Chapter 323


Hearing Chelsea’s words, everyone’s expressions suddenly sank. Hei Zhen was even more impatient and wanted to come forward, but was stopped by Xie Ming.


“Jan of Arc, calm down.” Xie Ming smiled, “Chelsea, can you tell me why you came to this conclusion?”

“Yes, I planned to say it.”

Chelsea took out the lollipop in her mouth and shook it.

“First of all, it is the rescue of Mayin and Hill from the enemy’s emissary. I heard that you can transfer most of the damage from your partner to yourself? This is already a disqualification.”

“Secondly, after successfully destroying the enemy’s bio-type Teikoku and taking out the core. You actually let the opponent go and returned the Teikoku core to her. You gave it to an enemy who wanted to kill your teammate?”

“Finally, it was your recruitment of Xi two weeks ago. Although her ability can indeed bring a lot of convenience to the members of the revolutionary army’s reconnaissance team and reduce the mortality rate. But why can you believe that a person whose front foot is still an enemy? ?”

“The first point can also be said that you are a cherished partner. Then the second and third point is that you are compassionate towards the enemy. As a killer, you actually have compassion towards the enemy. I don’t know how you are at all. Thought.”

Chelsea completely ignored her presence and spoke out her point of view bluntly.

“Although you as a person make me very good. As a companion, you are also very reliable. But if you don’t abandon something, you can’t be a real killer.”

“Everyone, if you are still so naive. In the next battle, no matter how many lives you have will not be enough. Or, if you rely on Xie Ming’s ability again, will the damage caused by your innocence be transferred to your teammates? ”

Having said this, Chelsea turned around and entered the villa. A very gloomy crowd was left behind.

Yes, what she said is correct. These were all made by Xie Ming, and shouldn’t be what the killer should do at all. To say that he is not a killer at all, and he made no mistake.

These things Xie Ming did, even his companions, might not be able to fully understand it. It’s just that they believe in Xie Ming, so there is no response.

In a sense, Xie Ming’s actions are likely to overdraft the credit of his companions. And these actions, on the contrary, may cause more harm to the companions.

Benevolence does not lead soldiers, righteousness does not do Jia. That’s what Chelsea wanted to say.

“This guy! It’s so irritating from start to finish!!” Ma Yin clenched his fists, very angry.

Najiexitan also felt helpless about Chelsea’s point: “It’s still straightforward as always. Don’t take it too seriously, this is her character.”

“Dad, are you okay?”

“Master, you shouldn’t be so vulnerable.”

“Huh? Well, it’s okay, don’t worry.” Xie Ming patted Yui’s head and smiled gently at Hei Zhen. Then turned his head to face Xi, who was a little sad, and persuaded, “Xi. Don’t care too much. You are already our partner.”


Xi reluctantly showed a smile and replied.

“All in all…” Susano turned around, looked at the dangerous species piled up in the mountains and said: “Let’s take care of the prey from the hunt first, Xie Ming.”

Chi pupil wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and smiled: “Yes, you can’t waste precious food.”

“Hahaha, yes.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “To fill your stomach and enjoy food is the most important thing.”


For a group of foodies, what is more important than eating?


At night, Xie Ming sat alone on the branch, leaning on the trunk. Holding a pot of self-brewed sake in his hand, he can drink for himself. In his heart, he was thinking about the problems pointed out by Chelsea.

The safety of companions, as well as their own ideas. Which one is important?

No matter how many times he thinks about it, Xie Ming can only come up with one result. Both are important!

“Well, but the consequences of failure will still have to be borne by yourself.”

With a free and easy smile, Xie Ming toasted Mingyue and drank the sake in his hand.



Hearing the meow, Xie Ming turned his head and looked at a yellow cat lying on a branch next to him. His dark black eyes were looking at him.

“Cub of Magu Leopard (a dangerous species of Magu Plateau)?”

This thought flashed in his mind, Xie Ming shook his head. At this point, the Magu leopard is already asleep, and there are no other cubs coming out to wander around. It should be another species. But the little things are pretty cute.

“come over.”

He stretched out his palm and placed it in front of the kitten. The kitten tilted his head and swiftly followed Xie Ming’s arm to his lap.

Gently scratching the cat’s chin with his hand, Xie Ming smiled and said, “There just happened to be something, so let’s pour it out with you.”


“Today, I was taught a lesson by my companion. I was too naive, so that even if I have a strong strength, it is not enough. What she said is the truth. In fact, a girl I let off has now gained even stronger strength. Stand in our opposition again.”

“But that girl is not bad in nature. It’s just that her thoughts have been distorted by this damned world. When I saw her again, she changed a lot. The distortion in her thoughts actually subsided. NS.”

“This change gives me a sense of accomplishment. It makes me feel that I can still bring some light and hope to some people in this dark world. Isn’t this also the goal of the revolutionary army?”

“I believe that all this I have done is absolutely not in vain. This little seed of hope will one day take root and sprout, and finally dispel the darkness of the world and bring light.”

“But the companion who taught me was too clumsy.”

Xie Ming smiled bitterly and rubbed the cat’s head: “Why do you want to be a villain? Obviously, I also hope to have a good relationship with my companions and laugh together. But in order to remind my companions, for the safety of my companions, I Do these annoying things.”

“Perhaps this is the killer, taking all the dirty and evil things on him, silently giving his part to his companions, even if it is very likely not to be understood by his companions.”

“You said I’m naive, isn’t I also naive? A girl who is so clumsy that it hurts, isn’t it, Chelsea?”

“Meow meow meow?”

The kitten looked at Xie Ming innocently.

“Do you still pretend to be with me? Your breath was messed up just now. You should know what it means.” Xie Ming touched the cat’s head and said with a smirk.

The kitten immediately exploded its fur and jumped from Xie Ming’s leg to the branch next to it. There was a slight noise and smoke enveloped the kitten. After dispersing, Chelsea, wearing a red plaid skirt, white shirt and black vest, sat beside her with a blushing face.

“Hahaha, I wanted to fool you.” Chelsea was holding a lollipop and wanted to fool around.

Xie Ming smiled and said, “Well, I understand everything you want to say. But I still have certainty in doing things.”

“As a result, you still didn’t listen to what I said.” Chelsea shrugged and said helplessly.

“Listen, but it’s like what I just said. I don’t think everything I do is useless, and everything you do, Chelsea, is not useless. We will not die.”

“So, don’t worry.” Xie Ming smiled and reached out and touched Chelsea’s head.

“…Hmph, I hope you can do what you say.”

Chelsea’s cheeks flushed, and she turned her head away in pity.

“Ah, we attack at night, and we won’t miss one. This is an agreement between me, you, and everyone.”

Under the moonlight, the young man once again made a promise that was extremely difficult to fulfill.

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