Chapter 157 The Way to the World Tree

The two soared in the vast sky, heading towards the target place, the World Tree. There are monsters in the sky in ALO, so for Xie Ming, this is a very valuable experience, fighting in the air.

The main god space has countless mission spaces, and this kind of aerial combat experience might come in handy one day, or it might save one’s life.

The so-called battle in the air is to open up ideas. The range of combat attacks on the ground is only around people, and at most a head is added. But in the air, the range of attacks that can be increased is not one or two points, but three-dimensional. Similarly, the scope of one’s attack will increase equally.

But in Xie Ming’s eyes, air combat is more interesting than ground combat. Although the difficulty is also greater, the space for maneuverability is also greater. For the Spartans, the more maneuverability of combat means that their attack methods will be more abundant.

Controlled the flying speed, cut off the two flying lizards in front, and kicked the monster that was attacking by the plane, preparing to sprint and kill. But when he heard Lifa next to him, he started to chant a spell.

As the spell finished, Lifa’s palm shot several cursors and hit the monster, killing it, and the battle ended.

“Thank you~” Lifa lowered the height and said.

“Thank you for your help.” Xie Ming raised his hand and high-five with Lifa. At this time, the wings of the two of them no longer had the luster they had at the beginning, and they were already dimmed.

Lifa saw this and said, “The wings are almost at their limit. Let’s land there first.”


The two landed on a green field, and they stretched out. Lifa said: “From the previous paragraph, we can’t fly in the air.”


Lifa pointed to a high mountain in front of him, and said, “That mountain exceeds the flying height, so we can’t fly over from the mountain, we can only pass through the cave underneath. So this is the most on the way to the World Tree from the land of the wind spirits. Difficult place.”

“That’s it…” Xie Ming nodded.

“The cave tunnel is very long, but there is a mining city in the middle where we can rest on the way. Edmond, do you have time today?”

“Well, it’s nothing.”

“Really, then let’s put more oil. Let’s take turns to take a break here.”

“Take a break? What is that.”

“Ah, we take turns offline to rest, because neutral areas cannot go offline at any time. So we alternate offline, and the people who stay take care of the virtual characters that no one controls.”

Xie Ming nodded, indicating that he knew, and then said: “Then Lifa, please ask first.”

“Then I’m welcome, please 20 minutes.” Lifa opened the menu and clicked to exit the game.


Suguha took off the AmuSphere he was carrying on his head, slowly sat up, stretched his waist, and walked out of the room.

Today, my parents will come back very late, and Kirito is still undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital. So there is only Suguha in the house, so it doesn’t matter if you dress casually. Entered the kitchen, made myself a sandwich for dinner, took a shower after eating, and re-entered the game.

“I’ve been waiting, are there any monsters coming out?” Lifa raised his head and asked.

“Welcome back, there is no situation.” Xie Ming slowly put away his weapon and smiled.

“What are you doing? Why did you pull out the weapon?” Lifa asked curiously.

Xie Ming smiled and said, “I haven’t gotten used to this equipment, so I just trained a little bit.”

“Oh~, no wonder you are so good.” Lifa looked at Xie Ming with some admiration.

“My teacher taught me that every movement and detail of the Master’s body must be required so that I can respond to emergencies with a complete posture.” Xie Ming sat down cross-legged and explained.

“Do you also have martial arts connections in real life?” Lifa asked curiously.

“Right, there are fighting skills and swordsmanship practice. Then I will go offline first, please protect you.” Xie Ming finished, clicked to exit the game, the virtual character lowered his head and fell into an uncontrolled situation.

“Fighting and swordsmanship… It really makes people wonder what he does.” Lifa sat next to Xie Ming, watching Xie Ming mutter to herself.

“Seek the hearts of others? Who am I looking for?” Lifa thought about this, and suddenly thought of her brother, Kazuto Kiriya. When I was with my brother, my heart would’plop and thump’, and I wanted to stay with him like this all the time and stay slowly.

But when I was with Edmond, it was completely different. When I was with him, my heart would be very peaceful. If I said that when I was with my brother, I felt nervous, admired, and at a loss. So when I am with Edmond, I feel calm and fulfilled, and people can’t help but want to rely on him.

In that case, Edmond is more suitable for the role of his brother.

Just as Lifa was thinking about these messy things, Xie Ming was back online, stretched out his hand and shook in front of Lifa who was in a trance, and asked, “Hey~, wake up.”

“Ah!!” Lifa was taken aback, and then asked nervously: “You are so fast, have you eaten yet?”

“Well, all the ingredients are ready, and the rice is steamed. The rest only needs to be fried.” Xie Ming said.

In fact, it was the same. Xie Ming fry a dish after he logged out of the game, and Yui had dinner together and arranged it. Then, first soak the pot and bowl in water, add some detergent, and wait until the end to wash it.

“Really? Then let’s hurry up.” Lifa stood up, patted her clothes and said.

“…It seems that someone is following us.” Xie Ming’s pupils suddenly turned purple, and he said as he looked into the deep forest.


Xie Ming didn’t answer, and asked Yui in Kabuto, “Yui, are there other players nearby?”

“No, Dad. There was no hostile reaction.” Yui shook his head and said.

“Maybe there are trackers following us.” Lifa said suddenly.


“It’s tracking magic. Use magic to create a small servitor to track the object. The servitor can tell the caster the location of the target. This kind of magic is very troublesome.”

“Is there no way to cancel it?”

“Unless you find the position of the servitor, but this kind of magic will increase with the improvement of skill proficiency, and the distance from the target will become farther. In such a dense and deep jungle, it is impossible to find the servitor. of.”

“Really?” Xie Ming narrowed his eyes, and could vaguely see a small thing with flapping wings in the forest. He picked up a small stone and threw it at the thing, then said: “Forget it, let’s hurry up.”

“Yeah.” Cyan and black wings appeared behind the two and flew into the air. Then, a little red bat flew out of the forest.

In the deep forest, there was also a group of people in red cloaks standing. Although the stone that Xie Ming had just not hit the envoy, it also shocked the caster. However, you can’t just give up the task.

The caster picked up the staff, a red rune appeared on it, and the little bat waved its wings and followed the two of them.

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