the same movements as the bright white long knife.



The darkness disappears and the light shines. Xie Ming, holding a bright white long knife in one hand, and a shimmering scabbard in the other.

And all around him, colorful and colorful long knives of different shapes are floating quietly.

“I think, I found it.”

It belongs to Xie Ming himself, the original fluctuation.


The wooden floor of the dojo was centered on where Xie Ming was sitting, and countless invisible cracks spread to the surroundings. But the strange thing is that these cracks did not completely shatter the floor, but maintained an extremely delicate balance.

G.S.D stepped on the floor a little harder, but there was no gap in any place. But in his perception, the ground was indeed riddled with holes.

“Is this, your fluctuation?”

There was a slight silence for a few seconds, and G.S.D turned his face to the young man who didn’t know when to open his eyes. There seemed to be a faint luster in the dark pupils. But this luster quickly dissipated.

“Ah, yes, this is the way I found the wave.” Xie Ming stood up with a smile and stretched his waist: “Does the G.S.D instructor want to see it?”

“…No, I have seen it.”

Looking down at the floor, G.S.D said softly, “But, I still don’t understand. But as long as it is placed here, I will be able to see something famous one day.”


Picking up the original chapter, Xie Ming walked forward and handed it to G.S.D.

“This book, please continue to keep the tutor. It is obviously more suitable than the next person waiting in the hands of the tutor who is covered in dust in my hands.”



“That’s it.” The corner of G.S.D’s mouth was slightly tilted, and the original chapter was returned to the space bag: “Now, it’s dark. It’s time for you to go back and see your friends.”

“The two little girls came to the old man to look for you because they were worried about your condition.”

“Selia? There is another… Nuoyu?”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows, and then laughed: “I understand, I will go back now. During Huttonmar’s time, I will disturb the tutor from time to time. I hope the tutor will not think I am troublesome.”

“Then I will leave the student.”


“My eyes” sent Xie Ming to leave, G.S.D lowered his head again, looking at the crack that can only be felt by fluctuation, and constantly stroking the scabbard with his right hand.

“I really accepted a terrible student today.”

Ashura, who penetrates the dark essence, is called the Great Dark Sky. So, how should you call a swordsman who combines wave, sword, and emotion? G.S.D doesn’t know, because he still doesn’t understand what is hidden in this rift.

For the entire continent, I am afraid that only that young man can understand how the original fluctuations in his heart should be called.

“Next time you come, let him name it.”

Slowly walked out of the dojo, gently closed the door, and G.S.D slowly walked towards his home in the old city. The voice stayed in the dojo.

“I am an old man, but there is no other way. I am as savvy as a young man.”

“If you don’t give me some clues, I’m afraid I can only sit on this floor and think slowly for the rest of my life.”

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