Chapter 1600

There are a lot of fighting records about Kahn. After all, every apostle was taught by him when he came to the devil world. But there is only one game that is truly meaningful.

The battle between him and the third apostle Pray. The two had fought for several days, and the Devil World was torn apart. Finally, under Herder’s mediation, the two men stopped.

Xie Ming was still a little strange at the time, and Kahn was indeed looking at Helder’s face. But I don’t know Herdpre at all, so why would he stop?

Now he understands.

The reason is very simple, because Pray is tired of playing.

Although I don’t know if Kahn has any unique nirvana, but judging from the current state of combat, it is extremely correct to describe him with the three characters “Iron King Ba”. Because he is really like a fierce turtle, with extremely strong defense and extremely high attack power.

If you hit him, the injury will heal in a while. But if you accidentally get hit by him, you will end the battle with a serious injury. Even in the state of the Chilong Emperor, a punch by Kahn would be half-life.

At the point where they are now, ordinary restorative medicines have no effect at all. But now Xie Ming didn’t have any advanced recovery props like Xiandou. Otherwise, it’s not that he doesn’t mind selling a flaw to seduce Kahn.

And Xie Ming didn’t have no means to break Kahn’s defense. The Yao, which is specially used to break the tortoise shell, can definitely break Kahn’s legend that it will not be destroyed by any substance or means.

But if you want to truly destroy the opponent’s defense, it is certainly not the kind of casual attack, but a full-scale attack. But in the current fierce offensive and defensive battle, there is definitely no way to use it.

Early use of those Yaos that are not powerful enough will only make Kahn vigilant. Therefore, he can only secretly use God-killing Flames, and constantly leave those inconspicuous, but insignificant, ‘marks’ on Kahn’s copper and iron walls, but will be used at critical times.

When Yao completely detonates these marks, Kahn will lose his strongest shield.

But Yao still needs to wait for the opportunity to use it. This opportunity will never appear between him and Kahn in a short time. Rather, in the two battlefields below.

To be precise, it was the battle between Herder and Celia.


Herder is called the god of magic, absolutely not groundless. Even under the interference of Celia and the elves in Silent City, she can still display her strength beyond Alice.

This feeling is like a childhood sweetheart persuading natural elements to stop using the other side’s dog as a spare tire. The other side is just playing with you. But the natural element still can’t help but obey the other’s orders.

No, it sounds more and more white.

Kekeke, get back to business.

In the age before and after the apostles came, Herder was indeed the weakest among the apostles. But for such a long time of accumulation, she has digested all the knowledge in her mind.

Magic knowledge from Terra, magic knowledge in the heavens, and magic knowledge of Arad continent.

Now calling Herder the god of magic, there is really no problem at all.

Before, Celia said that elves manipulate natural elements as simple as moving their fingers. But the process of moving the fingers is actually quite cumbersome. Herder has already passed this stage.

You don’t even need to move your fingers, just move your mind, and the floating natural elements can be arranged and combined as she wants.And just like Lesaline fused and arranged the four basic elements to obtain the space element, Herder also successfully merged the elements and obtained the elemental power that transcends the natural elements.

Although space elements are rare, the Arad continent is not unused, let alone Herder, who has been able to use magic to do things like traveling through time and space.

After an awakening of the elementalist, he was called the Great Magister. After the second awakening, it is called the elemental Holy Spirit.

However, the name of this second awakening is actually viewed separately.

The element and the Holy Spirit are totally talking about different things.

Some elementalists who have been immersed in the realm of the Grand Magister for many years sometimes experience a trance when they perform magic. Although this situation only occurs for an instant, in this instant, the elementalists feel that everything in the world is under their control.

They think that in this state, they feel that they can more easily understand the nature of the world, so elementalists call this state the ‘Holy Spirit’ state.

This is the interpretation of the word Holy Spirit.

And the element does not refer to the element of the elementalist, but to the element that has never been discovered before, separated from the current natural element, and is a brand new element.

In the latest element theory, not only the four basic elements of ice, fire, light, and darkness exist in the atmosphere, but also the ether element, or the air element, which is responsible for reconciling these four elements.

The wind element that Cyria often uses is actually a branch of the air element. The reason why the elves can interfere with the natural elements is attributed to the essence of interfering with the air element that is responsible for reconciling, leaving the natural elements in an unstable and difficult-to-control state.

Herder’s time and space magic is created by arranging the five elements in different ways. But on top of this, she merged the five elements to create a brand-new sixth element.

Only when the Master masters the sixth element of the fusion of these five elements can the elementalist truly reach the realm of the second awakening, the elemental holy spirit.

In Herder’s current realm, he can throw away the sixth element.

If he hadn’t learned that the elves had the ability to interfere with the balance of natural elements, Xie Ming would not give Herder to Celia and Reshalin to deal with it. Desperate and dying are completely different things.

After being disturbed, Herder’s strength has not survived, although he is still stronger than Alice. But Ryshalin and the others are no longer the strength they had when they played against Alice.

After breaking the heart demon of Alice with his own hands, the strength of the team formed by Xie Ming has been spewed up. That’s why Xie Ming was able to hand Herder to them with peace of mind.

Even in Xie Ming’s expectation, they would break the balance between him and Kahn and give this opportunity.

In fact, his teammates did not let him down.

Instant shadow three cuts!

The three silver-white sword lights overlapped each other and shattered after successively smashing Herder’s magic. But after that, Nuo Yu’s cut through the air took over. The Sword Sect and the Sword Saint constantly rushed towards Herder’s position during this alternation.

After all, if a magician is approached by a melee professional, there is really no way except to hand over life-saving skills.

Moreover, before, Reshalin and others had already seen Herder’s fighting style.

A magic shield comparable to an iron wall was created around the body for defense, and then a large-scale, large-scale, high-damage magical attack was carried out while moving. The doll she controls, Alice’s fighting style, must be taught by her master.

Moreover, although Herder is superb in magic, her actual combat level can be said to be the bottom of the apostle. Even Celia is a few levels better than her.

After all, she is a trader and a chess player. If even the chess player beats others, it means that the chess game is definitely lost.

Coupled with the existence of Kahn, Held never took the initiative again. Kahn’s strength is certainly an extremely reassuring guarantee. But again, it is very easy to let people slack off.

If it is crushed by simple and rude strength, then Helder can naturally do it. Rather, even elementary school students can do this kind of thing. Controlling the 100-level account to randomly place skills in the past, I can really do it.

But you have to let the novice control the hundred-level account to play Antunben and Lukeben…not to mention such a difficult one, I am afraid that he can’t even fight the abyss.

Of course, Herder can’t be a novice, but her current strength is no longer a hundred-level account.

In the extremely confused magical environment, she even suppressed the range and intensity of her perception. Under the pressure brought by Raisalyn and Nuoyu, she didn’t even notice that Minnet, who had been lurking in the dark for a long time, was quietly approaching her.



Responding to the voice of Leshalin, Nuoyu’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and the sword-powered mad dragon suddenly appeared, crossing Leshalin, and rushing over with Herder’s magic in the first place.

Of course, even if Nuoyu’s strength increases again, it is impossible to rely on the Raptors Splitting Void to fight Herder’s mad bombardment. Among them, it is naturally with the help of Obes.

The ultimate skill of the evangelist: the wings of holiness. The breath of the archangel blesses and enhances the attack speed, movement speed and casting speed of teammates. Moreover, when teammates and themselves are attacked, the Archangel’s breath will explode to resist the enemy’s attack.

Guardian of the Holy Light, so that teammates will not get into a frozen state due to the enemy’s attack.

Guard the blessing, share part of the damage suffered by teammates.

With the blessing of various states such as the blessing of courage, the hymn of courage, and the hymn of new life, Nuoyu can do this. After all, the current Obes, his personality has reached the level of a four-winged main angel, an intermediate angel.

In the HighSchoolDXD plane, the four-winged main angel is equivalent to the middle-level demon, and it is cannon fodder when placed on the top battlefield. But in the Arad continent, the strength of the main angel is truly awakening high-level.

Even if it is placed in the main god space, it is still the best in the third-stage high-end.

The full support of such an existence is enough to make people cross-tier battles! With the full blessing of Obes, Nuoyu at this time really had a feeling of omnipotence.

Of course, this is an illusion.

In fact, the violent magical attacks that came from the head were continuously causing considerable injuries to Nuo Yu in the Sword Qi Crazy Dragon. Obesi’s treatment and damage sharing can indeed guarantee Nuoyu’s life.

But only the pain is helpless.

Among Xie Ming’s teammates, Nuo Yu is the one who has suffered the most, and has rebounded after his mentality has completely collapsed. In terms of xinxing, there may not be much difference between them. But when it comes to resisting pressure, no one except Xie Ming can beat her.

Physical pain or heart collapse, which is more uncomfortable? Only those who have really experienced it understand that physical pain can be overcome by gritted teeth. But the pain of my heart is eating away at you all the time.


“What’s the point at this point!?”


As if responding to the roar in Nuo Yu’s heart, the sword mad dragon raised his head and screamed fiercely, hitting Herder’s magic shield, and slammed it directly into flight.

“cough…..”The sword energy entwined on his body disappeared, and Nuo Yu, who was covered in Bloodline, held the sword with one hand and knelt on one knee. He no longer had the strength to fight again. However, she showed a slight smile. Because at the same time she stopped, an extremely sharp sword intent had passed her.

If the opener falls, then the latecomer must assume the will of the opener and move on.

Swift Shadow Slash, Rising Dragon Sword, Cloud Piercing Sword Sword, three strokes consecutively slashed on Herder’s magical shield, directly picking it up in the air. There are also many wounds on Ryshalyn’s body.

Nuoyu is indeed clearing the way for her, but this does not mean that the aftermath of magic will not affect her.

It is better to say that because Obes is fully assisting Nuo Yu, the injuries suffered by Ryshalyn are a bit more serious than Nuo Yu.

But the physical strength of Lesalin was completely different from that of Nuo Yu. Without a strong body, how could it be possible to support the natural power?

Therefore, when Nuoyu fell to the ground, she could still continue fighting.

“Ultra Sword Control…Time and Space Slash!”

Time and space were cut off by Jianguang at this moment. At this moment, Leshalin once again entered the cosmic space where she was the only one. But this time, not sure if it was an illusion, she seemed to see a huge golden lion head.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

The various magical shields that overlapped each other were as fragile as sticky paper in front of this sword light. However, because there were enough stacks and Herder’s own magic level was strong enough, this sword still hadn’t broken completely.

However, on the back of the big tortoise in the distance, the sniper pulled the trigger.

“Final sniper.”


The ice marrow bullet that condensed most of Sinon’s magic power penetrated the space, penetrated the shield, and hit Herder’s body. In the next moment, Herder’s body turned into countless pieces of ice.

Herder died like this?

How is it possible, it must be a fake body.

Not far away, a somewhat embarrassed Helder stepped out. The expression was so gloomy that it was indescribable, and the magic in the air trembled under his anger.

Countless elements quickly gathered together under the control of terror, forming a huge colorful ball. However, at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Herder.

“Now, it’s completely over.”

I don’t know, does anyone remember one thing. Minette, started as a dark elf with four professions. It’s just that her main occupation is an assassin.

Although after coming out of the Tower of Despair, she only used Yinyue’s related skills. But this does not mean that she has lost all other professions.

In order to cooperate with the team as much as possible, in addition to the main Silvermoon career, Minette’s second career skill she learned specifically is not the family ninja skill, but the shadow dancer.

Leave hope to others, and bear the sins in the shadows, dancing in the dark.


Shadow Dancer Skill: Instant Kill!

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