Chapter 452 Two Masked Men

In fact, according to the person in charge of the press conference just now, think carefully about the identity of Suzaku. This result is not unexpected.

The person responsible for the news release on the TV just now has a red feather on his chest. This is the symbol of the pure blood among the British parties.

The so-called pure-blood faction is a faction that advocates that the British blood is the most noble blood in the world, and insists that the British army is composed of pure-blooded Britons only. Exclude honorary British and non-British born people.

And Suzaku fully satisfied the pure-blood scapegoat. Honorary Briton, the son of Japan’s last prime minister, Shuki Xuanwu, and most importantly, the body of the guards killed by Xie Ming, all were found around the ruins of Suzaku.

With these alone, it was enough to put Suzaku on the back of a big black pot. Even if the bullet marks on Clovis’s body are not any pistol in Britain, this does not prevent the pure-blood faction from being framed.

After thinking about these things, Xie Ming smiled bitterly. I thought that after killing everyone, Suzaku shouldn’t have any major problems, but I didn’t expect that he would be framed by the pureblood faction.

Why do you want to add to the crime?

But the most important thing now is Nanali. Although in front of everyone she resisted and did not speak, she could tell from her slightly trembling little hand how much shock this news had brought her.

“Brother, Brother Ming, is that news deceptive?”

At night, Nanali asked tightly on the hands of the two of them.

“Of course.” Xie Ming gently touched Nanalie’s head: “What kind of character is that boy Suzaku, you don’t know what kind of character Nanalie is.”

“Ah, yes.”

Lelouch held Nanali’s hand and affirmed: “Suzaku must have been wronged.”

“…That’s what it said.”

Hearing the affirmation of the two, Nanali calmed down and slowly lay down on the bed, falling asleep.

“Okay, Yui, go to sleep, too. Good night.”

“Well, Dad, good night Lelouch.”

“Good night, Yui.”

Xie Ming and Lu Lu Xiu left the room, Lu Lu Xiu sat in chairs, and Xie Ming went to the kitchen to make a pot of tea.

“So, what are you going to do?” Xie Ming asked while pouring tea while taking out two cups.

“Of course, to save him.”

Lelouch grabbed the armrest of the chair and said firmly.

“Then, you must have a plan.”

Xie Ming took a sip of tea and reminded: “Now that Clovis is dead, the eyes of the British mainland will definitely gather in the 11th district. And in this case, we absolutely can’t show up. Even if you wear it. Mask, I can’t expose my swordsmanship either.”

“After all, Brother Xie Ming, you performed a slash bullet when you were 10 years old, and it still remains in everyone’s memory.” Lelouch joked.

“Just know it.” Xie Ming said indifferently: “So you take me as your last insurance. Once I take action, you have to be prepared to confront Britain head-on, or run with me to the Chinese Federation for asylum, and start over. Come again.”

“Ah, I understand. The custom-made clothes from the bar owner will also arrive tomorrow. Brother Xie Ming, also has yours.”

“…Can I trust your taste?”

“It’s better than you are wrapped in a big windbreaker all day long.”

At the end of the talk, the brothers’ subject matter went off again.


The next day, after listening to the memorial service organized by the dean of the college for the death of Clovis, the school took a day off. So all the students left the gym one after another.

At 16 o’clock in the afternoon, the old Tokyo Tower. This former symbol of Japan has been in a state of half destruction since the war seven years ago. But now, it has become a memorial for Britain’s victory over Japan.

Karen, wearing the uniform of Ashford College, walked alone in this memorial hall, listening to the radio to belittle the old Japanese government and praise the British emperor. At the same time, there were a few people pretending to be visiting, in fact, they have been observing the surroundings.

“Miss Karen Soutenfeld, Miss Karen Soutenfeld, you have lost something at the counter, please come and pick it up. Repeat…”

At this time, the announcement sounded from the broadcast, which made Karen stunned. After looking at each other with his companions, he went to the counter to receive a communicator.

Soon after she got her hand, there was a call from the communicator with the contact name, ZERO.

Seeing her companion nodded slightly, Karen answered the phone.

“Hello, hello.”

“Go take the Loop Line 5 and go around outside.” Lu Lu Xiu, who was sitting in Xie Ming’s car, commanded indifferently: “With your friends.”

Then involuntarily hung up the phone.

The so-called Loop Line 5 is a train around the British Concession. In other words, from the left, you can see the run-down of downtown areas such as Shinjuku. From the right, you can see the development and prosperity of the concession.

At this time, Karen, who was on the train, received a call called ZERO again.

“Hey.” Karen whispered.

“Look to the right in the direction of travel, what do you see?”

“The city of the Britons.” Karen’s faint tone was full of hatred: “The city of robbers built on our sacrifices.”

“So on the left, what do you see?”

“Our city. A scarred city drained by Britain.”

“An excellent answer.”

Lelouch’s tone was full of admiration: “Then, come to the front carriage.”

Passing several carriages and crowded passengers, Karen and others came to the front carriage. There was no one in this carriage.

In the middle of the aisle, a masked man in a black cloak was facing away from them. On the side seat, with a helmet shaped like a ghost, the man in a scarlet tuxedo was knocking on his leg with a long knife next to it.

“Is that you?”

Karen’s tone was tentative: “When you were in Shinjuku, you were the one who gave the armistice order, right?”

“Hey, what are you talking about?” The male companion on the side also asked.

When the time was right, when the train entered the tunnel, the man in the black mask turned around. His mask is a bit like the top of the chess piece of the Chinese king. But the face is smooth.

Seeing such a mask, Karen and others were shocked.

“How is it? What do you think about visiting the concession?”

“Visit?” The curly-haired man on the side was taken aback.

“Hey, is this guy such a boring person?”

“I just want you to have a correct understanding.” Lelouch said indifferently with a black mask.

“Indeed, there is a gap between us and Britain.” The curly-haired man took a few steps: “This gap is desperate. Therefore, we are the rebels…”


Lelouch interrupted the curly-haired man: “Terrorism alone cannot defeat Britain.”


“The so-called terrorist activities are, after all, childish behaviors of children.”


The members on the side shouted angrily: “Are you trying to say that we are children?!!!”

“Don’t make a mistake about the enemy.” Lelouch said pityingly: “The enemy is not the British, but the country of Britain!”

“If you want to resist, start a war! Don’t involve the civilians! Do your awareness and carry out your justice to the end!!!”

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