Chapter 1618 Magic Eye Collecting Train

“How can it be…..”

Falling into the ruins, only the man with his head intact, looked at Fujino who was slowly approaching with a terrifying gaze: “You…obviously are just an ordinary person…not even a magician. Food…. How could it be possible to use the power of the magic eye so skillfully!?”

“Food… also, in the eyes of you vampires, human beings are really just food.”

Like emeralds and rubies, the pupils that overlapped quietly looked at the distorted human-shaped man, his voice was calm and a little cruel.

“But in nature, there are not a few hunters who are killed by their prey, are they?”

“Trivial… Trivial human…. Do you know what identity I am!”

“What status?”

“The vampire who converted me into a vampire, her master is the dead sir Rita Luojie’an!”


Fujino frowned slightly, and she had encountered many things in these years. She has encountered this kind of inhuman existence many times. But most of them are inhumane Ghoul and LivingDead.

Above the two, the vampire who regained the wisdom of mankind was only met for the third time today.

I heard from Father Yanfeng that the top of these monsters is an undead monster called a dead man. In order to continue their lives, they continue to draw human blood and transform humans into their own servants.

Of course, the word “servant” is a nicer way of saying it. In fact, vampires are just emergency food for the dead.

Just like the dead, there is also a higher level, emergency food for the existence of the ‘true ancestor’.

Therefore, the hunting of vampires by the churches can be compared to killing the food that the dead people stocked outside.

In Fujino’s view, whether it is a human or a dead person, there is actually no difference. It is nothing more than the constant exchange between the two identities of hunter and prey. In terms of race, you die or die.

The superiority of blood-sucking species relative to humans, which originated from blood-sucking, is actually a useless thing in Fujino’s view.

Therefore, when he heard the threat of the vampire in front of him, Fujino really felt dumbfounded.

That kind of dead person in Europe would go to a remote place like the Far East to take revenge for an emergency food, emergency food?

“You are too high on yourself.”

Having lost interest in this vampire, the power of distortion descended on the man’s head with the flow of brilliance in his pupils.

In the next moment, the man was like a rag twisted by a pair of big hands. The internal organs and blood were twisted into a rope-like body by the big hands, meat and bones. And Fujino was smiling, watching this happen.

“But having said that, why would he notice my magic eyes…huh?”

As the “rag rag” fell to the ground, a white envelope drifted slowly to Fujino’s feet.

Bending down to pick up the envelope, Fujino frowned slightly.

This letter is too gorgeous.

Like crystal-like paper, the bright red sealing wax actually exudes a faint fragrance. Such an upper-class letter really doesn’t seem like the man is qualified to have it and has a way to get it.

Frowning, Fujino gently opened the envelope, which contained a piece of letter paper similar to the description.

The content is all written in English, but this shouldn’t be confusing Fujino. Anyway, she is also a talented woman. It was just the beautiful handwriting on the letter paper that made her frown even more.

“RailZeppelin…””The magic eye… collect trains?”


“The magic eye collects the train? How dare that thing hang around in Japan? And it’s looking for you?”

Taking the envelope from Fujino, Xie Ming couldn’t help but grinned: “They are so courageous again.”

“Brother Xie Ming, do you know this magic eye collection train?”

“Ah, know some details.”

After sorting out his thoughts, Xie Ming explained: “This is an organization created by the dead, whose purpose is the same as their name, it is to collect all kinds of magic eyes.”

“In the past, they would collect a batch of magic eyes, and then hold an auction. Only more than ten years ago, the auction they held was directly endorsed by a crown magician from Japan, which led to their opposition to Japan. There is a little fear in this place.”

“After that time, the magic eye collection train has also changed from a fixed auction to running around all over Europe.”

“Crown Magician!?”

Lin on the side opened his eyes wide: “You said, is it the one…”

“The crown puppeteer, Aosaki Orange, who was designated by the seal.” Xie Ming said casually: “At that time, the auction of the Demon Eye Collection Train was given by her and her envoy.”

“You know this kind of thing, don’t touch it if you don’t need it.”

“Of course I know.”

Rin couldn’t help turning over Byakugan: “I still know a little bit about that person.”

“That’s fine.” Xie Ming continued: “The special place of the magic eye collection train is not that they can collect the magic eye for auction, but that they have exclusive skills.”

“Removal and transplantation of the magic eye.”

“They can completely ignore scientific rejection and other problems, allowing the magic eye to be perfectly transplanted from one person to another.”

Xie Ming looked at Fujino: “I told you at the beginning that your eyes are extremely precious treasures in the entire magic world. Whether it is research value or use value, it is enough for magicians to take risks.”

“Yes… so I have been deliberately hiding these eyes over the years.” Fujino said softly, “It’s just… I don’t know why today, I was discovered by that vampire.”

“After the treatment, I have asked Torrey to draw uncles and them, but if this magic eye collecting train has the ability to find magic eyes, I am worried…”


After all, everyone in this room is a treasure in the eyes of a magician.

The little Sakura with the imaginary attribute will be designated as a specimen by the seal, the amber jade sisters will be used as energy extractors, Karen will be the decoy to seduce the devil, and Fujino’s magic eye is worth tens of millions of dollars.

It is still necessary to extinguish some dangerous flames.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming opened the envelope, frowned and read the contents carefully.

This matter is indeed a bit intriguing when it comes to careful consideration. A mere vampire can actually have an invitation letter for the magic eye to collect the train that most people in the clock tower don’t know.

Even if what the vampire said is true, and he is the ‘distant relative’ of the dead man named Rita Luojie’an, it’s unlikely that he would be eligible for this thing.

More likely, he was an investigator who was secretly sent to Japan by the Magic Eye Collection Train to investigate.

After all, in Guanbuzi City not far away, there is the Eye of Straight Death, which can reach the rainbow level.

Even if this is only a rumor in Europe, it is enough for that group of guys to send someone to investigate it.

But what the man said, the “last ticket” is enough to negate this answer.

“Passengers on the magic eye collection train can be divided into two types:’buyer’ and’seller’.” Xie Ming tapped his finger on the table and whispered: “The’buyer’ is the magician of the top rich. Buy advanced magic eyes for research or transplantation.”

“The ‘seller’ is because they cannot control the power of the magic eye, so they want to get rid of the interference of the magic eye on their own lives.”

“Since that vampire called Fujino’s eyes the final ticket, that means…this invitation letter should be an invitation letter to the seller. And he got this invitation letter from the ‘seller’?”

“…There is too little information.”

Looking at the address written in the letter, Xie Ming stopped tapping his fingers and said calmly.

“It’s useless to think about it here, let’s go.”


Everyone raised their heads and looked at Xie Ming.

“Xie Ming…you mean?”

“Well, I’m going to Europe to see what the magic eye collection train is doing.” Xie Ming said calmly, “Otinus, CC, you can take care of them here for me first.”

“Brother Xie Ming, let me go with you.”

Fujino immediately said: “The other party originally came for me, and if there is no magic eye, you will be brother Xie Ming…”

In general, Fujino closed his mouth. Because Xie Ming’s pupils are emitting bright rainbow light at this moment.

“I am also the owner of the magic eye.”

Closing the demon eye of forbidden, Xie Ming said softly: “If you go, Fujino will only expose your demon eye and bring more danger. But I am different.”

“In this world, I don’t have any proof of existence. In other words, they have no way to track down my traces. So it is the safest and safest way to solve this matter by myself.”

“As for how to pass, you must also know.”

Xie Ming raised his eyebrows. He smiled and said, “Okay, this is the end of the matter. There are still three or four days from the time written on the invitation letter, and it won’t be too troublesome to solve it. So, you don’t need to worry too much.”

“By the way, now that everyone is here, it’s time to explain to you about me, CC and Otinus.”


Four days later, the old station on the outskirts of London.

After everyone fell asleep, Xie Ming drove the Infinite Gundam to the designated place. After putting the body into the portable space, it teleported to the inside of the station using the space-time ability.

“There are more than thirty minutes left…Is it a bit early?”

But it’s better to come early, you can calm down and think carefully about what you have observed these days.

Or…about the strange feeling on little Sakura.

Others may not be able to detect it, but how could that kind of anomaly escape the eyes of Xie Ming and Otinus?

To use Ortinus’s words, it is that the little Sakura has a connection with a certain existence through a certain medium. And through that existence, little Sakura is constantly getting stronger.

As for the identity of that existence, Xie Ming has no way of knowing.

After all, there are too many wonderful existences in the Moon World. It is impossible to get the correct answer based on guesswork alone. Even if he asked little Sakura directly, little Sakura smiled and shook her head.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”Since little Sakura didn’t want to answer, Xie Ming wouldn’t force her to say it. Everyone has their own fate. Little Sakura obviously has her own fate now.

As long as it will not cause any bad influence on her, Xie Ming will naturally not interfere with them.

They, after all, want to have their own lives and walk their own paths.

If possible, Xie Ming didn’t want to let the girls come into contact with the inner world of the moon world, that is, the world of magicians. However, the particularity of the girls determines that they must be exposed to these in order to have the ability to protect themselves.

However, judging from their experience over the years, the girls are still quite good in this regard. That being the case, Xie Ming doesn’t need to worry too much in this regard.

To be honest, this time he didn’t need to participate in the auction of the magic eye collecting train. The reason is simple. It is quite normal for the dead to die a vampire in his subordinates.

There are hundreds of vampires hunted and killed by the church every day, and even the dead.

What’s more, Japan still has Aosaki Orange, the nemesis of the magic eye collecting train. Even if the envoy of the year is no longer next to her, it is not for anyone to handle.

However, Xie Ming didn’t want to bet the possibility on the self-defeating woman in Guanbuzi City.

This is one of the reasons.

Another reason is that there will be special guests in this magic eye collection train. This guest has the necessary props for Xie Ming to fulfill his promise.

Originally, Xie Ming’s plan was to spend some time with the girls before coming to London to find them. But since there is such an opportunity, why not kill two birds with one stone by the way?

“It’s coming.”

In the unfolding field of volatility perception, there appeared three breaths that entered over the fence.

The breath of the three of them is very familiar to Xie Ming.

Soon, the three people walked to the waiting platform. Seeing Xie Ming, who was standing in place and resting with eyes closed, the two young men were slightly taken aback. Obviously, I didn’t expect that someone would come here earlier than them.

And the 30-year-old long-haired young man who walked behind the young man froze in place. The cigar in his hand fell to the ground because of the shaking of his fingers.



The abnormal appearance of the youth made the expression of the young girl tense. Because they really rarely see young people so gaffey.

The pupils dilated and the body trembled, and the expression on his face was so as to write the words’unbelievable’ directly on it.

“Master! What happened? Master!”

The girl with the gray Kabuto hat shouted anxiously, obviously youth is a very important existence in her mind.

“…Why…why did you appear here…”

“The change is quite big.”

Opening his eyes, Xie Ming looked at the young man, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly: “But it is also, after all, ten years have passed.”

“These ten years… It seems that you are trying to survive.”

“Weber Wilwitt.”

“…I’m really terrified to get your compliment.”

He clenched his fist tightly, let the pain suppress his shaken heart, and the long-haired young man saluted slightly.

“It’s been ten years, Your Majesty Xie Ming. To see you again today, it is beyond imagination for the next.”

“Your appearance is the representative…Is the Holy Grail War going to begin again?”

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