Chapter 445

“Kalian, what’s the matter with the communication just now?” Fan asked, frowning.

“Hey? Did you hear Mr. Fan too?”

Karen in Glasgow asked in surprise.

“Ah, that’s right. Yoshida and the others are also coming here.”

At this time, Lelouch’s voice came from the communicator again: “Are you the leader?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I gave you the goods in the train over there as a meeting ceremony. But if you want to win with this gift, then follow my instructions.”

Everyone opened the cargo hold pulled by the train, and they were shocked.

“This…. This is…”


Yes, these two trains are military trains used to transport Knightmare in Britain. Perhaps their battle was too hasty, or perhaps Clovis was too stupid. This military train transporting Knightmare actually drove in the battle area as usual.

Sunderland, who came to know this through Xie Ming’s captive, naturally accepted the gift.

“The woman in Glasgow.”

“Yes Yes!”

“You continue to be there, that machine is very suitable for disturbing the enemy. How much energy is left?”

“It can only last about 15 minutes.”

“Then replace with a new energy pack. I will contact you again in 10 minutes.”

After all, Lelouch turned off the communicator without waiting for an answer.


“How did it feel to command the battle for the first time?”

Sitting on the cockpit, Xie Ming joked.

“Unexpected exhaustion.”

Lelouch leaned against the wall, playing with the chess king pieces he picked up from the ruins.

“It’s normal.” Xie Ming smiled: “Even if it is a group of idiots, how to command them, win their trust, and how to build prestige, you need to do it step by step.”

“Since you have chosen this path, then stick to it.”

“Ah, I know.” Lelouch replied indifferently: “This kind of life-saving game must be adapted.”

“Then, come on.”

“Yeah.” Looking at the large number of ‘Friends’ on Sunderland’s radar, Lelouch’s brain began to calculate quickly. At the same time, he also picked up a side of chess and started a battlefield simulation exercise.


“P1 (soldier 1), can it be manipulated? It should not be too different from Glasgow.”

The fan named P1 by Lelouch had to sit in the cockpit, picked up the communicator and asked, “Who are you? Tell us, even if you only have a name.”

“This can’t be done.”

Lelouch stood behind Xie Ming, looked at the radar and said, “What if the communication is tapped? Compared to this, if Q1 (Queen) acts according to the plan, the enemy Sunderland should be there after 23 seconds. right.”

“It is estimated that there will be two mechas, a quick battle.”

As Lelouch expected, Q1 was used as the bait, and the enemy did not know that his Sunderland had been controlled by the enemy. The two Sunderlands were fanned to wait for someone to control the mechas, and they gave a range of beehives across the wall.

“Haha.” Lelouch showed a grim smile: “It is for this to let them turn on the identification signal. This is a double-edged sword. If the terrorists act according to my instructions, all the favorable conditions are already there. In my hand.”

“P1, P4, P7, after moving 300 meters to the right, launch Slash Haken (hook claw) at 3 o’clock.”

Bang! ! !

Another British Sunderland was shot to pieces by six hooks. Successive good news made the terrorists more convinced of Lelouch’s command.

This is a very simple tactic, using Q1 as a bait to disrupt the enemy. Reuse the enemy’s insufficient intelligence and set up traps.

Moreover, with the recognition signal turned on, the enemy could not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy except for Lelouch’s side. The only thing they could catch was the red Glasgow that Karen was driving.

“R2 (Chariot 2), launch the hook.”

“B7 (Bishop 7), armor-piercing bullet.”

“Squad L just moved forward, suppressing the enemy with firepower.”

The battlefield at this time has become the chess board in Lelouch’s mind. He controls all the chess pieces in his hand and suppresses the enemy in all aspects.

Lelouch’s strategic qualities have been thoroughly demonstrated at this time. Let Xie Ming and CC see what is called strategizing.

Even though he was still very young at this time, his face covered the inner tension with a smile, but his voice did not tremble at all, he was still so determined and calm.

That’s why Xie Ming didn’t play chess with this kid for a long time.

With the rapid decline in the number of enemies, the enemy’s available forces are already insufficient. If you want to continue the annihilation operation, the enemy has only…

“Five choices.”

Turning the black king chess piece in his hand, Lelouch said contemptuously: “Then, let’s see which choice you are.”

After waiting for a few minutes, the radar showed that most of the enemy’s forces had formed a small encirclement network, slowly shrinking. In the center, it was the bait Lelouch left them specially.

“Q1, is the map correct?”

“Ah.” Karen replied, “It’s just that there is only a rough map outside the old city.”


Lelouch’s fingers tapped the chair lightly, waiting for the enemy to continue to approach the decoy.

“Then Surprise.”

The enemy’s mechas had all gathered at the decoy, and there was nothing there.

At this time, the own mecha in the underground passage shot claws toward the ceiling of the target.

boom! ! ! ! !

With the bait as the center, the entire ground began to collapse by a large margin. If Xie Ming’s story memory is, he will inevitably complain.

This is Lelouch’s special skill, lift the floor!


Lelouch covered his face and laughed wildly: “It works! In this case, you can take Britain!!!”


“It hurts!!” Lu Lu Xiu glared at Xie Ming, holding his head, “What are you doing, Brother Xie Ming!?”

“What else do I want to ask you for?”

Xie Ming glared at him, and said lightly: “There are three people crowded in such a small place, and you still laugh wildly. Isn’t it too noisy?”

“Can’t you make me proud for a while?!”

“The commander of the opponent is probably Clovis. What are you happy about winning him?” Xie Ming attacked: “And, do you know a word?”

“What are you talking about?”

“The more proud a person is, the easier it is to fall.”

As soon as Xie Ming finished speaking, a report came from the communicator.

“This is Group B, the enemy shadow is found.”

“Reinforcement?” Lu Luxiu was stunned for a moment. After taking a look at Xie Ming, he picked up the communicator: “How is the situation?”

“Everyone got out safely, but…” There was a deep disbelief in the voice: “But our 4 mechas were defeated in an instant!”

“How about the number of enemies?”

“Only one, one!!!”

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