Chapter 312

At this moment, except for the mysterious emperor that Acedes can control the ice, the basic abilities of the other emperors, Xie Ming are the Master.

Black pupil’s sword-like Emperor Gu eight houses, can control his own corpses after slaying creatures, and these corpses can retain their abilities during their lifetime. This is recorded in the ancient book in the night raid.

What surprised Xie Ming was Sai Liu. She didn’t expect that she would go further and further on the road of body transformation. But in order to make up for his lost arms, this is also understandable.

But the fashion doctor who made the body transformation for Seleu is definitely not a good bird. This sissy is definitely an unscrupulous mad scientist. Although he has an outstanding brain, it is useless in the right place.

He never considers the disasters that may arise because of his own research, nor does he care about his moral conscience. In his eyes, his own research is everything. Except for my own research, everything else is a floating cloud.

If anyone among the hunters must die, this doctor of fashion is definitely at the top of the list. Although his frontal combat ability is the worst among hunters, his potential danger is definitely the first.

As for the few remaining people, Black Eye probably has a great relationship with Chi Hitomi, so we need to discuss with Chi Hitomi about her disposal before deciding. Several other people, including Seriu, now that their positions are already opposed, they can only depend on their destiny for life and death.

In fairness, the five other people besides Doctor of Fashion have no way to die. It’s just that they are their own masters and obey orders. This is war, there is no right or wrong, the winner lives, the loser dies, nothing more.

But if it is possible, Xie Ming still wants to do his best to save some people who have fallen into the dark. This is also his original intention, to save and guard. The world is already so dark, why not bring a ray of light to it?

Even if the light you bring is as tiny as fireflies, a single spark can start a prairie fire. Xie Ming believed that everything he did was not in vain. In fact, some of the changes in the battle of Seleu just now are the best evidence.

This girl no longer paranoidly believes that evil must die, but fights through her own judgment and thinking. It’s hard to imagine that this is the girl who had to die with the enemy with a crazy smile before.

As for Heitong, she must have been a thorn in Chitong’s heart. Although Xie Ming doesn’t know much about these two people now, the lingering sadness in Chi Tong’s eyes is definitely inseparable from Hei Tong.

Similarly, in the eyes of Black pupil, Xie Ming could also find the incomprehension and pain hidden in the depths.

One is the assassination unit of the Revolutionary Army, and the other is the assassination unit of the Empire. Xie Ming wanted to try his best to pull them out of the two girls on both sides of the abyss.

After all, the bright world is so beautiful. Are the girls in the Mood for Love suitable for such a beautiful world?

Xie Ming is a traveler in this world and can do very limited things. But in order to make this world a better place, this completely corrupted empire must be overthrown.

Some people may ask, if a war is launched to overthrow the empire, will it kill more people and cause more casualties? Why can’t we use gentle means to change this country from within?

Xie Ming, who had just started to join Night Attack, had more or less thoughts like this. But after so many assassination missions, he already knew that gentle methods were useless.

Even if it kills the root of the corruption, Ornest. For the empire, it is also a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure. Because as large as Minister Ornest, as small as Oka, the captain of the Imperial Guard, the empire has begun to decay from beginning to end.

People do not live well, officials are corrupt, treacherous officials are in trouble, and the emperor is mediocre. These all represent only one thing, the country is going to die. This is a historical trend and it is irreversible.

Even if Ornest is killed now, there will be a second and third Ornest appearing. During the mission, Xie Ming had already deeply understood that the empire was dying and there was no cure.

Only war and revolution can create the future and hope for the people.

Looking at the hunters coming out of the sea of ​​fire, Xie Ming thought silently.


At night, in Acedes’s room.

Xie Ming, who had already experienced a lot of battles, was a little restless at this time. If the reason is…. It should be Acedes who took a bath in the bathroom.

Although Xie Ming has a certain relationship with Asuna, there are five confidantes in the world of Rewrite. But…but he is really just a little brother! !

“Calm…. Calm… As a fighter, you must control your desires, and you can’t be controlled by desires…”

Xie Ming stood up and opened the window of the room. A cool breeze blew in slowly, and looking at the bright moon hanging in the sky, he slowly calmed down with a hot head. Next, is the time to truly decide the outcome.


The bathroom door was pushed open, Xie Ming turned his head and looked, Acedes was already standing in front of him. With long ice blue hair, snow-white skin, and a proud figure, I have to say that this is an out-and-out goddess-level figure.

In addition, she was only wearing a white shirt, and this looming feeling added a few charms and temptations to Acedes.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.” Acedes opened the chair by the window and sat on it with a smile.

“Not long, it’s okay.” Xie Ming picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea for himself and Acedes, and placed it in front of her.

“Thank you~” Acedes smiled slightly and took a sip, but he felt unusual warmth and happiness in his heart. Why, obviously there is no difference in the taste of tea, but there is such a big difference in my own feelings.

Is this also the reason for… falling in love? Ace Desi’s cheeks were a little rosy, and he couldn’t help putting on a sweet smile.

Xie Ming glanced at Acedes who was smirking suspiciously, a little confused. I have to say that this crazy woman is still very beautiful when she is normal, but when she thinks of her character, it makes people retreat.

But Xie Ming didn’t have any thoughts about her, so he went back to the subject directly: “Acedes, you believe you already know my thoughts.”

“Huh?” Acedes tilted his head, “What’s the idea?”

“…I really don’t have a lot of favor with the current empire. So if I choose, I will join the revolutionary army to overthrow the empire and create a country where people can live and work in peace. ”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Acedes’ face suddenly became gloomy: “Xie Ming, do you know that you are talking to the general of the empire now?”

“I know. But today, the person I want to talk to is not Acedes, who is an imperial general, nor Acedes, who is a minister. Instead, I want to put aside all of these, without any burden of responsibility, Acedes talks.”

“What I want to hear is what Acedes thought from the heart.”

Xie Ming stared at the icy blue pupils of the woman opposite, and said seriously.

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