Chapter 375 Breaking

“I’m so sorry!!!”


Seeing Sima Weizhi, who was apologizing to him, Xie Ming’s mouth twitched. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was immediately interrupted by Mu Jing next to him.

“Hahaha, Sao Fox, I didn’t expect you to have today too!”

“Damn it…..”

The girl named Tendo Mugeng laughed with her waist in her waist. For the woman in front of her, she had only one thing to do, to get to the bottom. However, because the laughter is too wide, the fullness of the chest shakes with the body.


Rintaro’s throat rolled, forcing himself to look away. Then, he found that Xie Mingzheng was looking at him with extremely contemptuous eyes.

“Sure enough, the place that suits you is in the prison. Seen in a certain area·Lower body animal·Beast-like hair·Rentaro.”

“The words in the middle are superfluous!!”

Rintaro shouted in anger, turning his head again, and found that Mu Gengqian’s face was flushed, his hands were on his chest, and his eyes were very subtle.

“Wait… Mu Geng, listen to me explain!”

“See you…pervert.”


As if suffering a heavy blow, the creature named Satomi Rintaro suddenly knelt on the ground, seemingly unable to cheer up for the time being.

Shaking his head, Xie Ming looked at Sima Weizhi, and said lightly: “Miss Sima should get up first. Now that the matter has reached this point, instead of holding you accountable, let’s discuss how to solve it.”

“Yes, Mr. Uranus Temple.”

Sima Weizhi stood up and said sincerely, “Mr. Uranus Temple wants any compensation. Our Sima family will try our best to meet your requirements.”

“Yes, Mr. Uranus Temple, you don’t need to be polite with this big fat sheep. You can kill her as much as she uses you to make money.”

Mu Geng put his arms around his chest, gloating.


Xie Ming squinted his eyes: “Then what if I let her apologize with death?”

The atmosphere, because Xie Ming’s words instantly stiffened. Except for Xie Ming, the other three people suddenly tightened and looked at him guardedly.

“It’s just a joke.” Seeing the three behave like this, Xie Ming smiled and said lightly. Sima Weizhi and Satoshi Rintaro and Tendo Mugen all understood the things contained in this smile.

Regardless of the fact that they were mingling before, they were very happy, Mu Geng still seemed to be standing on the same side as Xie Ming, but all of them were illusions and fakes.

Satoshi Rintaro came to report to Xie Ming, not wanting to make things worse. In case Xie Ming finds out by himself, then things will not end well.

Tiantongmu even mocked Sima Weizhi, a small part of it was schadenfreude, but most of it was also covering her. She knew a little bit about Xie Ming’s character, so she signaled Sima Weizhi to lower her posture, that he should admit his mistakes, and lose money.

As for Sima Weizhi, he must have thought about making a fortune with Xie Ming’s fame at the beginning, but it should be that the more he thought about it later, the more things went wrong, so he found Satomi Rentaro who was in contact with Xie Ming.

With the little love between Rintaro and Xie Ming, I wanted to win a chance. And the good guy Rintaro naturally agreed.

Otherwise, why did Tendoki meet himself and Rentaro so coincidentally? Is it really a chance encounter? joke.

Some things are indeed the best to see through but not to say. However, the love between Xie Ming and these three people did not reach that point at all. And Xie Ming is this kind of you being kind to me, I will double the character of being kind to you.

Originally, this was something Sima Weizhi did wrong. If they were sincere and came to Gensokyo to ask for an apology, Xie Ming wouldn’t say much. As a result, not only are you not sincere, but you also play this kind of caution to yourself. Who are you fooling around?

Regarding love, Xie Ming is kind to all three of them. In theory, without Xie Ming’s consent, Sima Weizhi used Xie Ming’s image to promote and sell his products on a large scale. The mistake was first. Now I’m still performing this crappy play for Xie Ming.

Should I do my best to cooperate with you? Sorry, Xie Ming is not an actor.

Xie Ming said these words and smiles to remind these three people not to think of themselves as fools. Otherwise, he will let you become sweet potatoes, planted in the ground.

This incident also fully proved one thing. Even if they are talking and laughing on the surface, they are extremely alert to themselves deep in their hearts.

Thinking of this, Xie Ming felt crooked for a while. It’s really flattering to be treated like this inexplicably.

“Ms. Sima, what I need you to do is very simple. First, I have removed everything from the banner photos. From today on, don’t use my name to promote your products.”

“Second, give me 10 Dark Blades and 100 magazine-type fuel tanks.”

“Third, Gensokyo still needs 1 million yuan in construction funds for its shortcomings. You still took out this little money, right?”

“…Yes, Mr. Uranus Temple.” Sima Weizhi said with a strong smile.

“On these three points, you can send things to Gensokyo tomorrow.” Xie Ming glanced at her indifferently: “Then, we have nothing to do with each other from now on, and there will be no intersection.”

“If there is anything else, then do business.”

“Then you two.”

Xie Ming said indifferently: “Two poor ghosts, one of them is still sick, and I don’t need you. Take me to see Muroto Jin, and it’s fine. I have something to talk to her.”

“…Uranus Temple, why did you know that Muroto-san is in contact with us?”

Rintaro said guardedly.

“Your mechanical prosthesis, do you want to hide these eyes from me? It was me who treated you in the first place. And in Japan, who else can perform mechanized surgery on you?”


Hearing Xie Ming’s last words, Rintaro seemed a little ashamed, bowed his head deeply, and then raised it sharply: “Then you have to promise me not to hurt Ms. Muroto.”

“One of the four sages, will I hurt her when I’m full?”

Xie Ming flipped over Byakugan, and finally looked at Tiantong Mugeng: “In this way, the friendship between you and me is over. Just like Sima Weizhi, we can do anything business in the future.”

“Then I’ll go first, don’t send it.”

Leaving the last sentence behind, Xie Ming opened the door and walked out.


The door closed automatically. The three people in the room look at me and I look at you. I don’t know what to say.


It didn’t take long for Xie Ming to receive a message from Rintaro on his cell phone, which recorded Muroto Sumire’s address and some words of apology.

“Then, go see you.”

Ignoring the nonsense, Xie Ming put the phone into Kabuto and walked in one direction.

“I hope we have a friendly conversation.”

Of course, if you are not friendly, the ending will be fine.

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