Chapter 314: The Promised Showdown

After listening to Acedes’s past, Xie Ming understood. This is a beast-like woman. She pursues battles, likes to conquer the strong, and has a strong self. Most importantly, she abides by an unchanging creed from the bottom of her heart.

The weak eat the strong.

This kind of woman who has a strong ego and a firm will without any hesitation is usually described by one word, queen.

How do you say this kind of woman? At least in Xie Ming’s eyes, this kind of creed has its own and will not be easily influenced by others. Such a pure woman is very attractive. Xie Ming appreciates it from a personal point of view.

And there is nothing wrong with the natural rule of the weak eating the strong, but she has forgotten a very important point. That is, the law of the weak eating the strong does not sometimes apply to humans.

Man is a very complicated creature, he can do the most evil and darkest things. It is also possible that because of a small impulse, he will do a kind deed that a saint can’t do. This is the person.

Sometimes, the weakest person can also have a strength that the powerful person cannot match.

Therefore, when you comment on whether a person is strong, you cannot judge from strength alone. Although the strong is king in this world, power also needs to have the right heart and will to use. This is what Xie Ming learned in our English world.

But through talking with Acedes, Xie Ming also understood. I can’t change Acedes’ thoughts, and no one can shake a person who has such a strong self.

This is like someone telling Xie Ming not to protect his companions, and Xie Ming would just slap back at him. Asking Acedes to give up his idea of ​​the weak and the strong, is tantamount to obliterating Acedes.

Therefore, Xie Ming won’t say anything more.

“I understand.” Xie Ming closed his eyes and opened them again without any hesitation: “Acedes, when you stand in front of me next time, I will use my best to defeat you.”

“Hey?” Acedes looked inexplicable, didn’t he mean a frank conversation? Why is it here?

Xie Ming said faintly: “With my character, I will never let you manipulate it. The current imperial capital is disgusting, and it is the existence I want to destroy.”

“Most people would think so. But it doesn’t matter. From now on you just need to stay here and stay with me.”

Acedes wanted to reach out and touch Xie Ming’s face, but Xie Ming avoided him.

“It’s impossible, Miss Acedes.” Xie Ming’s tone was obviously alienated: “Although your intentions make me very happy, I cannot abandon my companion because of your intentions. My belief.”

“It’s you who should be able to understand how important it is to abide by your beliefs.”


“In a sense, we are like people, Acedes.” Xie Ming stood up and walked slowly to the window sill: “We all like to challenge the strong and have their own beliefs.”

“The difference is that my battle has always been for protection. And you are to satisfy your desire to hunt. Therefore, we who walk on the opposite path cannot be together safely.”

“Either, I conquered you. Or, you killed me. Between us, there are only these two results.”

“Really?” Acedes’ expression also fell cold: “Then, I will kill you. At least, I will let you die in my hands.”

“Let’s do it.” Xie Ming smiled: “It’s not early, and I should go back. Otherwise, I’m here, Acedes, you can’t sleep well, right?”

Acedes heard Xie Ming say to go back, and subconsciously wanted to stop him.

I don’t want to be separated from him, even if I know that they are destined to become enemies, I want to spend another second with him.

“This is the palace, you go out and run around now, do you want to die?”

“……. Also.” Xie Ming scratched his head. If only Acedes was the only one he could go out, there was still a Bud Admiral army in the palace, which was said to be equivalent to Acedes.

Under the fire of these two Admiral forces, even if Xie Ming opened all the cards, it would be difficult to escape.

“Sorry, I’m on the sofa…”

“on the bed.”

Before Xie Ming finished speaking, he was interrupted.

“No, so if I am here…”

“No problem, I believe Mingming, you won’t do anything like that.”

“…Let’s do it. I sleep under the bed, you are in the bed. This is my bottom line.”

Acedes sighed helplessly: “It’s really stubborn, okay. But you have to hold my hand.”

“Holding hands is also a bit…”

“Do not accept any rebuttal!”

Seeing Acedes pouting like a little girl, Xie Ming felt a little pain in his head again.

Facts have proved that it is useless for you to talk about any reason with the girl who started to get angry. Leaning on the edge of the bed, sitting on the carpet, holding Acedes’s hand, Xie Ming spent the most difficult night since he came to this world.


The next day, as agreed, Acedes led the hunters to send Xie Ming out of the palace gate. As a parting gift, Xie Ming also personally cooked, and Polus helped the hunters to make a hearty breakfast for the hunters.

Seeing Xie Ming’s fading back, the mood of several female members of the hunter was a little depressed.

“Captain.” Lan couldn’t help but said aloud, “Is this okay? Letting Xie Ming go back is tantamount to letting a tiger go back to the mountain. Since we know that such a strong man has strong dissatisfaction with the empire, shouldn’t it be just in case?”

“Mr. Lan, what do you mean…” Sai Liu asked puzzledly.

“My opinion is to gather everyone’s strength and keep him behind.”

There was a trace of fierceness in Lan’s eyes.

“Well, it should be done this way.”

Acedes nodded.

“Then why are you captain…”

“Because I have an agreement with him.”

Ace Desi smiled, flicked his long ice blue hair, and walked back into the palace.

“He, I will defeat him myself.”

Hearing such a wayward words from his own leader, Lan opened his mouth, then shook his head with a wry smile, and stopped speaking. Then followed Acedes into the palace.

The others also looked at each other, shrugged and followed behind.

“Xie Ming…you, refused to become our partner…then next time, I will turn you into our eternal partner.”

The black pupil who was walking at the end looked back at the direction where Xie Ming had disappeared, and silently took out a biscuit from the paper bag and put it in his mouth, thinking in his heart.

“team leader.”

“What’s wrong, fashion?” Acedes asked.

“I suddenly remembered that I didn’t do some fashionable things. Can I retire first today?”

The fashion doctor raised his orchid finger and asked softly.

“Ah, it’s okay. Go ahead and do your job.” Acedes nodded.

“Then everyone, see you tomorrow~”

Dr. Fashion flew a kiss to his colleagues, and then left the team. And his direction is one of his secret laboratories.

“Then a strong person, it must be a good experiment material~”

Walking on the secret tunnel, the fashion doctor muttered to himself.

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