Chapter 338 Crisis

Lubbock’s face twitched constantly on the wide street.

Xie Ming’s guess is correct. Lubbock was indeed attacked by the Four Ghosts of the Rakshasa. The enemy was the two who spotted him during the day, Ma Tou and Zhu Tian.

Zhu Tian’s body is extremely tough, like an assault tank. The horse’s head speed is extremely fast, and the attack power is also very strong. Even so, Lubbock successfully solved the two by using the variable and skill of Tegu’s crossover tail.

I thought it was over, but I didn’t expect it to happen.

In Zhu Tian’s body, whose heart should have been crushed by silk threads, drilled a pig-headed man with a steel-colored whole body. The two big teeth around his mouth seemed to be able to penetrate any object easily.

And the horse head, the originally delicate girl, had her body shattered to pieces, and a bunny head with a smile on her face suddenly appeared. This smile made Lubbock tremble, and his hairs stood up.

Generally, people’s impression of rabbits is soft, cute and cute. But, have you ever seen a rabbit with a murderous smile and full of muscles?

Under the grayish-white fur, blocks of muscles are like marbles. But the overall look is not that kind of heavy feeling, on the contrary, it gives people a quick and powerful feeling. It was the opposite of the dwarf pighead who was full of fat next to him.

No matter how strange the other party is, there is absolutely nothing false about the strong oppressive feeling on his body. Both of them are powerful enemies. Compared to Zhu Tian and Ma Tau just now, they are several grades better.

“Haha…this time…maybe you really are going to die here…”

Lubbock gave a strong laugh and murmured. For him, who is not good at frontal combat, he just used some cleverness to defeat Zhu Tian and Ma Tou. Even so, he was slightly injured.

The reason for the minor injury must be Xie Ming’s injury link. Thinking of what Chelsea said to everyone at the time, Lubbock gritted his teeth a little unwillingly.

But right now, life is the most important thing.

Since he was injured, Xie Ming and Mayin must have rushed here. What we need to do now is to delay time!

With a light movement of his fingers, countless silk threads woven into a huge, dense and transparent protective net in front of him. If the two monsters in front of you rush forward unsuspectingly, they will inevitably be cut into pieces of meat by the silk thread.

You know, the thinnest and sharpest thread in the tail of the cross, the thread called the broken line, has also been added to the most critical position by himself. Even if the other threads cannot be stopped, the broken thread will definitely make them unable to eat Kabuto.

Lubbock’s small movements did not attract the attention of the Pigheads and Bunnyheads. Rather, the little bug in front of them is not enough to make them pay attention. No matter what actions are taken, it has no effect on them.

“Unexpectedly, there was a fat pig standing next to me. It was really disappointing.” The rabbit head spread his hands and mocked.

The Pighead didn’t get angry, and patted his thick fat and smiled: “Greyhide, is it the time to talk about this? Don’t hesitate to kill the witnesses back and ask the Centurion Lord?”

“Oh~” The bunny head man known as the gray skin sighed deeply when he heard the words: “The parasite is too weak. I knew that when I was parasitizing, I found a safe and powerful person to parasitize it. Now I have no effort to do so.”

“Hmm…it’s too late to say anything now.”

The Pighead hummed a few times, and the flashing red eyes looked at Lubbock: “But I haven’t eaten monkey meat from this world yet, I don’t know what it tastes like. The monkey in front of me should look very delicious. of.”

“Omit~” Gray skin pretends to be vomiting: “Your steel dolphin species is still so disgusting, what is the delicious meat. Can you learn from our fast rabbit species to eat nutritious vegetarian food.”

Eyes swept across Lubbock, looking at his gloves: “But I am interested in the gadgets in his hand. Let’s go, steel teeth. That thing belongs to me, and the rest belongs to you.”

“OK, that’s it.”

After wiping his mouth, Gangfang smiled at Lubbock: “Glory, monkey. You will become the sprite clan captain, the first supper after waking up.”

“Hahaha…that’s really an honor…”

Lubbock was happily in pain, hoping that his silk thread could block this monster who had already taken an assault pose, otherwise it would be really cold.

“Then I will come!!!”


The steel teeth exploded at a speed that was completely inconsistent with the body, and the fat all over his body seemed to be turned into tough steel. With swift advancement, it was installed straight on Lubbock’s protective net.

“Damn it!!!”

Ten fingers spread out, and Lubbock’s full control of the screen tightens. The silk threads were printed on the skin of Steel Teeth, but they still could not stop the advance of Steel Teeth.


Feeling that he was actually blocked by the monkey, Gangfang let out a roar. Lubbock felt stronger pressure, and even the buildings on both sides responsible for supporting it showed signs of collapse.

However, there were blood stains on the steel-like skin of the steel teeth.

“Boom boom boom.”

Finally, the silk thread broke apart one by one, making a pleasant sound. But this is not very pleasant to Lubbock.


Lubbock moved his fingers lightly, and an extremely sharp broken line moved quietly, just in front of the two big teeth of Steel Teeth. Then Lubbock loosened his finger.

All the silk threads were scattered, and the steel teeth slammed straight into the boundary line. Then, two fangs fell to the ground.

“Hoho Ho Ho Ho Ho!!!!!”

The fall of the fangs made Steel Tooth pain undesirable. The fists kept hitting the ground, and there was a roar in his mouth. The saliva overflowed uncontrollably.

“It really hurts…”

Lubbock felt a toothache when he looked at the pig head like this.

“Then, you can feel it too.”

Suddenly, a faint voice came from behind Lubbock, and a swift and powerful fist burst into his back.


The intruding blow directly caused Lubbock to fly out, hit the wall and fell to the ground.

“Cough…cough cough…”

After a few mouthfuls of blood, the feeling of clogging in the chest disappeared. Fortunately, there is a link between the silk armor and Xie Ming’s damage, otherwise that punch will directly kill him on the spot.


As soon as he turned and lay on his back, his face was slammed on by a foot.

“Monkey, you can do it.”

A murderous smile appeared on the rabbit head man’s face: “A thousand counts, not a trivial monkey, you can actually have a weapon that contains the origin of the world. Otherwise, with your weak strength, how could it be possible to harm us sprites? The body of the family.”

“But that’s fine. If you hand in your weapon with world origin, you can also let the Centurion-sister repair the injury of Steel Tooth. And you, die here. Your body, let Steel Tooth Make up for it.”

Gray Skin clenched his fist, the muscles of his right arm bulged, and the gray fur on his fist showed sharp barbs, which hit Lubbock’s neck fiercely.

At this moment, an orange light beam pierced through the sky, directly hitting Gray Skin, knocking it away for a short distance.


A dark red figure came to Lubbock’s side and lifted him up. Turning his right hand over, a tube of light red potion was fed into Lubbock’s mouth.

“Are you okay?”

“Ahem, it’s just right.”

Lubbock looked at the man with Bloodline on the corner of his mouth and gave a wry smile.

“I will leave it to you next, Brother Xie Ming.”

“Ah, leave it to me.”

Standing up, Xie Ming’s pupils instantly turned purple full of murderous intent, and said faintly.

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