Chapter 1376

The waiters in the tavern have naturally seen the trance and confusion of their own proprietress many times. Knowing that as an elf, she must have a lot of pain in her heart, and she must have had many difficult memories in the past.

But as a long-lived species, as the last elf on the Arad continent, Socia naturally can’t choose objects casually. First, it is the issue of longevity. Secondly, it is a matter of strength.

How can a person who is not as strong as Socia and has a short lifespan can be worthy of his own boss?

So the waiters are also secretly helping Socia choose the right person. The purpose is to make Socia, who has a great kindness to them, be happier.

But so far, there are not many people on the list. Hollio, barely made it into the list.

After all, it is a regular customer, and the waiters have clearly observed their behavior and character. Those who can enter a high-level job transfer in their thirties are indeed talented.

But just like between ordinary people and job-changers, there is also a huge gap between job-changers and awakened ones. First of all, life span is the biggest gap.

Even if it is a high-level job transfer person, he can only live for about 100 to 150 years at most. This is still the case that the job transfer person is in good health and has no hidden injuries. Those who can be awakened have a life span of 500 years.

In addition, Hollio’s profession is one of the most difficult to awaken, Devil May Cry. It is an extremely dangerous profession dealing with ghosts and gods.

The power of ghosts and gods can give Devil May Cry a powerful force that exceeds that of the same-level transferees, but this power is always accompanied by danger.

Guy Jia of Remnant Shadows, Puxun Meng of Corrosion, Saya of Frost, Raksha of Plague, Karo of Dark Flame, plus the power of ghosts and gods in the hands of ghosts, Kazan of Soul Sword. These ghosts and gods can be considered a little easier to communicate.

But from the name and previous experience of these ghosts and gods, it can be seen that, with the exception of Kazan, the more advanced ghosts and gods are, the more difficult it is to communicate. And Devil May Cry wants to awaken, but it must communicate with that fierce and prominent ghost.

The seventh ghost and god. The evil god Fura Xiu.

Even the legendary character who created the profession of Devil May Cry, the priest Giger died because of the power of ghosts and gods, let alone other Devil May Cry? It can be said that most of the deaths of Devil May Cry were due to the failure of communication with ghosts and gods, and they died by the power of ghosts and gods.

Devil May Cry, killed by enemies and powerful monsters, is a minority.

Therefore, no matter how infatuated Hollio is and no matter how suitable the character is, the waiters dare not help him get closer to Socia, and can only reluctantly add him to the “boss list”.

They want to make their boss wife happy, but they don’t want to make her more sad.

And now Xie Ming’s appearance naturally made the waiters’ eyes brightened. You know, there are only a few men who can be personally ordered by the boss. Although the face is not as handsome as some men, it is still pretty good-looking.

The temperament on the body makes people feel very good, and the behavior is also very polite. There is no response to being provoked. If it is not the reason for his poor strength, it means that he is still quite demeanor and energetic.

However, if he wants to be included in the “Boss List”, there are still three conditions missing.

One: Be obsessed with the boss.

Two: strength.

Three: Is the character really good, or is it disguised.

“I don’t know how long he will stay next, if only he could observe it.”

With a small abacus in her heart, she decided to wait and discuss with her sisters after get off work, still with a polite smile on her face.

“Sorry, I made you laugh, Mr. Xie Ming. Most of the guests in the pub are quite rude. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Nothing, please continue to lead the way.”

Xie Ming smiled and said softly.

“Okay, please here.”

Seeing Xiaoxin taking Xie Ming into the tavern, Hollio retracted his gaze from the bartender and glanced at the back of the two. At this time, a glass of beer was placed in front of him.

“What’s the matter, Horio? With your pissiness, shouldn’t it be a provocation to those who look fierce and strong? Why are you suddenly interested in the young master who doesn’t know where?”

“It’s you, 囧ke.”

Turning his gaze to the brawny man who sat opposite him unceremoniously, Holio waved his hand boredly.

After entering the town, many adventurers will retract their weapons into the space bag, but there are also some adventurers who like to carry weapons with them to become more familiar with their weapons.

Holio is one of them, and his Dachi is now hanging from his waist. And the strong man in front of him was one of them.

His name is 囧ke, but people who mix in the back street and the old town all call him crazy 囧ke. The reason is naturally that he can only use the word crazy when he fights.

Holio, of course, has personally experienced the stormy boxing of Ji Ke. A punch came and almost made him spit out all the wine and food in his stomach.

He has gray hair, a dark red cloth on his forehead, only a white vest on his upper body, and a huge double-headed blue axe on his back. Those sturdy arms are similar to his own thighs.

I don’t know what the reason is. This Blue Fist Saint Envoy, who originally belonged to the clergy organization, joined the organization in the backstreet of Huttonmar, and with the strength of its high-level transferees, he became the operation captain of that organization. .

Everyone who lives in the backstreet of Huttonmar has his own story. Ji Ke, who has a bright future for development, resolutely left the priesthood church and joined the back street organization, a black organization of gangsters and gangsters. Naturally, there was his reason.

As for the reason, no one knew, no one asked. If he needs help, he will speak up, and he will do something he can help.

Since he hadn’t spoken, he would naturally not be boring to himself, perhaps he might split the friendship between them.

“It just feels weird, so I tried it a bit.”


Ji Ke raised his eyebrows: “Is he weird? Why didn’t I feel it.”

“How can you feel your muscle stick?” Holio took a sip of a half glass of beer, flipping Byakugan and said, “I’m Devil May Cry, the man who controls the power of ghosts and gods.”

“My ghostly power tells me that that guy has a faint sense of danger. That’s why I want to make sure that this feeling is correct.”

“…In other words, if you don’t have the power of ghosts and gods, you can’t notice it?”

“Are you stupid!? The power of ghosts and gods is my power. Without the power of ghosts and gods, would I still cry?”

“Well, too.”

囧ke shrugged and suffocated his beer.

“By the way, since you found me by yourself, I will ask you a question.”


“Aren’t your Blue Fist envoys fighting with fists? Then what are you doing with such an axe on your back? The state that can bless yourself is not only the fifty to one hundred meters?”

“Who knows?” 囧ke shrugged: “Why don’t you go back and ask Master Teda Burna, maybe he can answer you.”

“Cut, if I had the ability, who would ask an old man such a boring question. I must go to Socia at the time to pursue her!”

“Uh… it does have your style.”

(PS: Teda Bena, one of the “five sages” of the priesthood church, legendary priesthood, blue fist envoy.)

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