Chapter 1738 Night

“I see.”

After listening to Garfiel’s impatient explanation, Bilma slowly nodded: “Master Rozval, I don’t understand what you want to do, but at least in this sanctuary, I can ask you to stay calm. ?”

“It’s really rude, Ms. Bilma.”

Rozval saluted and smiled: “Also, Mr. Xie Ming, what you said also makes sense.”

“Since you do not intend to violate the transaction, please act freely as before in the mansion.”

“I will wait patiently on the side.”

“You’d better wait patiently instead of thinking about it again.”

Xie Ming said lightly: “It’s fine if I don’t find out. If I find out again…I will do something I’m sorry Ram.”

“Master Xie Ming…”

Rem looked at Xie Ming who was expressionless, and then at Ram who bowed his head in silence, not knowing what to say for a while.

Same goes for Ram.

She is not an idiot, and she also understands how exaggerated Rozval is doing. But there is no way, the person I love is like this. The only thing she can do is to support him wholeheartedly.

Of course, in her own way.

In fact, Xie Ming’s performance already gave her some thoughts in her heart. Only now, she hasn’t made up her mind whether or not to do this.

Whether or not, bet everything on Xie Ming.

It’s not that Ram doesn’t trust Xie Ming’s ability to do this, but she doesn’t believe Xie Ming will do it when she knows it.

Judging from Xie Ming’s attitude towards Rozval, it is basically difficult to count on.

Besides, she also knows part of the content of the gospel, and can even guess some of Rozval’s thoughts.

He did not completely give up because of Xie Ming’s amazing actions during the election.

After all, in the Gospels, this is what Xie Ming recorded.

[The man who rewrites the destiny]

Since fate can be rewritten, Xie Ming is a completely unexpected factor for the gospel that records fate and the future.

Is something changed by Xie Ming regarded as an error in the gospel?

This is when the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

But for the stunned Rozval, it is obvious that he is classified into the category that is not counted.

Xie Ming is an uncontrolled modifier for Rozval now. You must be careful and use this modifier carefully to modify your destiny into what you want.

This was dancing on the tip of a knife, Rozval understood very well. But he also has the best death-free gold medal: Ram.

With Ram’s relationship, Xie Ming would not easily kill him.

On the other side, Garfiel looked at Xie Ming’s gaze, too. Obviously, the ability that Xie Ming had just exploded made him feel a little weak.

It changed the world with a single thought. In the books he had read, even Reinhardt had no such power.

This is different from affecting the terrain and changing the weather. It is a real change.

It was an absolute alien world, a alien world completely different from the sanctuary, a world centered on Xie Ming and let Xie Ming control it.


Thinking in his heart, Garfiel glanced at Emilia and Rem.

If Xie Ming can be restricted by the means, I am afraid there are only these two people.

But… it’s one thing to be able to do it, do you want to do such a dishonest thing?

“Sword Sage Reyd smiled at Shanglong still drawing his sword…”

Don’t really become that kind of fool, yourself.

But they didn’t know that their emotions and expressions changed, all under Xie Ming’s perception.

Although he didn’t read his mind, Xie Ming could more or less guess what the group of people were thinking by relying on these details and some of his original understanding.

“It’s really interesting…”

The main reason he returned to this plane was to make an agreement with Beatrice.

And the deal with Rozval, Emilia’s knot, the liberation of the sanctuary, and some small problems that he found after entering Tier 4 were all included in the steps to complete the agreement.

“Wait for the night.”

Looking at Amelia, to be precise, looking at the crystal stone on Amelia’s chest, Xie Ming thought calmly: “Night is the beginning of everything.”

“Parker, what would you do?”


At night, as Emelia stood in front of the tomb, the entire building began to emit a faint blue fluorescence.

“Xie Ming…”

Holding the crystal stone in one hand, he couldn’t help grabbing Xie Ming’s cuff with the other. Looking at the trial place that looked extremely beautiful, but gave people an incomparable feeling, Emilia began to feel a little nervous.

“Would you like to go back?”

Xie Ming said half-jokingly and half-seriously: “With me, you can leave the sanctuary at will.”

“…..Do not.”

“You have to hesitate?”

“I can’t hesitate.”

Loosing the hand pulling the cuff, Emilia groaned: “Xie Ming, you are really, can’t you encourage me when I’m nervous?”

“I need your encouragement from Xie Ming very much now.”


Xie Ming thought for a while, then stretched out his fist at Emilia.

“Come on, I am here waiting for you to come back.”


I also stretched out my fist and touched Xie Ming lightly. Emilia smiled: “With Xie Ming you said, I have gained a lot of courage.”

“Then I will go back.”

“Bon Voyage.”

Watching Emilia walk in, the smile on Xie Ming’s face slowly disappeared.

Until now, he hasn’t waited for Parker’s contact.

Then, the end of this trial is doomed.

“Hey, Xie Ming.”

Garfiel walked up from the steps, still in that ferocious tone: “Do you think Master Emilia can pass the trial?”

“Yes, but not this time.”


Hearing the answer, Garfiel froze for a moment: “You fellow, don’t you believe her?”

“Yeah, I believe her.”

Xie Ming smiled: “I believe she can cross this barrier and break this wall. But now, she hasn’t grasped the tool to break the wall.”

“Since you know this, why do you still…”

“Why let her in, right?”

Looking at the tomb where the light was slowly disappearing in front of him, Xie Ming said calmly: “How can the child know to get up if he doesn’t fall?”

“If parents don’t see their children wrestling, how can they understand that their spoiling is a poison to their children?”

“You… the cemetery…”

The glow of the tomb proves that the trial is in progress. And the light disappeared, proving that the trial was over.

And after Emilia entered and the light to the tomb disappeared, the time was only less than 2 minutes for Xie Ming and Garfiel to chat.



“It failed~”

“Master Emilia…Master Xie Ming…”

Taking a worried look at the tomb, Rem turned his gaze to Xie Ming, whose face was calm.

“Well, I should go in and bring the little princess out.”

“Hey! You! If you are not qualified…people…”

Garfiel’s voice slowly disappeared, and his eyes gradually enlarged.

Because as Xie Ming walked in, the tomb once again radiated light. Moreover, it is still unprecedented.

“Oh…it seems to welcome me.”

Raising his eyebrows, Xie Ming said calmly.

“Then, let me meet you guys and see what medicine is sold in your gourd?”

“Witch ladies.”

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