Chapter 310: Conflict of Ideas

In the spacious and luxurious room, Xie Ming twitched his mouth when he looked at the six people in front of him, especially the two people he knew.

Acedes held Xie Ming’s arm and said to his subordinates happily: “His name is Xie Ming, and he is my chosen love partner.”

“…” Hei Tong’s eyes stared at Xie Ming silently, and slowly took out a small cookie from the paper bag in his arms and put it in his mouth.

Seleu, on the other hand, looked at the man in front of him complicatedly. He shattered everything about himself and gave himself a glimmer of hope. She had thought about how she should react when she saw him again. I have also asked myself countless times how I should treat him.

But there is always only one answer, I don’t know.

Is the path you are choosing right now? Can it be recognized by him? Or is it his own time to die when I see him again?

Sai Liu had thought about a lot of encounters with Xie Ming, but he didn’t expect this.

This person who made him feel helpless, appeared in the enemy’s lair openly, and was chosen by the enemy’s boss as the love object.

Seeing the helpless look on Xie Ming’s face, Sai Liu suddenly felt a little wanting to laugh. In fact, she laughed out loud.

Seeing Sai Liu who was covering his mouth and snickering, Xie Ming had the urge to cover his face. And Ace Des asked suspiciously: “What’s wrong, Seleu. Is there any problem with the man I chose?”

“It’s impolite!” Sai Liu suppressed his expression and said, “I just feel that the expression on the captain’s lover’s face is very interesting, I’m very sorry.”

“No, it’s okay.” Acedes glanced at Xie Ming and smiled: “He is not very willing now, but I will let him slowly fall in love with me.”

Regarding this, Xie Ming was noncommittal. He glanced at Acedes, who was still holding his arm, and said helplessly: “By the way, I have returned to the palace with you, can you let it go?”

“What’s wrong, are you shy?”

“How is it possible!” Xie Ming turned Byakugan: “How can I be ashamed of you as a mad woman.”

Hearing Xie Ming’s outspoken and undaunted words, the faces of the few people who didn’t know it stiffened. This is a real warrior, who dares to speak to the strongest in the imperial capital like this. Isn’t he afraid of death?

And Lan and Will, who had seen Xie Ming and Acedes fight each other, could only smile bitterly. People who have this ability are called Ace Desi crazy lady, what else can these subordinates do? Treat it as a breeze.

Even the black pupil, who had been a bit dumbfounded, looked at Xie Ming with a little admiration in his eyes. This person not only has a lot of money, but also has a lot of courage.

If Xie Ming knew that his label in Black pupil’s eyes was how bold, he would not know how he felt. You must know that it is precisely because this young girl ate up Xie Ming’s money that he encountered such troubles.

But listening to Xie Ming’s mouthful of a “crazy woman”, Acedes was a little unhappy.

“Xie Ming, no matter how much I like you, I don’t want you to call me that way.”

“Is this something from the person who threatened me with the lives of the people in the audience?”

Xie Ming doesn’t eat Ace Desi at all.

“Why are you angry with me because of a group of weak people?” Acedes was very puzzled: “If they die in the aftermath of the battle between you and me, it just proves that they are just that kind of people.”

“At that level?” Xie Ming was directly smirked: “I really don’t have a common language with you, let me go!”

Acedes let go, with a cold face on his face: “That said, you are determined to reject me.”

“Nonsense.” Xie Ming said coldly: “A woman who uses the life of an innocent person to blackmail me, no matter how beautiful she is, to me is nothing but a pink skull.”


Hearing the words “Pink Skull”, Acedes burst into a strong murderous and biting chill all over her body. At this time, she is the real ruthless queen who buried millions of aliens alive under the order.

Xie Ming’s eyes narrowed, and there was a pure murderous intent bursting out of his body. This killing intent does not contain a trace of lust, it is just for killing. A blood-red mist was wrapped around his body, and the killing intent fluctuation was directly opened to 20%.

The momentum of the two of them kept colliding and leveling. The original gorgeous room has begun to crack and even begin to spread outside.

The 6-member hunter group, which was mixed in between the two, was naturally overwhelmed by the momentum, and the worst fashion doctor had been crushed on the ground immobile. Seleu, Lan and Polus were already kneeling on the ground, as if they had been crushed by a few tons of boulders.

Heitong reluctantly stood with the sword on his waist. And Will, seeing that something was wrong, had already turned on his emperor.

“Asura incarnation-a noble chariot!”

She wore dark blue armor all over her body, and looked a bit similar to being haunted by evil spirits. Even though he is wearing God’s equipment, he is just barely standing.

“These two people are simply monsters!!”

Will’s face under the helmet was completely shocked, and everyone on the scene lost most of the fighting ability just by his aura. Is this the strongest? !


As the two men’s aura continued to increase, Heitong’s legs softened and blood coughed out from the corners of his mouth.

“…Forget it, it’s boring to fight with you here.”

Seeing Heitong’s pale face, Xie Ming sighed and took the initiative to withdraw his momentum. As a result, Acedes’s momentum was like a strong hitting a wood, and it hit Xie Ming’s body fiercely.


Both feet stepped back, Xie Ming spit out blood, his face instantly turned pale. Upon seeing this, Acedes hurriedly withdrew his murderous aura, and instantly came to Xie Ming to support him.

“Why…” Acedes really didn’t understand, “Why do you, a strong man, repeatedly compromise for the weak?”

“Ahem…” Xie Ming took a deep look at Acedes and said: “Power is not a tool for the strong to bully the weak, but a weapon used to protect the people they love.”

“In order to… protect what you love?”

Ace Desi murmured, and couldn’t help but think of the scene where Xie Ming spewed blood just now, and his heart seemed to be pulled all of a sudden. This feeling is pain that I have never experienced before.

Thinking of this, Acedes couldn’t help covering his chest. Is this love? But why does it make yourself so miserable? Shouldn’t love be a very beautiful and sweet thing?

“Captain…” Polus relied on his strong body to recover first. Looking at Acedes, who was a little bit painful, he couldn’t help saying: “What you need now is to confess with Mr. Xie Ming. My own opinion.”

“Because now, the biggest problem between you is the difference in ideas. In love, the difference in ideas between the two sides often exists. And this emotion in your heart for each other can often make you make a different choice. .”

“Mutual…understanding?” Acedes asked suspiciously.

Porus nodded slightly.

Will lifted Tegu’s dress, his face was a little pale, but he still said with a strong smile: “Mr. Polus knows a lot about love, is it possible that he has had love experience?”

“Ah~, I’m embarrassed to say. But I now have a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter.”

Porus touched the back of his head and said shyly.


Will’s mouth suddenly opened to its maximum.

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