Chapter 334

On Ning Road headquarters, Qiao Locke. In a majestic and magnificent building, a man with a gorgeous big stubble sits on the main seat, surrounded by beautiful women with graceful figures. He looked at the visitors below, very happy.

“Unexpectedly, General Acedes, the strongest in the empire, came here in person. It’s a great honor.”

Ace Desi didn’t have the patience to accompany him here, chatting, and speaking bluntly.

“The Hierarch’s Assistant Officer Berlik, the hunters are here to protect your safety on the orders of the minister. We have received news that the night raiders have infiltrated this city. So before hunting them, I have to borrow some of your houses. NS.”

“That’s really reassuring.” Berlik’s hand walked beside the beautiful woman, showing an evil smile: “I believe that in my house, it will definitely not make you boring.”

Indeed, in a sense, this place is heaven on earth. Beautiful and handsome men can be seen everywhere in the hall, and all kinds of delicacies of mountains and seas. Fine wine, male beauty, good food, mansion. This is already the ultimate dream of ordinary people.

But can Acedes be regarded as an average person?

“Oh, I’m not interested in them at all.” Acedes sneered. “However, I’m interested in the guys who have been hiding in the dark and peeping at us. Can you let them come out?”

Hearing this, Berlick’s wandering hand paused.

“Oh, did you notice it?”

Then he snapped his fingers lightly. In an instant, in front of him stood four two men and two women in white uniforms (similar to Taekwondo uniforms).

“Let me introduce it. This is the violent incarnation sent by the minister so that I can control the order smoothly. Huangquan Temple, the four ghosts of Rakshasa.”

And Acedes, who obviously knew these four people, smiled and said, “Hey~ I was thinking about why these four people are not in the imperial capital anymore. I didn’t expect to be sent here.”

The Four Ghosts of the Rakshasa are the personal bodyguards of Minister Ornest and the private execution officer of the Minister. It can be said that these four are a very important trump card for the minister. Each of them has a glorious record of killing Emperor Gushi with his bare hands.

Seeing that Acedes knows these four people, Berlick no longer introduces them too much.

“Thanks to the guards of General Acedes, these four can also concentrate on killing the enemy.”


Since the opponent did not want the hunters to attack, Acedes did what he wanted. After all, his subordinates did not have much enthusiasm for this escort mission.

Lan was as calm as ever, Sai Liu’s eyes were full of disgust, Borus stayed on standby in the imperial capital because of the damage to his imperial equipment, and Black pupil didn’t know his life or death. It can be said that Will is the most enthusiastic.

“Black pupil!! I will definitely avenge you!!!”

Clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, Will’s eyes were full of anger. Angry at his own weakness, the angry enemy killed his companion.

This time, I will never repeat the same mistakes again!

Although Acedes didn’t show it, there was still a little sadness in his heart. Sure enough, Xie Ming and himself became hostile, just as he said. In the end, the two have to be born and die.

From a standpoint, Acedes reminded him.

“No matter how brilliant your achievements are, if you take it lightly, you will still die.”

When the four ghosts heard it, they just smiled and did not speak.


This time the mission, the night raid is all mobilized. Separately explored in this unfamiliar area, looking for a breakthrough, and groping for an escape route. And because Qiaoluoke’s location is remote, there is no wanted order for night raids and others in the city.

Thanks to this, people whose looks were exposed during the night attack can once again walk on the street with integrity.

Although this is the case, there is always someone to stay in the temporary base. Therefore, only Xie Ming, Ma Yin, Lubbock, Crimson Eye and Hei Zhen were sent to investigate on the street.

As for the black pupil, it is impossible to let her participate in the mission of Night Raid anyway. So at this time, it was Susano’s turn to appear.

Countless delicacies were placed in front of Black pupil, making her inseparable from the dining table. Such a scene almost attracted the red pupils. The reaction of the two made everyone sigh.

Sure enough, they are sisters.

This time in the group, Lubbock is responsible for the vicinity of the Anning Road Church where Berlick is located. Chi Tong and Hei Zhen are in charge of the outskirts, while Xie Ming and Ma Yin are investigating in the center and periphery of the city. Chelsea is looking for an opportunity to invade the temple and assassinate Berlik.


Xie Ming couldn’t help laughing bitterly at Ma Yin, whose expression was tense with the gun case on his back.

“Mayin, don’t be so nervous.”

“Big fool, what if the hunter sends a new wanted warrant in this city? Never take it lightly.”

After speaking, she saw Xie Ming bought two ice creams from the ice cream shop next to him.

“Although it’s the truth, don’t be too nervous.” Xie Ming handed out ice cream and smiled: “But if you are always suspicious, don’t even unsuspected people look suspicious? Come on, relax.”

“…I see.”

Ma Yin took the ice cream, licked it lightly, and suddenly showed a surprised expression.

“What is this, so delicious!”

“Yes, a rare opportunity, just enjoy it.”

Xie Ming patted Mayin’s head lightly, and Xie Ming said with a smile.

Mayin shook his head dissatisfiedly, and the long pink ponytail swayed behind his back: “Don’t treat me as a child!”

“Yes Yes.”

Xie Ming retracted his hand, looked at the lively street, and sighed: “Speaking of which, it’s really a scene completely different from the imperial capital.”

Various fruit shops, restaurants, and juggling on the street. Compared with the imperial capital, it is more vibrant.

“It should be religious reasons and underground resources.” Ma Yin licked the ice cream and said, “It seems that he can make a lot of money, but most of it was taken by Ornest.”

“Sure enough…” Xie Ming didn’t show an unexpected look, but once again sighed in his heart for the difficulties of the people at the bottom.

Hing, the people suffer. Death, the people suffer.

This is very applicable no matter when. The people will always be the victims of the times. Even the seemingly prosperous city, in the shadows behind it, has decayed and is incurable.

The emperor is like this, and Qiao Locke is like this. I’m afraid this is the situation in cities throughout the empire.

The prefect of the city where Chelsea is located, likes to hunt humans. He would release the slaves he bought on the prairie, and then he rode a horse with a spear to hunt these slaves. Mayin suffered from indifferent oppression since she was a child because she is a mixed race. Leonay stood up and resisted because he couldn’t understand the nobles who trampled on the children to death on horseback.

When the people are oppressed to the extreme, some people will stand up and resist. At this time, it is usually a prelude to dynasties and troubled times.

There are very few things Xie Ming can do in these troubled times, but he will do what he can. At this moment, there is only one thing he can do.

“Let’s go, let’s take a look outside the city.”

“Yes.” Mayin finished eating the food in his hand: “The dangerous area near the sanctuary, give it to Lubbock who volunteered.”

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