Chapter 372

Bringing Rintaro back to his home, Yeonju couldn’t help but feel a little worried looking at Rintaro, who had been unconscious.

“Brother Hutaro, Rintaro, is he really okay?”

“Don’t worry, Yeonju.”

Xie Ming touched Yanzhu’s head: “He is now in a coma just because of the body’s self-protection function. There is no physical problem. He will wake up at noon tomorrow at the latest. However, I still have a way to make him. Wake up now.”

“any solution?”

“I will slap him twice and he will wake up. How about it, do you want to try?” Xie Ming asked wickedly.


Yanzhu choked, then said silently, “That’s fine.”

“Just kidding.” Xie Ming said with a smile: “Your president and medical staff should be there in a while. When you ask, you just say that I did the medical care measures, and you just don’t know the rest. .”

“Well, I got it.”

Yanzhu, who relaxed, couldn’t help but yawn greatly. So Xie Ming stopped staying and walked out of the room.

It didn’t take long to see a group of people jumping from the ambulance and heading straight to Rentaro’s room. It was Tendo Mugen, the girl in a sailor suit with black long hair that I saw at the meeting that took the lead.


The next night, Xie Ming received a call from the Ministry of Defense. The person calling is, the Son of Heaven.

“Mr. Uranus Temple, I want you to join this campaign against Hiruko Kageyin.”

“…Is it okay? You have already investigated the matter between me and the old fox?”

Although it was a question, Xie Ming used a positive tone.

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, as if he had never expected that there would be such a straightforward confession.

“Well, I already know.” Shengtianzi said softly: “But I still decide, I believe you.”

“Then, the money should be able to get it.”

“Don’t worry about this, I will entrust the money directly to you.”

“Then there is no problem.”

The Vice Admiral blood seal and Dark Blade were taken out from the portable space and hung it around his waist. Xie Ming asked lightly.

“Where is the transport plane?”

“almost there.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was the sound of a propeller spinning in the sky above Gensokyo. A row of ladders were thrown down.

Hung up the phone, Xie Ming said to the room: “Yui Yi, Medea, I’ll go out.”

“Well, safe journey, Dad.”

“Come on, master!”

Xie Ming did not speak, but gave them a thumbs up. Then walked out of the room.


“Attention, Mr. Uranus Temple.”

In the headset, there was a cold voice from the Holy Son: “Hiruko Yingyin has entered the undetectable area. Now all the police are going there for arrest and recovery.”

“We finally determined that Hiruko Yingyin is in a small port that has been abandoned. The location is already displayed on your tablet. I don’t need to say more about what you need to do.”


Xie Ming showed a cold smile: “I wanted to beat up that pretentious clown a long time ago.”

“Then, I wish you prosperous martial arts.”

With a chuckle, Shengtianzi hung up the phone. It didn’t take long for the driver’s voice to be heard in the headset.

“We can only send you here.”

The door of the transport plane opened slowly, and there was an endless sea of ​​trees below.

“Just here.”

Perceiving the mark of Shangri-La in his mind, Xie Ming jumped down. He crushed countless branches and stood firmly on the ground.


Just after landing on the ground, a monster about 10 meters long appeared in front of Xie Ming. The head of a cow, the wings of a dragonfly, the sickle of a praying mantis, the body and feet of a spider. It looks abnormally cripple.

“Phase IV, give me a spree when I first come.”

A ray of purple light flashed in his eyes, and Xie Ming came to the bowel creature. Looking at the sickle getting closer and closer to him, Mingblade slowly unsheathed.


A knife light that was darker than the night flashed, Xie Ming had already come behind the monster, closing the knife and moving forward.


With a cry, this stage IV was perfectly cut in half and fell to the ground.

After that, no matter any monster, as long as it pounced on Xie Ming, Xie Ming would be hit by Xie Ming. There were no roundabouts, and under the display of the Ministry of Defense, Xie Ming’s coordinates were moving straight toward the target.

The most important thing is that Xie Ming’s breathing is still steady, his face is as usual, and he doesn’t even sweat much. If the children of the curse were all little girls, everyone would think that he had gastroenteritis in his body.

With swift slashing, firm eyes, regular pace, this dangerous unexplored area, in his eyes, seemed to be no different from the guts of the park. Those tall and terrifying primitive gut creatures are like mosquitoes and flies that can easily be slapped to death, showing their invincible posture.

In the second half, there were almost no gastrointestinal creatures to attack Xie Ming. The reason lies behind him.

A straight road to Shura, paved with blood and stumps.

The primitive gut creatures are indeed ferocious, without any reason. However, they have the most basic thing of biology, instinct. Even if Xie Ming is still so calm, without any momentum.

Even if they were, they didn’t dare to continue attacking this extremely dangerous man.

Soon, Xie Ming came to a cliff. Below is an abandoned city near the sea. Whether it is the location information given by Shengtianzi or the coordinates of Shangri-La, it shows that Hiruko Yingyin is here.

Just as Xie Ming wanted to go down, a strange but familiar voice came from his earphone.

“Hello, Mr. Uranus Temple.”

“You are…..”

“My name is Tendo Mugen, Satomi and Yanzhu of our company are under your care.”

“Is this all I have to say?” Xie Ming asked lightly.

“Of course not.” Mu said more solemnly: “Up to now, all the policemen who went to find Hiruko Yingyin have lost their lives and activities. But the strange thing is that the reactions of the initiators are all gathered in one place. I With that said, you should understand.”


Xie Ming twisted his neck, the joints of his fists began to make a crisp sound, and his eyes became extremely cold.

“Thank you for the news.”

Then he jumped, jumped to the top of a building, and looked at the church in the middle of the abandoned city.

In front of the cross, Hiruko Yingyin, dressed in a crimson tuxedo and a magic top hat, bowed respectfully to him.

“Hallelujah, welcome to this crazy party, Uranus Temple…Mr. Hutaro.”

“You’re so… tired of living!”

A few words slowly popped out between Xie Ming’s teeth, and his pupils completely turned into orange purple. The next moment, his figure appeared in front of Hiruko Kageyin.

The fist burst into the air and hit the Damn it smiley mask fiercely.

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