Chapter 430 Royal Guard Knights

In the luxurious palace, a young man was holding a heavy knight sword that was completely inconsistent with his own size, waving it one after another on a grass.

A knight sword of this weight should be quite laborious for young people as young as 10 years old. However, the boy in front of him, no matter his arms or his movements, did not tremble at all.

However, those who saw this scene were not surprised, as if they had become accustomed to it.

In fact, everyone is really used to it. At this time of the day, there is a teenager who insists on exercising here.

The natural strange power, coupled with the perseverance, made everyone have great expectations for this young man. Even the owner of the palace gave him a position that did not meet the juvenile age.

“Brother Xie Ming, it’s time for dinner.”

From the garden on the side, a young girl ran out and shouted with a smile.

“Your Royal Highness Nanaly, if you call me like that, your Royal Highness Lelouch is going to be jealous again.”

Taking the knight sword in his hand back into the scabbard, Xie Ming said helplessly.

“Nonsense, how could I be jealous because of this level?”

Following the girl, a teenager with black hair and purple pupils also walked out. Some dissatisfied complained to Xie Ming.

“Then I will take it as such, His Royal Highness Lelouch.” Xie Ming shrugged, and everyone could hear the playfulness in his tone.

“You kid! As a guard knight dedicated to the royal family, is there anyone who talks to the prince like this?”

The boy lightly hammered Xie Ming in the chest, and said with a smile.

Here, it is located in Pandoragon, the capital of the Holy British Empire, where the Emperor of Britain lived, the Royal Palace.

Xie Ming has been in this world for 5 years. Although it was a copy, he suddenly turned a man in his twenties into a 5-year-old child, and the main god space was really good at playing.

Fortunately, although the body has not fully developed yet, its own attributes have not changed. It’s just that Xie Ming’s knife skills can’t be displayed due to some problems with arm span and height.

As for why Xie Ming became this so-called guard knight, it was actually because of Xie Ming’s status in this world.

According to memory, Xie Ming’s parents in this world followed Princess Mariana, the mother of Lelouch and Nanaly, to fight for the British Empire, and finally died on the battlefield.

In order to take care of Xie Ming, who was an orphan, Mariana took him to the palace and became the attendant of Lelouch and Nanali.

However, when she was 7 years old, when she saw Xie Ming who was practicing the sword technique, Mariana wanted to teach Xie Ming’s sword technique out of a whim. As a result, everyone was unexpected.

Xie Ming actually had a hard time separating from being called the ‘Flashing Mariana’ on the battlefield. In the end, he was defeated because of lack of physical strength. Because of this incident, Xie Ming completely entered the sight of everyone.

The so-called guard knights are also obtained in this way. Acquiring the knighthood at the age of only 7 is enough to make anyone’s jealousy erupt. However, no one dared to raise questions.

Because the first 15-year-old noble child to provoke Xie Ming, Xie Ming cut off his right arm without hesitation in the duel. At this point, Xie Ming’s life was completely stable.

Logically speaking, Xie Ming should be very grateful to Mariana who has a great favor to Xie Ming. Noble, beautiful, gentle, and elegant, it seems that all the advantages of women are gathered in this woman.

But Xie Ming still couldn’t talk about her favor. Whether it was the eyes of the grandmaster, or the intuition of Xie Ming, it was emphasized that this woman didn’t regard herself as a person at all.

Not only that, even the love for Lelouch and Nanali seems to exist for a certain purpose in Xie Ming’s eyes. Once there is no such purpose, then Mariana will give up these two of her own children without hesitation.

Really, disgusting woman.

This is Xie Ming’s evaluation of Mariana, a woman respected by everyone. Had it not been for the existence of Lelouch and Nanali, Xie Ming would have left.

“Speaking of which, that woman is coming back today…”

Thinking of this, Xie Ming felt that the delicious food on the table was not good.

“Brother Xie Ming, what’s the matter?” Nana asked worriedly when Xie Ming’s expression was a little bad.

“It’s okay, Your Highness Nanali, I’m just thinking about something.”

Touching Nanali’s head lightly, Xie Ming said softly.

“Hey! Eat well when you eat!”

“Tsk tusk, the brother of His Royal Highness Nanaly knocked over the vinegar bottle again.”

“Brother, you really are.” Nanali groaned.

“I’m not jealous!” Lelouch emphasized again.

“Yes, yes, our Highness Lelouch of Tsundere has never been jealous.”

Xie Ming shrugged and said helplessly.

“Damn it! You are my guard knight, how can a knight treat his master like this!?”

“His Royal Highness Lelouch, a knight who can speak out without fear, and a hundred villains who can only flatter and flatter. Which one do you want?”

“Of course it is! Of course it is… Damn it, hurry up and eat!”

“Yes, My Lord.”

“Pretend me respect at this time…”

Looking at the daily bickering between the two brothers, Nanali couldn’t help showing a happy smile. At this time, two more guests visited in the restaurant.

“Look, Sister Conelia, Brother Lulu Xiu really is arguing with Brother Xie Ming again.” A girl with long pink wavy hair, holding the hand of a girl with long pink and purple hair, walked in.

“Youphi, that’s not a quarrel. That’s proof of the good relationship between Lelouch and Xie Ming.” The girl with long pink and purple hair touched the girl’s head and said indulgingly.

Cornelia, the second queen. Euphemia, the third empress. This is also in the palace, the prince and princess who have a good relationship with Xie Ming.

“Oh, have you eaten yet? Your Royal Highness Euphy, Your Royal Highness Conelia. Would you like to eat together?”

Xie Ming greeted casually.

“Hey! Xie Ming! This should be my word!”

“Well, don’t care about the details, Your Highness Lelouch. You will lose your hair if you care about it so much.”

“Hmm!” Lelouch covered his head subconsciously, and then shouted angrily: “I’m only 9 years old, so I won’t be bald!”

“Okay, okay, don’t be angry. Come, eat more fish. This kind of protein-rich food is good for hair.” Xie Ming said, and put a piece of fish for Lelouch.

“I said I won’t be bald!”

Seeing the interaction between the two, Yu Fei and Nana Li couldn’t help but laugh like silver bells, and Cornelia also covered his mouth and chuckled lightly.

“Brother Xie Ming, sister Cornelia and I have already eaten. So you have to finish the dinner and have fun together~”

“Ah, that’s right. Xie Ming, I would also like to ask you to accompany me to train my swordsmanship.”

“Uh… alright.”

Looking at Cornelia, who was eager to try, Xie Ming ate and mumbled: “I will bully my 10-year-old child all day long.”

Hearing this sentence, everyone laughed.

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