Chapter 447 The Death of the Third Prince


The soldier at the entrance of the base vehicle raised his rifle and looked at the three soldiers approaching vigilantly.

“Where’s your ID card!? This is the land warship where His Royal Highness is located!”

“Finally checked…”

The soldier in the middle slowly took off his helmet and said to himself: “It’s really as I expected. The personnel are really weak.”


The soldier froze for a moment.

“Yes, let the three of us pass from here.”

“Okay, I know.”

A faint red circle appeared in the soldier’s pupils, he put away the rifle, and replied.

“In a sense, it’s really a convenient ability.”

Another soldier also took off his helmet, it was Xie Ming, Lu Lu Xiu and CC.

Once again, he felt this power named Geass up close, and Xie Ming could already confirm it. This ability is a special method of using mental power.

But I don’t know if it is an illusion. Xie Ming always feels that when Lelouch uses this ability, his mental power seems to be linked to a strange place.

“Right.” Lelouch agreed: “With this ability, my plan will be more convenient.”

“Well, in short, you should be careful. Power is accompanied by not only responsibility but also cost.” Xie Ming reminded lightly.

“I will remember.”

Lelouch nodded earnestly, and the three of them passed the soldiers and entered the land warship. Before long, all the soldiers heard Clovis’s order.

“Notice the whole army to stop fighting immediately! I ordered the fighting in the name of the Governor of District 11, the third prince of Britain, Clovis la Britannia, to stop fighting immediately! All destruction activities, including buildings, also stop!”

“For the wounded, whether they are Britons or residents of District 11, all assistance will be given! Order you in the name of Clovis la Britannia to stop fighting immediately! No further fighting is allowed!”

“That’s it.”

Clovis sat in the main seat, closed all communications, and asked faintly.

“Ah, well done.”

“So, what do I want to do next? Sing a song for you, or play chess with you?” Clovis mocked.

“It’s really nostalgic.”

Lelouch slowly walked in with his pistol and took off his helmet: “Don’t remember? We played chess together.”

“Every time Brother Xie Ming is exercising, don’t we both play chess by the side? Although I always win.”

“What? Xie Ming?” Clovis didn’t react for a while.

“Have you not reacted yet? In Aliyes’ palace, don’t we often play there?”

“You guy…”

Clovis put the hand holding his head down and asked seriously: “Who is it?”

“Oh, time can’t make a person smart.”

Xie Ming also took off his helmet again and walked in with Lulu Xiu.

“Long time no see, brother (His Royal Highness Clovis).”

“The eldest son of the late Princess Mariana and the seventeenth heir to the throne, Lelouch Vi Britannia.”

“Lelouch and Nanaly’s direct knight, Xie Ming.”

The two looked at Clovis who stood up lightly, and said their names.

“Lelouch!! Xie Ming!!!”

Because of surprise, Clovis’s pupils kept shrinking, and he said in disbelief: “But…you should…”

“It should be dead, right?”

Lelouch asked mockingly.

“It’s a pity, with me, it’s hard for this kid to die.” Xie Ming shrugged and said lightly.


Because of excessive shock, Clovis’s expression is constantly changing. Fear, panic, horror…

“I’m back, Your Highness.” Lelouch said slowly with deep hatred, “To change everything.”

“I… I’m really happy… Lelouch, Xie Ming.”

After the surprise, the expression on Clovis’s face turned into a strong smile: “I heard that you were dead when you occupied Japan, how about? Come back to your home country with me.”


Xie Ming sneered: “At that time, the three of us did encounter a lot of gifts. Among them, your mother’s queen was included.”

“It’s not me!! That was done by the queen without permission!!! It has nothing to do with me!!!”

“So, regarding the death of my mother’s queen, did you participate?” Lelouch aimed at Clovis’s head with a gun, and asked indifferently: “The queen who was born to the common people should be equivalent to you. Obstructive.”

“Not to mention, His Royal Highness Mariana asked Emperor Charles to specially promote me as a knight. This makes you even more fearful, right?”

“No, I don’t have one!!!”

Clovis shouted in horror: “These things really have nothing to do with me!!!”

“Then, tell everything you know.”

In Lelouch’s left eye, a bird flapping its wings appeared: “No one can lie in front of me.”

“…” Clovis calmed down, and said lightly: “Second prince Schneizel and Second prince Cornelia, they both know some information.”

“Conelia?” Xie Ming asked with a change of expression: “Did Conelia not fully explain to me at the time?”


“Are they the mastermind?”


Clovis, controlled by Geass, answered the questions raised by Lelouch and Xie Ming in silence.

“It’s useless, he will only tell what he knows.” CC, who was watching the play, turned his hair bored: “Lelouch’s Geass is the power of the king, so you want to know more. For the matter, I can only find that Schneizel and Cornelia.”


Hearing this, Lelouch blinked his left eye, preparing to close Geass.

“Wait, Lelouch.”

Xie Ming stopped Lelouch’s actions and looked at Clovis: “The last question, the Japanese came to assassinate our assassins during the war, you really, don’t know?”

“I sent 6 assassins to assassinate Xie Ming.”

Clovis answered calmly.


“Because Her Royal Highness Mariana is dead, why does this knight still have the face to live in the world? He should die with Her Royal Highness Mariana.”

“Just for this reason?” Xie Ming asked with interest.

“It’s also because I am jealous that he can be appreciated by Her Royal Highness Mariana, and can even be taught by Her Royal Highness.”

“Boring jealous.”

Xie Ming spread his hands and took out the blue rose from behind. At the same time, Lelouch also shut down Geass.

“It’s really not me!!!” Clovis roared excitedly: “I didn’t do it, and didn’t let anyone else do it!!!”

“But you sent an assassin to kill me, right?”


“Oh…I never let people who are hostile to me live too long. Speaking of which, you are the one who has lived the longest.”

Lifting the blue rose, Xie Ming said faintly: “Moreover, in order to prevent you from revealing the information of me and Lelouch and others, you can’t survive.”

“Lelouch!!! Help me!!! Although my mother is different, I am your biological brother!!!”

“Brother Emperor, before you leave, I will give you a piece of advice.”

Stepping aside indifferently, Lelouch smiled mercilessly: “In your next life, don’t do these things that are not suitable for you.”


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