Chapter 1616

“Really, really, really…”

As if being angry, Karen in the bathroom threw her clothes into the clothes basket one by one, venting her dissatisfaction.

In the end, he grabbed the cross on his chest and wanted to throw it out, but he let go. He opened the bathroom door and soaked in the bathtub without washing.

The water covered the lower half of his face, his golden eyes stared at the cross floating on the water, and some unforgettable memories began to flow back again.

In ten years, nothing too much happened. But impossible, nothing happened. Especially the little devil like Karen, who has twisted gender, did not do things less in the first few years.

When angry, it is common to just slam the door and hang out in the street.

Why Xie Ming buried the Avalon given to him by Altria in the first place in Karen’s body, in fact, has such a consideration.

Fujino has a strong ability to protect himself, and Amber and Jade are not the kind of people who like to run around. Moreover, the blood of Wujing Family, even if it had not been developed, was enough to keep ordinary spirits away from them.

As for the little Sakura, how old she was at that time, she must be accompanied by someone when she goes out. Besides, Sakura’s character is much better than Karen.

So the one who is most likely to cause trouble is the youngest but most awkward character Karen.

Her physique is also the most dangerous of all.

The terminology of the Templar Church calls it ‘the abused spirit’s media quality’.

This physique is very similar to Qiusha, the god of the forbidden world.

Jishen Qiusha’s vampire killer has an extremely powerful attraction to vampires, and the vampire will die after absorbing her blood.

The media quality of Karen’s abused spirit is also a very tempting existence in the eyes of the ‘devil’. The person possessed by the ‘devil’ will involuntarily approach her, and then forcefully perform the act of ‘complementing the devil’ on her.

The remedial magic of the Moon World, you know everything you know.

After the body fluid exchange, the demon will be super purified by Karen. Moreover, the abused spirit media will have a strong spiritual barrier reaction when the demon approaches. The specific reactions are injuries, increased body temperature, faint pain throughout the body, and so on.

The most important thing is that the more spiritual barriers appear, the greater the impact on Karen’s physical functions.

However, because Karen’s physique was sealed by Xie Ming with a Germanic cross in advance, there has been no problem. But that’s just the situation when the Germanic cross is carried on the body.

Accidents always happen.

Karen had forgotten the conflict because of what reason. But there is no doubt that Karen did not wear the cross that she had been close to. That year, she was ten years old.

Those who are still wandering in the alleys while sleeping and eating supper, except for the police patrolling the night, are the middle-aged uncles who are socializing and drunk, those who do nothing bad, or the street friends (tramps).

Either way, it is extremely dangerous for a ten-year-old kid who is walking at night.

And if you encounter a human possessed by demon, the situation will be even more dangerous.

Unfortunately, Karen met. In other words, the possessed demon was attracted by her.

The high fever and the tingling all over the body made the ten-year-old Karen unable to move at all. He could only hug his body, curl up on his feet, watching the demon that kept beating Avalon’s protective shield.

The scarlet eyes that had been filled with desire made her have no doubt that if this protective shield disappeared, she would definitely be torn apart by the man in front of her.

Even if the protective shield doesn’t disappear, she doesn’t think she can last long under this kind of pain and high fever.

“Even if Loli Kong prepares a lot…I would never think that I would die this way…”

At that time, Karen could only laugh at herself.

Being in the blessing is not knowing the blessing, and ruining one’s life because of one’s own stupidity. Such a way of death, even her character could not help but want to sigh.

I often mocked the stupidity of other people, and turned out to be the stupidest one.

She didn’t know what the man’s final result was. Anyway, when she woke up again after losing consciousness, she was already lying in the blanket at home. Amber and Jade clasped her left and right hands and slept next to each other.Holding a bandage on his arm.

The smell of rust is all in his mouth.


Karen quickly reacted to what had happened.

At that time, her condition was definitely very dangerous, so in the last resort, Sister Wujing fed her her own blood to strengthen her physical strength and get her out of danger.

After all, blood is also a kind of body fluid. Although there is no high efficiency in replenishing demons, it is not ineffective as long as a sufficient amount is used to make up.

Generally speaking, such a large amount of blood loss can put another person in a dangerous state. Fortunately, Amber and Jade are twins, so all the members safely let Karen through the danger.

The Germanic cross that was forgotten at home has also been put on her neck again at this moment.

After she woke up for a while, Amber and Jade also woke up one after another. After a while, Fujimura Okawa returned home with Fujino.

This is also the fundamental reason why Karen gave birth to the idea of ​​getting acquainted with his father and gaining the ability to protect himself.

Among the five women, she is the youngest, and she is also the one who has not witnessed it with her own eyes and experienced the cruel reality. However, her physique is the most dangerous one.

Although Fujino possesses a magic eye, he has been taken by Xie Ming to experience the fight between magicians, and he also has a strong ability to protect himself.

Although Amber and Jade had not experienced them personally, the anxiety and fear had already been engraved in their hearts.

Little Sakura even escaped from the devil’s cave in Ma Tong’s house.

Only Karen hasn’t experienced anything yet, just following the priest as an assistant to the church. But just today, she understood what the world really looked like.

What happened after that was to learn about the stigmata on his body and his physique from Yanfeng Qili, and then began to learn about the fighting methods of the church.


Standing up from the bathtub, the water dripped down the smooth white skin. Karen walked to the mirror, touched the mark called the stigmata on her neck, and then began to wipe her body, then tied the mark with a bandage, and put the cross on her neck again.

Because the mother’s suicide was an act against doctrine, her birth was deemed a sin and she was not baptized and blessed.

Until now, she has not received any baptism from the church.

But blessing, she has already got it. And got too much.

This cross necklace, the mystery prop that has been silently protecting myself, the care around me, and the happiness of my current life…are not these all blessings?

“However, there are some things that need to be asked clearly.”

For example, what is the relationship between the long green hair woman and the Loli control? This is very important.

after all…..

“I hate that woman.”


“That kid just now is very funny.”

“You said Karen?”

Sitting on the corridor facing the courtyard, Xie Ming couldn’t help raising his eyebrows: “Find resonance in the same awkward character?”

“Correct, but not completely correct.”

“Don’t deny that I have a awkward character…” Jade said silently in his heart.

“That kid’s physique is very special, right?”


For CC to see this, Xie Ming was not surprised: “It is very easy to attract the devil’s rare physique. The closer the devil is, the greater her physique will react to her, and even wounds will automatically appear.”

“So before I left, I buried Avalon in her body. In case she accidentally forgot to bring the Germanic cross and was in danger.”


Jade blinked and asked softly, “Brother Xie Ming, Avalon is…that Avalon?”

“Huh? You know Jade.”

Xie Ming smiled and said: “Treasure: Avalon, far away from the world, is the legendary knight king, Saber in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and the scabbard of Altria Pandoragon’s holy sword. ”

“At the beginning, Altria gave this scabbard to me at the end, so I put it into Kallen’s body. Even if Kallen can’t use it, the scabbard with my magic power inside can automatically act as a defense. , The healing effect.”

“So that’s it… No wonder it was…”

At that time, because Karen hadn’t come back for too long, Fujino and their sisters greeted little Sakura and went outside to find them separately. And she was the first to find Karen.

With the blood of Wujing, she immediately noticed something wrong with the man who attacked Karen. After seeing that Karen was not in danger for the time being, she first contacted Fujino and Kohaku by phone.

Fujino, who came after receiving Jade’s notice, twisted the man’s limbs with a magic eye, and then asked Kohaku and Jade to take Karen home first. On the other hand, he called Fujimura Raihua to finish the matter.

Finally, the man was sent to the church by the Lei painting school. After Fujino explained the situation with Yanfeng Kirei, he first lived in Fujimura’s house because of the lateness, and then went home with him the next day.

Everyone was puzzled about the mysterious power that protected Karen, and in the end could only attribute it to the preparation left by Xie Ming before leaving+.

But I didn’t expect that Xie Ming actually left Avalon…

Looking at the young man who was talking to CC and Otinus, Jade’s eyes became softer.

“Well, it’s almost time to prepare dinner, so Sakura will be back soon.”

Glancing at the clock, Xie Ming stood up and said, “Jade, you guys haven’t eaten my cooking for a long time, right? Who is usually responsible?”

“My sister is in charge of the usual things. My sister is very talented in cooking.” Jade also stood up: “After discovering that my sister’s skills have surpassed her, Sister Fujino stopped cooking.”

“Later, after young Sakura went to junior high school, she also started to learn how to cook with her elder sister. So during the holidays, it was her elder sister and young Sakura who did it.”

“Emerald, how about you?”


After a moment of silence, Jade looked at CC and Otinus: “Miss CC, Miss Otinus, I will take you to the guest room to pack up your personal belongings.”




Looking at the three women who were going away, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched a few times. It seems that he stepped on the minefield inadvertently and accurately.

“Yui, what’s the situation now?”

“Dad, it’s the same as you think…” Holding Yustysa’s hand, Yui said helplessly: “Sister Yustysa doesn’t know the way to Einzbern’s house. , Came to Osaka alone.”

“Now we are buying air tickets to Germany at the airport.”

“no surprise…”

Resisting the urge to cover his face, Xie Ming smiled bitterly: “I’m going to trouble you again.”

“It’s okay, Dad.”

Yui smiled: “You can’t let Sister Yustysa run around alone, please don’t worry about giving it to me here.”

“Um.”After interrupting the conversation with Yui, Xie Ming walked into the kitchen. At this time, Amber had already prepared the ingredients for dinner in the kitchen.

“Amber, leave it to me.”

“Big Brother Xie Ming, as a qualified maid, you can’t let the host be busy in the kitchen alone.”


“Yes, maid.”

Looking at Xie Ming who walked to him and raised his sleeves, Humber said with a smile: “Prepare a comfortable home for everyone, and you can come back at any time. This is what Jade and I want to do. Thing.”

“Really…” Looking at the gleaming look on his face when he said these words, Xie Ming patted Amber’s head lightly, and said with some relief: “Really, I’ve grown up.”

“Yes, everyone has grown up.”

Feeling the rough hands on his head, Kohaku couldn’t help narrowing his eyes. At the beginning, it was this big hand that rescued their sisters from that magic cave.

For Xie Ming, she really regarded him as the brother she admired.

However, unlike myself, everyone seems to have their own ideas.

“What are you doing?”

After taking a shower, Karen with his ponytail leaned against the half-open door of the living room, staring at the dead fisheye and said: “Did you shoot so soon? Obviously you still have two of them. You, a man, are really ethical. No.”


“Uh… I really made a move.”

Tucao himself, Xie Ming smiled and said to Karen: “Do you want to come over and help prepare dinner together?”

“Do you think I am free?”

“…Aren’t you busy?”

Xie Ming blinked and asked with some doubts.

“…It’s a bit.”

With a mutter, Karen walked into the kitchen honestly, and under Humber’s somewhat surprised gaze, he began to listen to Xie Ming’s command to prepare some simple materials.

Xie Ming still knows how to deal with this kind of awkward Tsundere. You know, the original CC and Otinus have a much more awkward character than the current Karen.

Time is always the existence of Schrödinger. When you think it’s slow, it’s actually fast. But when you think it is fast, it will be unexpectedly slow.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the hour hand was already pointing to the IV direction. Two distinctive voices also came in through the door at this time.

“Little Sakura, did you say that the Loli controlling hero is back? Really?”

“Sister, how many times have I told you, don’t call him that.”

“Okay, I see. I promise you that I won’t call him that in front of him, okay?”


Looking helplessly at her sloppy sister, the girl with long purple hair gently opened the door. And Xie Ming, wiping his hands with his apron, walked out of the living room.

“Welcome back, little Sakura, I’m back.”


The unforgettable face and the familiar warm smile made the girl ran into the corridor without taking off her shoes after a moment of daze.

The leather shoes made a sound of ‘dada da da’ as they stepped on the wooden floor, and a gust of fragrant wind poured into Xie Ming’s arms with the warmth.

“I’m back… Welcome back, Xie Ming.”

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