Chapter 1391

“This is Obes Roschbach, a new partner who has joined us and will take risks together. Obes, these are my other two companions, Celia and Nou.”

“Hello everyone~ just call me Obes.”

Seeing Obes who smiled and greeted him, Celia and Nou fell into a short silence.

After only two days of going out, one of the four god-tier officers came to join the team. This abduction technique is really amazing.

Xie Ming is not quite clear, but can Celia and Nuoyu still be unclear?

The position of the descendants of the five saints in the priesthood church does not need to be explained too much, but only the Rochebach line is the highest concern of the church in this generation. The reason is simple, because there are only two people in the Rochebach family.

Archbishop Marjello Roshbach, and Obes Roshbach.

Twenty years ago, the family of Archbishop Magello suffered a suicide attack by a pretender. His wife, son and daughter-in-law all died in that attack. The only one who survived was Obes, who was still young and was desperately protected by his family.

It can be said that for Obes, although Magello has not reached the level of “holding it in his hands”, it really took a lot of effort to take care of this only blood relative.

I don’t want her to be dominated by hatred, I want her to maintain a kind heart and guide her on the right path.

It is with Magello’s meticulous care and care that Obes can grow up to this day and become a genius paladin who is highly valued by the entire church, and one of the four god-tier officers of the Arad continent.

And Obesi did not let other people down, let his grandfather down. Her most famous battle was when a person resolutely fought against the dark cult of infidels, and rescued the girls who had been infected by the blood of the pretenders from the cult, allowing them to regain a new life.

Where there is light, there is darkness. Even the priesthood church cannot be all kind and just people. Many people have been dominated by hatred and anger.

There are two ways to identify the pretender. One is to be inspired by God and become a priest.

The other is to accept the blood of the pretender and become a pretender.

The spread of the curse of blood is very fast, but compared to men, the spread of the curse of blood on women will be much slower. Those with fear, anger, and hatred made such a decision in secret.

Inject the blood of pretenders into girls with firm beliefs, and deceive them as “new revelations” so that they can identify the pretenders.

Then when the girls are about to completely turn into pretenders, they are directly sent to the torture table.

Girls, in the eyes of these people who have turned into heretics, it is a one-time use item.

Obes, who was only 14 years old at the time, discovered this abnormal phenomenon vigilantly. Later, after a long investigation and difficult battles, she successfully punished these heretics who had been frantic and saved these girls who went astray.

The girls who were bewitched were all brought into the Remedy Church by Obes. Under the leadership and guidance of Obes, they were successfully reborn, received real revelation, and became true priests. .

At that time, under the leadership of Obes, the girls sang hymns and praises in unison in the Great Sanctuary, and they have been talked about by the residents and patrollers of Huttonmar until today.

It is precisely because they have experienced despair and darkness that they pursue the light even more, and even more want to bring the light to those who are still in the dark.

This is the purpose of the holy knights founded by Obes Roschbach for the girls.

It was precisely because of the resolution of this extremely bad incident that Obesi became one of the four god-tier officials of the priesthood church unimpeded. For ordinary people, Obes has become a legend.

As far as mainland status is concerned, Obes does not know how many times higher than Xilan.

However, such a legend was actually dragged into his adventure team by Xie Ming?

“I won’t, I’m experiencing the legend myself…”

Nuo Yu thought blankly.

Celia reacted after a brief surprise, and smiled and greeted Obes: “Hello Miss Obes, this is Celia Krumin. From now on, I will trouble Miss Obes.”

“Just call me Obes. Similarly, allow me to call you Celia.”

“So, sister Obes?”

“Hmm, yes, yes.”

Obes happily took Celia’s hand, and then looked at Nuoyu: “Nuoyu is also, let’s get along well in the future.”

“Ah, uh…”

Nuoyu nodded stupidly, and was immediately pulled over by Obesi. The atmosphere that was originally strange and embarrassing, under Obes’ cheerful smile, instantly became alive.

Seeing that the three women are getting along well, Xie Ming also slightly relieved.

To be honest, he and Golantis, who had just come out of the Holy Light Room, were also surprised for a while at the incident that Obes took the initiative to send it to the door. I didn’t expect to find the support position in the team so quickly.

In Xie Ming’s original plan, he alone was responsible for core output and assistance. But now with Obes, the team’s strength has directly increased several times. With her assistance, when fighting the Ice Dragon and Evil Dragon, I’m afraid he wouldn’t need to use the Forbidden Hand to fight.

But the members of the team are very powerful, but they still need to fight to run in. As for the running-in place…it is naturally the city of the sky.

The difficulty of being close is suitable, and it is also related to the plan. It is simply the best choice.

However, since the team has initially formed, it means that Xie Ming’s speed should also be accelerated. Fortunately, the holy arts of the priesthood are not as complicated as thoughts and fluctuations. When Xie Ming studied, he felt that it went smoothly without any obstacles at all.

I don’t know if it was the reason for entering the Holy Light Room.

In just half a morning, Xie Ming has actually mastered four skills: weapon blessing, purification, protection of the holy light, and rapid healing.

Originally, Xie Ming wanted to master the resurrection skill of the source of life, or the group healing skill of the holy healing wind. But the facts told him that he wanted to eat peaches.

The source of life and the wind of holy healing, the high-ranking paladins in the priesthood church do not have many masters. The most important reason is not that Xie Ming can’t learn it, but that it can’t be used if he learns it.

The sacred power that drives the source of life and the wind of sacred healing can no longer be the ordinary sacred power converted by energy conversion alone. It must be protected by God. Obviously, Xie Ming was the one who was the furthest away from God’s protection.

If it is the protection of the world, the protection of Gaia or the protection of Alaya, it may be easier. But God…..

Spartan’s Wrath said it was a bit greedy.

Although Xie Ming has killed all evil gods so far, Spartan’s Wrath is essentially the killing of gods. And killing gods, no matter what god you are. Otherwise, Kratos would not accidentally stabbed Athena, who had been helping him.

But being able to master the four skills in one morning has turned Galantis’s eyes into those of monsters. Had it not been for such an example in the church before, I am afraid the whole church would be boiling over today.

Yes, someone once learned the four tricks of sacred art in one day.

His name is Neilbas Gracia.

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