Chapter 365

“No. 666, Uranus Temple Houtaro, please enter the assessment site.”

The cold mechanical sound echoed in the corridor. Xie Ming got up from the seat outside and entered an empty stadium. Inside, there are three people.

“Uranus Temple Hutaro is good at swordsmanship, right.”

The flat-headed man in the fighting suit in the middle asked without raising his head.


Xie Ming said indifferently.

“Then, please use this iron knife to cut off the stake next to it.”

The flat-headed man pointed to the objects next to him, and said routinely.


With a wave of the iron knife, the stake was cut in half and fell to the ground. The cut surface is smooth, and there is not even a slight bump.


The man took a deep look at Xie Ming, pressed the seal on the file, and handed it to the person next to him.

“The police license will come to claim it in three days. Do I need to introduce a suitable weapon company?”

Hearing the word ‘three days’, the person next to him looked up at the man, and then immediately lowered his head.


Xie Ming said blankly, “Then I will come over to get the police license in three days, right?”


The face of the rejected man remained unchanged, and those who came to apply to be a policeman rarely had any good intentions. Basically, they are desperadoes who don’t agree with each other, or those who have suffered a lot of misfortune in the family.

Like Xie Ming, someone who just speaks unceremoniously is already considered good-tempered.

“Three days…”

Out of the training ground, Xie Ming murmured. During these three days, let’s focus on the city.


Three days passed quickly, and the magic workshop in the warehouse in the outer area became more and more perfect with Medea’s efforts, and a lot of wooden furniture was added. Xie Ming learned a lot of craftsmanship with Susanoo in the world of Slashing the Crimson, and they were all used at this time.

At the same time, Xie Ming and Medea are also very familiar with the children. After all, for these kind-hearted children, the two of them are really no different from their brothers and sisters.

Treating others with a sincere heart can make others treat you sincerely. In Xie Ming and Medea, the children felt the warmth and happiness of family. Moreover, the healing effect of Magic Workshop also made the gastroenteritis in their bodies calmer.

Yui also played with the children and became the second sister of the children. The eldest sister is Medea, and the third sister is a little cute Lily. By the way, Lily also brought a magazine she picked up by accident. The content is the popular anime on TV, Tenchu ​​Girl.

And Medea saw this magazine, as if some switch was turned on, and fell in love with this Tenchu ​​girl as much as the girls in this world, and she also pulled Yui and Lily to form the Tenchu ​​Girls team.

In this regard, Xie Ming can only say one thing, as long as you are happy.

However, this is also good. More and more children began to gather in the warehouse. Play, sing, and study together. Medea also began to expand the Magic Workshop with this warehouse as the center.

Another point is that Xie Ming has found the clue to the “Japan’s Strongest Mind”. Rather, he figured out the protagonist, the Tendo office where Satomi Rintaro was located, and the path of Satomi Rintaro’s whereabouts. This protagonist has an inextricable relationship with that one.

Therefore, as long as you follow him, you can definitely find the four wise men living in Tokyo.

However, after tracking for three days, it was found that the 17-year-old boy with light blue hair had no turbulence in his life. Send his starter to school, go to school by himself, after school, pick up the starter from school, snap up supermarket specials, and go home.

It was like entering the social animal life ahead of time. However, it can be seen from this point that the plot has not officially started, so Xie Ming still has time to prepare.


Stepping into the Tokyo branch of IISO again, Xie Ming stood in front of the front desk.

“Hello, what can I do.”

The woman at the front desk said coldly.

“Come to get a police license.”

“Name, assessment number.”

“Uranus Temple Houtaro, number 666.”

“Please wait.”

The woman’s slender fingers quickly manipulated the computer, and then her pupils shrank. Then he smiled reluctantly and said to Xie Ming.

“Then sir, please follow me.”

“……I see.”

Xie Ming calmly followed up. Now he didn’t commit anything, nor did he show any kicks. Therefore, this IISO organization cannot be inexplicably hostile to itself.

Then, there is only one possibility. The strength revealed during the assessment has aroused some people’s attention.

Facts have proved that his conjecture is correct. When Xie Ming followed the front desk to a room on the top floor and opened the door to enter, the people waiting inside were beyond Xie Ming’s prediction.

“Uranus Temple Houtaro has been brought here.”

The woman bowed slightly, and then exited the room herself. Xie Ming squinted slightly, looking at the flat-headed man during the assessment and an old man wearing a white kimono with introverted pupils.

“You are Uranus Temple Houtaro?”

With a full of air, I never thought that this could be made by an old man with all white hair and beard.

Xie Ming ignored the old man, looked at the flat-headed man, and said faintly, “Where is my police card?”

The flat-headed man frowned, and was stopped by the old man when he was about to speak out.

“Young man, I am talking to you now.”

“So, are you responsible for giving me the police card?” Xie Ming asked, looking at the old man squarely.

“Huh, are the people who are police officers really different guys?”

The old man snorted and said contemptuously. But his eyes didn’t change in any way, and it was still so unwavering.

“You don’t need to worry about it all the time.” Xie Ming said calmly: “If you have something to find me, first give me the police card, and then talk about it.”

“Boy, do you know who you are talking to now?!”

The flat-headed man didn’t hold back, and shouted coldly.

“Of course, Tendo Kikunojo, the instructor of the ruler of the Tokyo area-Shengtianzi. Also the real master of the Tokyo area.”

“Hey~ boy, you dare to say it.” Tiantong Juzhicheng was not surprised when he was recognized. However, when Xie Ming said the second half of his sentence, the old fox suddenly exploded with a sense of oppression that only belonged to the superior.

“I can only tell the truth.”

For Xie Ming, this kind of oppression is equivalent to nothing. He said indifferently: “No matter who you are, it has nothing to do with me or what I want to do. Now I want to get my police card, but I don’t see it. People who should be here. So, can I understand that.”

“IISO Tokyo branch, is already Tendo Kikunojo’s word?”

As soon as this statement was made, the temperature of the room instantly dropped to zero. IISO must ensure its neutrality and cannot favor any country or region. The most important thing is that IISO must not be involved in politics.

The Master has suppressed and a large number of children of the curse with outstanding abilities, this is a force that no country can underestimate. But the reason why IISO still exists is precisely because they have signed agreements with people from various countries.

This power can only be used against antigen intestinal organisms. If it is used for other things, it will inevitably become a worldwide public enemy.

Therefore, Xie Ming’s remark is an out-and-out statement of condemnation. Even an old fox like Tiantong Juzhicheng would never dare to admit it to his face. Even he couldn’t bear the consequences.

One old and one young, the same calm eyes were looking at each other, trying to figure out. Xie Ming has already made a move. It depends on how Tiantong Juzhicheng accepts the move, and then fights back.

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