Chapter 319 New Member

Because the base was found and was seriously damaged. Therefore, all the night raids boarded the flying dangerous species brought back by Najiexitan and went to the backup base. Among them, naturally included women with big ears who became captives.

Everyone seemed very excited about the fact that they were in the sky. Even Chitong, who was usually expressionless, showed a rare smile. Only Xie Ming, Kurozhen and Yui can remain plain.

Xie Ming and Yui have the ability to fly by themselves, so there is no fuss. And Heizhen, don’t forget that one of her servant skills was shown in the Book of Followers: Dragon Witch.

With the ability to tame dragons, how could she have never rode a dragon? So she is not surprised too much. Rather, she is mocking Mayin, who has a fear of heights, maliciously.

“Hahaha, a little dwarf is a little dwarf. I won’t experience the fun of heights for a lifetime~”

“It’s so noisy, premature aging girl.” Mayin’s voice was a little trembling: “Who is afraid of heights!? I’m just excited.”

“Oh, are you? Then dare you stand up?”

Hei Zhen looked contemptuously and looked condescendingly at Mayin, who was sitting on the back of the dangerous species.

“Dangdang of course!!”

After looking at it, he was about to turn over Byakugan, and Ma Yin was stubbornly about to stand up. Xie Ming sighed and patted Hei Zhen’s head lightly: “Okay, let’s stop here.”


Heizhen pouted, leaving a victor’s eyes for Mayin to realize for herself, and went to the side to chat with Yui.


Ma Yin’s face flushed with anger, and immediately wanted to stand up and catch up with Hei Zhen. Then Xie Ming pushed her down and sat down.

“Mayin, so are you. Everyone has what they are good at and what they are not good at. Why do they have to be strong at what they are not good at?”

“Who said I’m not good at it! I don’t have a fear of heights! I’m just excited because of my first flight experience! That’s right, that’s it!”

Xie Ming flipped over Byakugan and said, “Okay, can Lord Mayin sit down and rest. I have a piece of Pafi here and I want to invite Lord Mayin to taste it.”

After finishing speaking, he took out a strawberry parfait from the portable space.

Looking at the delicious Puffy, Main Tsundere turned her face away: “Huh~ this time, it’s on your face, let her go.”

“Yes~, come on, please take your time.”

Handed the spoon and Puffy to Ma Yin, Xie Ming said with a light smile.

“That Puffy…” At this moment, Susano walked over and stared at Puffy in Main’s hand seriously.

“What’s wrong, Mr. Xu?” Xie Ming asked.

“Can I have a copy?”

“???” Okay, please use.”

Xie Ming looked inexplicable, but he took out a copy again and gave it to Susanoo.

Looking at Puffy in his hand seriously, Susano took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

“What…what’s wrong?”

“Obviously the materials and techniques are no different from what I have recorded, why is it so delicious!?”

Susano took another spoonful, his eyes full of perplexity and doubt.

“…Haha, it’s because…” Xie Ming just wanted to discuss the cooking method with him when he was approached by Red Hitomi and Leonai who smelled the food.

“Xie Ming, I want to eat too.”

“Brother Ming, I want too!”

“Good good…”

“Mingming, Hill wants to eat too~”

“Oh~, Paffi. Xie Ming, do you have any more? Give me a copy too.”

“Dad, Yui and Sister Joan, too~”

“Yui, don’t talk nonsense, I don’t eat that super delicious…”

Looking at the foodies who surrounded him, Xie Ming shed a few drops of cold sweat: “We have all, one by one.”

“Damn it…I envy!!!”

Lubbock shouted jealously.

“Hahaha, Lubbock, it’s okay. I’ll be with you~ (shining)” Brand gave a thumbs up, showing white teeth.

“…Let me refuse.”


After dividing the parfee, Xie Ming took the last bowl and sat next to the orange-red long-haired girl with a smile: “Chelsea, you can eat one too. Remember to give me some suggestions for improvement.”

Chelsea, this is the name of this beautiful girl in English uniform, earphones and lollipop. She happily said, “Oh~, thank you, Xie Ming.”

Susano and Chelsea, this is the reinforcement that Najieshitan brought back from the revolutionary army headquarters. Among them, the man of Susa is a biological imperial tool controlled by Najiexitan, and his full name is: Electric Flint·Man of Susa. And Chelsea is a superb assassin whose assassination success rate can be compared with that of Chi pupil.

At the same time, Chelsea is also an emperor, but the emperor used has not been revealed.

They were only in preliminary contact with the people in the night attack. After all, after cleaning up the base, everyone went to the backup base non-stop. There is no time to introduce myself. So Na Jie Xitan just explained the identities of the two to everyone.

Soon, everyone came to their destination, Magu Heights. This is a plateau area with a fairly high altitude. Not only is the air thinner, but the level of dangerous species inhabiting it is also very high. It can be said to be perilous.

It is also such a secret place that is not suitable for humans to live in, that is suitable for them as assassins to lie in and train.

That’s right, another reason Najie Xitan led everyone here is to further train the players and improve their strength. In the battle that is about to become more and more intense, if everyone’s strength has not improved, there is only one way to die.

“Now, the revolutionary army’s reconnaissance team is looking for a new place for us to build a base. So before the new base is established, this will be our residence.”

Seeing the humans behind them all came down, the flying dangerous species resembling a devil fish slowly flapped its wings and flew into the distance.

“Well, is it okay to let it fly away?”

Mayin asked suspiciously.

“It flew back to the lair at the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, doesn’t Main even understand this~? Ahahahaha~” Chelsea spread her hands and laughed.

“I remember there is an old saying in the master’s hometown that he has long hair and short knowledge. It seems that he is talking about you, a little dwarf.”

Heizhen would naturally not miss this opportunity to get into trouble.

Hearing the ridicule of the two of them, a few veins burst out of Mayin’s head: “These two people!!!”


Sure enough, Mayin’s position in the night raid was a group pet…Xie Ming wiped away his cold sweat.

Nagesita also shook her head helplessly, and said, “Susano, let’s start working.”


Susano nodded, took out an axe from his backpack, and started cutting trees.

“Najie Xitan, is he here?”

“Ah, Susanoo is a human-shaped Teikoku made specifically for guarding important personnel, so in addition to strong melee combat ability, housework, and everything is omnipotent. There are even more than 1,000 dishes!”

Na Jie Xitan put her arms around her chest and said very proudly.

“Ah…really…” He saw that the forest in front of him was quickly cleared out of a clearing, and the logs cut out were quickly formed into the frame of a villa by him. The corners of Xie Ming’s mouth twitched.

It seems that soon, this villa will be built by him. With this technique, Xie Ming can only say the word ‘service’.

“By the way, there is one more thing.” Na Jie Xitan clapped her hands, and after groping for a while in the backpack, she took out something like a gas mask.

“Xie Ming, this is the Emperor I applied for you in the Revolutionary Army: Super Power Spout Balzac.”

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