Chapter 1395 Conspiracy Appearing on the Water

The big transfer version of DNF is undoubtedly the existence that makes players very criticized. Because there are too many places to eat books, they are all ignored by the plot planning with the word “parallel world”. This naturally caused dissatisfaction among many players and even abandoned the pit.

Although the reaction of Xie Ming, an old player, was not as intense as those of those players, he was also confused. But immediately, he plunged into the new version of the plot research.

But the more you study, the more question marks he gets. Among them, among the few questions that puzzled him the most, there was such a problem.

Why did the big explosion caused by the Great Transfer only affect the continent where the Duchy of Belmar is located? According to the second queen of the empire who I met later, it seems that the empire has not been harmed by any disaster caused by the great transfer.

It even gave people a feeling that the empire seemed to have long known that the Great Shift would happen.

After all, in the Great Shift version, the empire directly invaded and occupied the Principality of Belmar when it was hit hard by the Principality of Belmar. How can it be possible to invade a country without advance military preparations?

Although that was something that appeared in the game, it was different from the current parallel world. But this does not mean that there is no connection between the two.

Now, when we connect the energy aggregation magic circle possessed by the Demon World, Alice’s identity, the Empire’s caravan transportation, and the relationship between the Empire and Alice, the answer is actually ready to come out.

The great transfer is likely to be a conspiracy that Held sent Alice and the empire to jointly plan. The purpose is to destroy the Principality of Belmar and destroy the great magic circle created by the great magician Mar to protect the continent of Arad.

Herder is indeed the first person to discover magic, but the first discovery of magic does not mean that she is the strongest in using magic. In the world, there will always be some sons of destiny who are rare in thousands of years, and they can catch up with newcomers.

Mar, who created the Duchy of Belmar and saved the land of Arad from desertification, is undoubtedly such a genius.

In that era, there was more than one such genius.

Kazan, Ozma, and the god-tier officer Gig, who later led the Orthodox Empire of Perus and the Civil War of Delos, are undoubtedly such geniuses.

Unfortunately, only Mar escaped Herder’s conspiracy.

“Since it’s here, we must prevent this from happening anyway.”

A cold light and determination flashed in the dark eyes, and Xie Ming raised his head calmly: “I probably understand the situation, thank you very much. I don’t know if Miss Shalan can promise me an unrelenting request.”

“Please say.”

Shalan chuckled lightly and looked at the young man in front of her with interest. It seems that he seems to know a lot of secrets. And these secrets he knew were connected as an introduction through her answer, and he just came to a conclusion.

Sharan was really interested in what conclusion he reached.

“I hope that Miss Saran can help Belmar Principality to find the magic circle that the Empire has secretly deployed around Huttonmar, and destroy it without others’ awareness.”

“This… is really an unrelenting invitation…”

Hearing this, Shalan couldn’t help laughing wryly.

Even if she helps Belmar Principality in many places and helps humanity. But in the final analysis, she is a national messenger sent by Queen Maya. And state messengers cannot get involved in disputes between other countries.

Otherwise, it is very easy to cause diplomatic problems and even war.

This is probably the reason why Queen Skadi had not asked her for help even though she knew that there was such an outstanding great magister as Sharan in Huttonmar.

The problem between the Belmar Principality and the Empire cannot involve the Dark Elf Kingdom. No, put this question on the bright side to tear the skin.

There is only war, which everyone wants to avoid.

“I understand that my request will be very embarrassing to Miss Saran. I also understand the concerns of Queen Scadi and Queen Maya. However, this is not the time to talk about these.”

Xie Ming said softly: “I believe the Dark Elf Kingdom knows the ambition and desire for destruction of the Delos Empire better than anyone else. It’s not that we do nothing, the other party will do nothing.”

“Our inaction is only a hotbed of future disasters and aggression. However, with the strength of the two countries, no matter which country is able to fight the empire. A secret alliance is the best choice today.”

“I also understand that there are also many problems in the Dark Elf Kingdom. So I only hope that Miss Sharan can first convey my wishes and ideas to Queen Maya.”


Saran rubbed her eyebrows in distress, “Then, what’s the reason? Do you have any evidence that the Delos Empire has a bad intention to Belmar Principality? It’s totally unconvincing just by relying on this magic circle.”

“But it’s enough to make people vigilant, isn’t it?” Xie Ming smiled: “Miss Sharan can go and don’t tell me. The empire has the idea of ​​building a friendship between the two countries, so I want to make a silent contribution for the sake of her. Dunmar builds an energy cluster.”

“Ha ha ha ha…”

Sharan covered her mouth and chuckled. If the Delos Empire is such a country, then other countries won’t have to worry so much.

“As for the reason, please forgive me for not being able to say it. It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but I can’t. At least for now, I can’t tell anyone the reason.”

Because it is useless to say that, instead, he will startle the snake and expose himself to the bright side.

You know, being in the dark and not being exposed is Xie Ming’s biggest advantage at the moment. Before he develops and finds the fighting power that can counterattack the Demon Realm, the reason can only be hidden in Xie Ming’s heart.

“…It seems that there are a lot of difficulties in it.”

Shalan looked at the youth’s calm eyes, smiled bitterly and shook her head.

“So, can I ask the last question?”

“Please say.”

“Mr. Xie Ming, why do you want to do this?” Shalan stared closely at Xie Ming’s eyes: “This should not do you any good, right?”

“As an adventurer, participate in the open and secret struggles between nations, and even fight against the monsters that have appeared thousands of years ago, without asking for any reward.”

“There used to be such races in this world, but their ultimate result was destruction. Do you want to be such a martyr?”

“Martyr? Miss Saran is too acclaimed.”

Xie Ming laughed, his eyes kept calm and calm.

“I am a very selfish person, so I will only do what I want to do. I hate someone crying, so I will help him. I hate bullying, so I will resist.”

“If extending this hand can save other lives, to save something, I don’t mind extending my hands.”

“Because there is always someone to be the candle that lights up the darkness.”

“Even if… this candle will be wiped out by darkness? Even if there may not be anyone, to thank the candle for its self-burning?”

“Will not.”

Gently tapped on his chest, Xie Ming said softly.

“I don’t believe in human nature, but I am willing to believe in human hearts.”

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