Chapter 159

A few minutes before the battle

“Attention!” The leading red robe fire elf shouted loudly: “The opponent is Edmund Dantes! According to the information our intelligence personnel got, he ended the death game-the hero of SAO, and that game too. The strongest player! But, he is now in ALO! Although he is very strong, but he has never been exposed to magical VRMMO games. Let us teach him, let’s teach him how to play ALO!”

“Oh!” the fire elves roared in unison.

I have to say that the prestige of this fire elves is still very great. After being mobilized by him in this way, the fire elves’ aura has risen. However, this kind of situation will only happen to players who have not been in contact with Xie Ming, because they have not really been in contact, and their strength is a different dimension of existence.


Seeing Xie Ming pacing over, the eight heavy-shield warriors had raised their shields and blocked Xie Ming’s path neatly. She shrank her whole body behind the crimson shield, only showing one eye staring at Xie Ming.

Then there is a group of 4 healing squad, not far from the heavy shield warriors, it should be healed within the limit of the magic range. The last is a team of 8 warlocks. At this time, they have already shot the first wave of attacks, and 8 fireballs have already fired over.

Xie Ming’s purple pupils looked at the fireball that was rapidly shooting at him, and thought silently in his heart: “According to the list of magic that I just scanned, this fireball should be a high-level burst magic, and it’s a directional skill.”

The so-called directional skill means that it can lock the target of the attack, and will not miss the target or attack other targets. Simply put, it is a must, unless there is a magic that can block the skill. (PS: Those who play LOL should know better. The E of the Wandering Mage Ryze is a directional skill, but it can be blocked by the W of Yasuo, the Storm Sword.)

“But this is VRMMO, so let’s test it first to see if it must be hit!” Xie Ming’s eyes became indifferent and calm. At this time, the distance between him and the fireballs was less than 10 meters.

Just before the fireball was about to hit Xie Ming, Xie Ming tapped the ground with his toes, and his body image was a breeze, floating directly in front of the shield warrior. Fireball also chased Xie Ming and came to them.

“Let’s see if you can accept this gift.” Xie Ming looked at the shield warrior who dared not take the initiative to attack, the corners of his mouth raised lightly, his feet were heavily on the shields of two of them, and then he flipped back. The posture is far away.

Assigning skills is not so easy to fool, Xie Ming wants to know this with his toes. Therefore, Xie Ming didn’t make the dodge action until the limit was reached. The bet is whether the nature of magic in this world is similar to guided missiles in the real world.

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!” A total of eight muffled sounds, followed by an explosion like a small nuclear bomb.

The wind whizzed across the bridge, and in a cloud of smoke, no one could see what had happened.

“Edmond!!” Lifa shouted nervously.

But Yui calmly said, “Miss Lifa, there is nothing wrong with my father, you see that his HP bar has not dropped.”

“Ah, really!” Lifa glanced at the upper left corner of her vision. Like SAO, the teammate’s health bar is below his own health bar, and Xie Ming’s HP bar has not changed in any way.

Then clanging and screams came from the smoke, followed by a huge burst of air.

The smoke was cut away by the knife wind, revealing the scene inside. The surrounding fire was burning, shining Xie Ming’s blood red robe. And around, there are 8 groups of crimson flames, which are the afterglow left by the death of the fire elves.

“Impossible!” The leading fire elf had a big belly, and his face was full of horror. “The 8 heavy armored shield warriors were wiped out in such a short time!?”

Xie Ming’s face was calm, but his heart sighed involuntarily, “It’s only this point…it’s really boring.” Then he turned his head and shouted at Lifa, “Lifa, can you help me maintain one? A magical defense barrier that can defend against a round of attacks?”

Lifa was also shocked by the result. Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Lifa subconsciously shouted back: “Yeah, but what are you going to do?”

“Someone helped me block the attack just now, so I didn’t get hurt. But now no one can help, so I can only rely on you! Don’t worry, it will be over 5 seconds after blocking the wave of damage.” Xie Ming said with a smile.

The result was not beyond Xie Ming’s expectation. The nature of this directional magic was the same as that of a guided missile. If you dodge at a very close distance at a speed that it can’t reflect, then the fireball will hit the target you are guiding.

However, there was no damage to teammates in ALO, so the fireball did not cause damage to the heavy shield fighters. However, there is no damage, and the impact brought by it is unavoidable. The two heavy shield warriors who were stepped on by Xie Ming’s feet caused them to retreat, and their flaws have been exposed. The impact of the subsequent explosion of the fireball was the last straw that crushed the camel.

For Xie Ming, a heavy shield warrior who lost his formation was like a target in front of him.

When Lifa heard Xie Ming’s confident words, the corners of her mouth twitched. Then replied: “I know, but remember to leave alive!”


Seeing Xie Ming giving herself a thumbs up, Lifa chuckled lightly. Then he opened his arms, raised his head and closed his eyes, and read the strongest defensive magic that he could Master. With the completion of the magic, Lifa’s body burst into light, and then hundreds of blue butterflies flew around Xie Ming with Lifa as the source, turning into a protective shield.

At this time, the fire elves warlocks also completed the release of burst magic, and 8 huge fireballs burst again.

Lifa’s magic bar was instantly emptied, but she also successfully defended this round of attacks.

In the smoke, Xie Ming’s robe seemed to still be stained with flames, the meteorite rushed over, and the four healers were instantly cut in half and died. Without any stay, only a huge pothole caused by trampling was left in place, Xie Ming rushed to the group of warlocks behind.

“Retreat! Retreat!!” Looking at Xie Ming, whose face was calm and the purple light flashing in his eyes, the leading fire elf shouted in horror, and then he was the first to be cut away by Xie Ming from the middle.

What followed were six cold lights and screams.

Xie Ming slowly retracted the weapon into the scabbard around his waist, looking indifferently at the only living mouth that was limp on the ground, like a burning purple magic pupil slowly extinguishing, returning to a pitch-black pupil.

Seeing Lifa who had rushed over, Xie Ming slowly said, “Tell everything you know.”

There is no human touch in the tone.

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