Chapter 307 Five Conditions

“Burning the troop…” Dr. Fashion thoughtfully: “This is a fashion troop that burns all people and things to death… That’s why he can explain it in this outfit.”

Then he curled his lips slightly bored: “Forget it, it’s not my taste anyway.”

Suddenly, the door was pushed open. A woman with long ice blue hair and a mask walked in with military boots.

“You guys, what are you doing here!?”

“Hello…” Will was about to stand up: “We were told to gather here!!!”

Before she finished speaking, the woman kicked Will’s abdomen and kicked him directly. His head hit the wall, his eyes rolled white, and he passed out directly.

“There are assassins among thieves, and you must be vigilant at all times.” The masked woman said slowly with one hand on her hips. Then he rushed directly to Lan, who stood up to guard, and punched him in the chest.


Lan let out an exclamation, but his face remained calm. She slapped the mask woman’s fist in a simple motion, then jumped back to avoid her kick.

“This guy has a good response…”

The mask woman thought in her heart, and then she felt the danger behind her.

“Since you do it, it means it’s the enemy.”

With calmness on Sai Liu’s face, He Xiaoke attacked the mask girl from both sides at the same time.

“If it were him… what would it do…”

A certain man’s figure flashed in his mind, Sai Liu lowered his body and approached and punched. At the same time, Xiao Ke opened his big mouth to bite at the enemy from above.

“Good idea, but I still don’t have enough control over my breath.”

The mask woman first made a piece of ice with her right hand, which directly plugged Xiao Ke’s mouth in the blood basin. Then he leaned sideways, stretched out his left hand and grabbed Seleu’s arm. The slender arm exploded with great power at this time, and directly threw Sai Liu’s body against the wall.



Sai Liu did not catch his breath, and briefly lost his fighting ability.

At this time, the black pupil who had been hiding his breath quickly approached, the left thumb gently pushed up the handle of the knife, and the right hand drew the knife.


The mask woman shook off the right hand of Xiao Ke, and at the same time turned around and jumped.

“Even if it’s a joke, I won’t be merciful here.”

Several cold blade lights flashed, and the black pupil said faintly.

“Is this Teigu Bafang? It’s really sharp.”

The mask on the mask woman’s face shattered, and she simply threw it aside. The icy-blue pupils exuded a glamorous and heroic face. There is only one person in the imperial capital who has this look.

“General Acedes!” Porus exclaimed.

Hearing that others recognized her, Acedes looked at Will, who was slowly getting up in the distance, and Seleu, who had already stood up like a okay person, with a satisfied smile.

“You guys, now follow the people outside to change clothes, and follow me after changing clothes.”


Looking at the six subordinates who appeared heroic in black suits, Acedes nodded slightly.

“Did the farce just scare you? I just think the ordinary welcome is a bit too boring.”

“Haha, I’m used to being treated roughly…” Will smiled bitterly.

Seleu looked at the mighty Acedes, and said spiritually: “It’s better to say that we also want to thank you for your guidance!” He thought silently in his heart.

“I don’t know if Master Acedes can beat him…what do you think, Master Acedes is one of the strongest two in the Imperial Capital, that kind of man…that kind of man… ..”

Thinking about it, Seriu’s expression dimmed again.

“Very good.” Ace Desi smiled: “Then after meeting with your Majesty, let’s have a party.”

“One…. See your Majesty as soon as you come up!!?” Will suddenly became nervous.

Lan held her arms around her chest, and was somewhat helplessly tough from her boss: “As the first day’s itinerary, it’s a bit too exciting.”

“Of course the troublesome thing must be resolved quickly.” Acedes actually regarded seeing the emperor as a trouble, making everyone with a bit of common sense laughed bitterly.

“Speaking of it, Captain.” Dr. Fashion put his face in one hand: “Has our team name been decided?”


Acedes gave an aggressive smile: “We have separate mobility, dedicated to hunting murderous thieves. So the name…

“Special police,’hunting people’!”


“What to do….. I have no money…”

Xie Ming said with a stern face in the night attack on the secret base of the imperial capital.


Leonai widened his eyes: “Brother Ming, didn’t you make a lot of money by doing tasks? How come it’s gone!?”

“…I originally thought the same way.” Xie Ming said, covering his face: “Did not the last time I allocated a portion of the funds to treat the group of women who are too addicted to drugs, the remaining money was also I didn’t plan to spend it…”

“As a result, I went shopping with Yui yesterday and spent all the remaining money.”

Lubbock was in a cold sweat on the side: “What did you father and daughter buy to spend so much money…”

“This is a long story…” Xie Ming wiped off the cold sweat, and said silently in his heart: “I can’t say to invite a girl who looks like a red pupil to eat dessert, right? This is too much to say. Exaggerated.”

“But after I told Chitong about this yesterday, Chitong’s complexion suddenly became extremely cold. Are Heitong and Chitong really sisters? But looking at Chitong’s appearance at the time, there is no way to ask. …..”

“Ah, speaking of it, I have a way to make money here.” Lubbock thought for a while and took out an announcement from the drawer.

“This is our archenemy. Acedes hosted the’Dumin Martial Arts Competition’. You have always wanted to see what the legendary Acedes looks like? By the way, you can get a lot of money. Kill two birds with one stone. what.”

“Yo~ Lubbock, I didn’t expect that your kid would still have good suggestions occasionally.” Leo Nai slapped Lubbock with a laugh.

“it hurts!”

“Brother Ming, let’s go and take a look. Let’s face the coercive feeling of the slaughtered millions of people, what that… knowing yourself and the enemy, don’t wait for nothing.”

“It’s a hundred battles.”

Xie Ming tapped Leone’s head lightly, looked at the announcement thoughtfully, and made up his mind.


The next day, the Imperial Capital Arena.


Acedes sat on the high sofa and yawned greatly.

Lan, who was standing by the side, smiled and said, “These people, how do you feel about the captain?”

“A boring identity, a boring game. Sure enough, is it a bit dreamy to find someone who meets my requirements from the citizens?”

“Haha, after all, Captain, your request is too high.” Lan wryly smiled.

This competition is not so much entertainment, as it is to find Acedes.

At yesterday’s party, Acedes told his subordinates his preferences, his desire to find a target, and the conditions that his target needs to meet, which silenced the players for a while.

First of all, it’s scary enough that Acedes wants to fall in love. But after listening to the conditions that Acedes had in mind for the subject to meet, he was shocked.

One, you need to have a general level of air. That is to say, regardless of the current strength, one must have the potential to become a general.

Second, have enough courage to hunt dangerous species alone.

Third, like Acedes, the non-imperial origin is also a person from the border.

Fourth, we must have the right to control, so I hope that the age will be younger than Acedes.

Fifth, it is best to have a pure smile.

Looking at these five conditions, all the players were silent.

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