Chapter 302

“Unexpectedly, besides fighting and killing, I can also be interested in other things, which is really strange…”

Acedes and Ornest walked in the corridor of the imperial city, and Acedes’s three men followed them not far behind them.

“Ah…oh, you are talking about love.”

When Ornest heard Ace Desi’s abrupt words, he was shocked, and then suddenly realized.

“I’m a little confused myself… but I can’t help but feel that kind of mood.” Acedes said in confusion.

“As a creature, it is not a matter of course to desire the opposite sex…”

Ornest laughed, but said inwardly: “But the thing like love doesn’t match you at all.”

Hearing the minister’s answer, Acedes nodded slightly: “So, is this also the instinct of beasts?” He threw it aside.

“But now, let me enjoy the joy of hunting this prey at night.”

Speaking of the topic, Ornest suddenly thought of Is approaching the imperial capital, and had a plan.

“I have an idea about this.”

There was a treacherous smile on his face.


Acedes looked at the three subordinates kneeling in front of him, and said lightly.

“Now, I’ll give you a new task for the three beasts.”

Hearing these words, the three raised their heads.

“Whatever it is, please give your orders as much as you like, Master Acedes.” said the middle-aged gentleman.

The cute-looking little boy smiled and said, “The three of us are the most faithful servants of Master Acedes.”

“No matter when, no matter what, I will follow it.”

The strong man replied with some excitement.

“Very good.” Acedes nodded: “Then, just as the minister said. Go and hunt the officials on the list, and blame the night attack. The first target is this old man going south, Is. ”

“Follow the orders of your lord.”

The three bowed their heads and said respectfully.


In the northern part of the empire, a carriage was slowly driving along the trail. Around the carriage is a group of heavily armed guards.

The window cloth was lifted, and the old man sitting in the carriage looked at the dilapidated wooden house outside, and the people wrapped in broken robes, sighed: “This village is also so dilapidated and poor… It is clear that the country is built on the people. On this basis.”

“For the people, I think it’s amazing to return to the father of the imperial capital like Lion Majesty’s lair.”

Sitting next to the old man was a girl wearing a pale pink cotton coat, long blonde hair and dark blue pupils. On her shoulder, she was holding a spear.

This father and daughter, it is Is and Erica.

“After all, it’s not the time to live in seclusion for the sake of being clear.” Iss sighed, and then turned into resolute: “The old man must fight the minister to the end!”

Erica smiled and said, “I will protect my father’s safety!” She said, she raised the spear next to her.

“The old man really has a good daughter. Just being too brave, I don’t know if I can marry him.”

“Father! This has nothing to do with what I’m talking about now!!” Erica blushed and said dissatisfiedly.


Suddenly, the carriage shook and stopped moving.

“What’s going on?!” Yisi lifted the window cloth and looked at the three men in black in the middle of the road. He said angrily: “Are you a thief again!? No matter how bad public security is, there must be a limit! ”

Erica grabbed the spear, pushed the door and got out of the car: “Smash them as before!”

All the guards also raised their weapons and came to the front of the car, facing the three men in black. Erica stood in the middle and said loudly, “Don’t be careless!”

Faced with a small, heavily armed army, the three of them did not panic. The old gentleman standing in the middle said faintly, “Dajdara.”


The strong man on the right walked forward casually and slowly raised the giant axe in his hand.

“Go!” Erica ordered.


The soldiers roared and followed Erica, raising their weapons and rushing up.


Dajdala laughed wildly, holding the handle of the axe in both hands and swinging it vigorously.

“Thump thump thump.”

This is the sound of flesh and blood falling to the ground.

With just one blow, the soldiers rushing up were slashed directly by the giant axe. Only Erica defended with the spear in time, but the side waist was still injured and the gun barrel was cut.

“Too…too strong…”

Erica sat on her knees, clutching the wound on her waist, and a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

“Hey~ Sister, you are very strong~” The little boy squatted down and took out a knife from his clothes: “But considering what will happen next, it feels like you might as well just die.”

Erica looked at the cute-looking boy, but at this time she felt extremely ugly. In the dark blue pupils, he was slowly infected by despair.

And the middle-aged gentleman came to the carriage and caught Yisi and threw it on the ground.

“You…you are a soldier of the empire!”

“Exactly. I am under the imperial general Acedes, one of the three beasts, Liva.”

The man who called himself Liwa made a gentleman’s ceremony, “I admire your political methods very much.”

“Then why bother to keep an eye on the old man!?”

“Because of the master’s order… Niu, Dajdala, retreat!!”

Liva, who was just about to do it, suddenly commanded loudly, and the other two people who heard the shouting jumped back subconsciously.

Afterwards, two craters appeared in their original locations, and there were still glimmers around the craters.

“Master, how come your marksmanship is so bad.”

“I used to fire them just to force them to fire, OK?”

Not far away, two figures walked in slowly. One person with long pale white hair fluttering behind the cold wind, holding a battle flagpole in his hand, and wearing dark black armor.

One person, holding a huge blue revolver, the purple light in his eyes is like a quietly burning flame.

“Excuse me, you two are…”

Liva’s face became serious, his whole body tense, and he entered a state of fighting. Dajdala raised the axe, and the boy called Niu also drew out a flute.

“Ha~ old man, didn’t anyone tell you to report your name before asking someone else’s name?!” Hei Zhen asked with a bad expression on her face, tilting her head.


“It hurts, what are you doing, master!?”

Xie Ming retracted his hand knife and said helplessly: “Can you speak well, don’t pretend to be a bad girl.”

“What does my old lady want to say…Cut, I know.” Hei Zhen wanted to refute something, but when she saw Xie Ming’s hand knife raised again, she was softened.

Looking at the two people who were arguing in front of them, Dajdala’s forehead burst out with two blue veins, and Niu’s face was also full of discomfort. Veliva has always remained vigilant.

“This is really rude, we are the Empire General, Acedes’s, the Three Beasts.”

Xie Ming walked to Erica’s side, took out a roll of bandage from the space and handed it to her, and said gently: “It’s all right now, let’s deal with the injury later.”

Erica took the bandage blankly, looking at Xie Ming’s slightly ordinary face, suddenly her cheeks flushed, and clutching the wound, she came to her father’s face.

“Hey~ I lied to a little girl again, master, you are not handsome, and you are very good at picking up girls.” Hei Zhen smirked.

Xie Ming shook his head helplessly, looked at the three people on the opposite side, and said lightly.

“Xie Ming, Joan of Arc. Come and collect the lives of you and others.”

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