Chapter 1736 Trial House

so good….

Looking at the two people who are also teachers and friends in front of him, a little nostalgia flashed in Rozval’s eyes.

How similar, the original self was saved by the teacher from the situation that everyone did not understand and was feared by everyone.

In the once sanctuary, I also have this kind of happiness. It’s just that everything was destroyed by that damn demon.

I must take it back.

“Master Rozval…”

Ram, who was always watching Rozval’s state, naturally did not miss Rozval’s emotional changes. But this is not a good thing for her.

“Master Emilia, since the words are so open, then I won’t hide them.”

Rozval smiled faintly: “The reason why I let Mr. Xie Ming bring you in does have other purposes. But this purpose is not to threaten you.”

“Because of the consequences of doing that, I dare not tolerate it.”


“After seeing this sanctuary with my own eyes, what does Emilia-sama feel?”


The problem of the bull’s head being wrong with the horse’s mouth made Emilya slightly taken aback. But with her serious character, she has always answered other people’s questions first, and then asked them why they should ask such questions.

After frowning for a while, Emilia said softly.

“There is no vitality.”


Hearing these four words, Garfiel sneered on the side: “Isn’t this taken for granted!? I have been trapped in this ghost place, and the living have become dead.”


Rozval smiled: “In Mr. Xie Ming’s style, I should have explained to you before coming.”

“The enchantment of the sanctuary traps the same hybrids as Lord Emilia, so they can only move in this place. Unless someone succeeds in the challenge and trial.”

“My teacher, a trial set by the witch Ekidona.”

“400 years ago, the melancholy demon Hecht attacked the sanctuary, and the teacher Akidona was forced to open the barrier forcibly before finally repelling him. But this barrier also made the half-bloods living inside Isolated from the world.”

“They have great power.”

“They, like you, Master Emilia, are rejected by both humans and demihumans.”

“Master Emilia, don’t you think this is a very precious force?”

“…Rozval, do you want me to unblock the barrier and let the half-blood demi people here become my subordinates?”


Rozval said admiringly: “Master Emilia, if you want to participate in the election, what you need is manpower to handle affairs. To deal with the Witch Cult, what you need is power that can rival the Grand Sin Secretary.”

“I can’t. Always rely on the power of Mr. Xie Ming?”


After a long silence with her head down, Emilia slowly raised her eyes: “Rozval, I want to ask you three things.”

“Please say.”

“The first thing, if I go to the trial, will I be able to meet Aggie Donna and ask her about Parker?”


Rozval smiled slightly: “If it were you, I think the teacher would show up.”

“But it depends on you, Master Emilia, whether or not she will answer you.”

“That’s it. The second thing, Rozval, do you know the content of the trial?”

“Do not.”

Shaking his head, Rozval smiled bitterly: “The only people who can challenge the trial are those who are qualified by the teacher, that is, the demi-human race. If the remaining people enter the trial field, they will be beaten back.”

“But the content of the trial…Master Emilia, you can ask Garfiel.”

“He once challenged trials.”


Garfiel smacked his lips uncomfortably: “Ah, that’s right. My uncle once challenged and then failed.”

“As for what the content is, this uncle has almost forgotten. Anyway, it’s not a good thing.”


“Then, one last thing.”

Her tone became a little serious, and Emilia said seriously: “Promise me, if the barrier is lifted, Rozval, you are not allowed to order everyone in the sanctuary.”

“Let them choose to stay.”


“Master Emilia…”

“no surprise.”

Compared to Garfiel’s incredible, Ram, Rem and Xie Ming all have such an expression.

How could Emilia do it if Xieen reported such a thing?

When the people in the sanctuary were trapped, Emilia had already made a choice. Even if she didn’t get anything, she wanted to do her part to free the mixed race demigods.

“All right.”

Rozval smiled: “I promise you, Master Emilia.”

“If you successfully pass the trial and unlock the barrier. Then they will all be free, and I will not interfere in any way.”

“Then, the contract is formed.”

“Are you sure? It’s called Emilia.” Garfiel frowned: “Are you sure, you want to challenge the trial?”

He didn’t have the sense of rejection that ordinary people had towards half-elves, he was just doubting Emilia’s ability.

This looks incredibly weak, a woman whose body will be shattered with a single blow, can she really pass the trial of the witch?


Emilia nodded vigorously, and held the green crystal stone tightly on her chest: “Whether it is for me, for Parker, or for everyone in the sanctuary, I have to challenge.”

“In this case, come with this uncle.”

Seeing that she insisted on doing this, Garfiel no longer blocked: “I will take you to the entrance of the trial.”


It is an ancient ruin located in the deepest part of the sanctuary, hidden by the forest.

Green vines covered the cracked stone wall, and huge stone pillars fell to the ground in a disorderly manner.

Behind the moss-covered stairs is the entrance to the building resembling an abandoned temple. Unknown cold air radiated from it, giving people a sense of horror.

“Here is the tomb of Akidona, the witch of Desire, and it is also a trial place.”

Garfiel, who was walking in the forefront, turned around and pointed his thumb behind him impatiently: “If you want to go in and challenge the trial, you need to meet three major requirements.”

“One: Mixed race.”

“Two: night.”

“As long as these two conditions are met, the broken thing will shine. Then, as long as you walk in, the trial will begin.”

“Broken stuff… Garfiel, can you be more polite to my teacher, the place where Aggie Donna slept?”


Garfiel sneered fiercely: “That’s really sorry! If you are unhappy, do you want to fight me! Ah~ Rozval.”


“Can the quarrel like a child stop?”

Xie Ming sighed: “Mutual respect is the first step in peaceful communication.”

“Since the trial can only be started at night, then we shall come back at night. Go back and go back.”

“Please wait, Mr. Xie Ming.”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

“Did Mr. Xie Ming forget?” Rozval smiled slightly: “There is another contract between the two of us.”

“Of course I didn’t forget.”

Turning his eyes to Rozval, Xie Ming said lightly: “So, do you mean, let me fulfill the contract now?”

“In that case, it’s not impossible.”

The voice fell, and the originally sunny sky was instantly ignited by black and red flames. Everyone seems to have entered Otherworld.

And the core of this world is the man standing in place and talking.

“How is it? Rozval.”

“Should I take Aggie Donna out to meet you now?”

“The cost, maybe more than you think.”

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