Chapter 1393

Luo Li’an, whose full name is Luo Li’an Konaruo, is the only daughter of the noble Konaro family. But because I hated the dull life of aristocratic families, I ran away from home to run a jewelry store on the West Blue shore.

However, that was also Lorian after many years. She should have been sent to this magic school by her family to study now, she was just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old student.

The talent in magic can be said to be unique, otherwise he would not become the chief of the school of magic, Sharan’s personal disciple.

After all, Xie Ming was an outsider and hadn’t enrolled in a magic school, so naturally he couldn’t walk around in the school at will. Therefore, Saran will let her big disciple come to pick up people.

But obviously, Shalan didn’t consider what kind of character her big disciple was.

If you use a few words to summarize this girl with eyebrows, it must be savage, princess disease, and narcissism.

From her actions and attitude when she walked out of the school building, and the first words she said to the person who met Xie Ming for the first time, we can see what kind of person Luo Lian is. With such a character, it is really difficult for others not to dislike her.

If Xie Ming hadn’t known that this girl is such a character, I’m afraid he would have been disgusted.

Although he took the liberty to visit, since Shalan has agreed to meet with him, then he is Shalan’s guest. As for the guests of your master, what do you think this little girl said?

“For the sake of correcting it in time, I will forgive you for allowing me to go so far under the sun. Thank me.”

Even Xie Ming didn’t react to what the girl was saying for a while.

It can only be said that this girl is owed to clean up.

The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and Xie Ming decided not to be familiar with this little girl. He came this time, after all, he was asking for Saran, so it was only natural that he should be patient.

Besides, he has nothing to do with Luo Lian. It’s not his turn to be a discipline or something.

“Hello, Miss Lorian.”

Ignoring the irritating speech made by this girl before, Xie Ming said calmly: “Take me to find Miss Shalan, please.”

“Well, it seems that you have a lot of etiquette than other men. It is very good to know that it is very impolite to keep staring at a lady.”

Luo Lian nodded in satisfaction, and gently fluffed up her bright golden silky long hair.

“But there is no way, who told me to be so beautiful. It is natural for people to be fascinated by my beauty. Alas, is beauty also a sin?”


This time, the corner of Xie Ming’s eyes twitched a few times: “Miss Luolian, I’m very sorry to bother you, can you take me to Miss Shalan? I have something more important to ask her.”

“Also, if you stay in the sun for a long time, it won’t be too good for Miss Lorian’s skin, is it?”

“Well, although my beauty is not affected by the sun at all. However, beautiful people need to take care of themselves. So I took your suggestion.”

Holding the green dragon in one hand and fanning the wind gently with the other, Luo Lian turned his head and said.

“Let’s go, now I will take you to see Aunt Sharan, thank me very much.”

“Thank you very much.”

After just exchanging such a few words, Xie Ming felt that his head was beginning to hurt. This eldest lady really has a talent for shaking her head helplessly.

Although she is indeed very beautiful and eye-catching, the princess’s illness and narcissism immediately offset her appearance score. Some people may like this, but Xie Ming really stays away from such a person.

“I hope there will be no intersection in the future.”

Xie Ming, who followed Luo Li’an and walked into the teaching building, thought silently.


There are not too many students in the magic school, and the entire school probably only has more than 1,000 people. Among them, as Xie Ming said before, there are people of various races.

Even the devil from the birthplace of magic come to the magic school to learn from Saran. The main reason was Shalan’s amazing talent in the practical use of magic.

She is very good at analyzing and summarizing the principles of magic, and then teaching them to others in a more understandable way. It can be said that Shalan is a natural teacher.

Obviously, as a dark elf, he doesn’t have any evils of dark elf. He is gentle and patient. He doesn’t reject any other races. On the contrary, he likes to get along with humans very much. Otherwise, she would not accept such a big disciple as Luo Lian.

Even, Guy Li, a big profiteer, was able to fulfill the wish of learning magic, and it was also the blessing of Saran.

Throughout the history of dark elves, I am afraid that no dark elves can be connected with so many humans like Shalan.

In addition, she herself is also a very beautiful dark elf beauty. Therefore, with the addition of these various factors, Saran can have a very high evaluation among Huttonmar.

But this time, Xie Ming had a question in his mind.

Why would Saran meet with herself so unsuspectingly. Normally, a stranger who does not know his identity comes to the school and he needs to see the principal when he speaks. The guard will let him leave quickly, right?

But this question was quickly solved by Xie Ming himself.

Even if Saran gets close to humans, she is also a dark elf and an envoy sent by the dark elf queen Maya. In this case, Minette, who had no news after coming to Huttonmar, must have been in contact with Shalan.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain, Xie Ming hasn’t even shown the letter of introduction from Queen Scadi, and the door guard directly reported to Saran after hearing his name.

I’m afraid, Minette has already greeted himself. So, I am afraid that Shalan already knows the purpose of her arrival.

I don’t know how the Dark Elf Kingdom is considering his proposal.

“Da da da…..”

Three soft knocks on the door drew Xie Ming out of his thoughts. Before he knew it, he had followed Luo Li’an to a room that contained magical fluctuations. The house number on the room marked its name in various languages.

Principal room.

“Aunt Shalan, the guest has arrived.”

“Thank you, Lorian, come in.”

A lazy and magnetic voice came slowly from the room. After receiving a reply, Luo Lian pushed the door open without hesitation and walked in.

Inside, a beautiful woman in a blue-green close-fitting dress is standing in front of the white board, tapping the white board lightly with her magic wand. With the click of the wand, black magic symbols appeared and began to line up on the whiteboard.

Even Xie Ming, who didn’t know anything about the magic system of Arad Continent, could see from the whole that there was a magic circle on the whiteboard.

Feeling the guest coming in, the woman withdrew her gaze from the whiteboard, and gave Xie Ming an elegant and gentle smile.

“Hello, welcome to the magic school. This is the principal Sharan.”

“We have been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Xie Ming.”

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