Chapter 454

“Huh, I get it.”

A faint red circle appeared in his eyes, and Jeremia snorted and nodded: “Let the man go!”



“Jeremiah, are you serious?!”

“Give that man to them!”

Jeremia solemnly ordered again.


“is it okay….”

“Leave it to them, no one is allowed to do it!!! This is an order!!!”

After many doubts, Suzaku was loosened, and Xie Ming, Lelouch, and Karen, who lowered his hat to cover his face, were with him.

“OK, then…”

Xie Ming took out a control device and pressed the button: “Time is OVER!!!”

In an instant, the crimson spherical mechanical device released a large amount of red gas, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos.

“Despicable District 11 people!!!”

The woman in the silver-haired and brown suit had gotten into Sunderland and shot at Xie Ming and others. But Jeremia hit the barrel of the gun in time.

“Jeremiah, why!!!?”

“I said, no shots are allowed!!!”

Taking advantage of this chaos, Xie Ming embraced Karen, and Lelouch caught Suzaku and jumped off the road. And the curly-haired man’s fan driving the industrial mecha on the side shot out the elastic fabric in time to catch the four people.

Below, a truck with an opening from above was parked.

There was another Sunderland who wanted to continue pursuing, but Jeremiya’s gun was aimed at the cockpit.

“Doesn’t you have to hear my order? Ching Chuvel!”

Jeremia roared: “Listen! You will be held accountable if you take any action! Let all the teams retreat! Try your best to let them go!!!”

This farce finally came to an end.


In an abandoned theater, Karen and other terrorists are standing guard at the door.

“Unexpectedly, it was really rescued…”

“It’s stupid, don’t think that such a stupid thing will succeed every time!”

“But I have to admit…” Shan sighed softly, “Who else can do this kind of thing besides ZERO. And that Joker, but defeated the pilot of the white mecha.”

“We can’t do this kind of thing, and neither can the Japanese Liberation Front. Maybe everyone thinks it’s impossible, and the war with Britain could be done in his hands.”

Inside the theater, Lelouch was also persuading Suzaku. Xie Ming listened silently.

“It seems that you have encountered considerable abuse. You understand the British methods, Shumu Seaman First Class.” Lelouch said calmly, “Britain is rotten! If you want to change the world, join us. .”

“You…you…are you really the one who killed His Royal Highness Clovis?”

“Hehe, yes.” Xie Ming let out a weird laugh: “Clovis is not the only one who will be killed in the future. The second prince Schneizer, the first prince Audiseus, and finally. …Charles!”

“This is war.” Lelouch asked rhetorically, “Do you need a reason to kill the enemy leader?”

Suzaku was a little hard to let go: “But what about the poison gas? Treating the people as hostages…”

“Negotiations require a bargaining chip.”

Lelouch replied indifferently: “And from the result, no one died.”

“…The result, isn’t it…” Suzaku laughed to herself: “So you think so.”

“Ah, Lelouch, a guy with high IQ and low EQ.” Xie Ming slumped in a chair: “I have known Suzaku for so long, don’t you understand what kind of person he is?”

Unconscious Lelouch stretched out his hand: “Join us, Britain is no longer a country worthy of your allegiance.”

“Perhaps, this is the case…” Suzaku raised his head, eyes full of hope and dreams: “However, I want to change it into a valuable country. Start from within Britain.”

“Change?” Lelouch’s movements paused slightly.

“I think the results obtained by the wrong method are of no value.”

With that, Suzaku walked forward slowly.

“Wait, where are you going!?”

“In one hour, the military court is about to open.”

“You, are you stupid!?” Lelouch couldn’t help cursing, “That court was originally set up to convict you as a criminal! Whether it’s a prosecutor, a defense lawyer, or a judge!!!”

“Even so, this is the rule.”

Suzaku faintly replied: “If I don’t go, they will have an excuse to suppress the residents of District 11 and the honorary British.”

“But you will die!!”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“You really are a fool!!!” Lelouch cursed with hatred for iron and steel.

“Haha, I was often said by two friends before.” Suzaku said with some nostalgia: “But one of his friends also said the same. I have to walk down the path I insisted on.”

“Ahhh…” Xie Ming was really going to cover his face now.

“Although I really want to catch you, but time is not enough.”

Suzaku turned around and said firmly: “If I am going to die anyway, I choose to die for everyone. However, I still have to thank you. It took a lot of trouble and saved me.”

Finally, with a soft smile, Suzaku left the theater.


“Damn it, this idiot!!! Fool!!! Actually want to change from the inside! Who does he think he is!!!?”

“Well, relax and relax.”

Xie Ming drank his tea and smiled and said, “Anyway, the goal is achieved, so be it. You are not the first day you know him, that’s a dead brain.”

“That’s not thanks to your teachings from Brother Xie Ming!” Lu Luxiu stared at Xie Ming with resentment.

“Uh…” Xie Ming smiled awkwardly: “But I can only teach him that kind of mindlessness. Teach him more complicated human relationships, and that fool will definitely forget it.”

“This is also…”

Hearing Xie Ming’s words, Lu Lu Xiu couldn’t help covering his face. That idiot has been stubborn since seven years ago, willing to believe in the beauty and justice of the world. Every time I saw his stupid appearance, I couldn’t help but want to scold him.

Even though everyone has changed more or less in the past seven years, this kind of stubbornness in the bones still exists.

As if he had not forgotten the hatred, Xie Ming continued to protect them as always.

“Anyway, the path Suzaku has chosen now is the opposite of yours, Lelouch.”

Xie Ming said earnestly: “The next path to be taken must not be merciful to the enemy. If Suzaku becomes an enemy, I will not be merciful to his subordinates, understand?”

This is Xie Ming’s exhortation to Lu Lu Xiu, and it is also a warning. War is not a child’s play, war has nothing to do with justice, the essence of war is merciless killing.

Now that you have made up your mind to embark on this path, then don’t have naive ideas anymore. Otherwise, it will only put yourself and the companions around you in danger.

Xie Ming never made a mistake about the person to guard. He might help Suzaku when Suzaku was in danger, but if Suzaku threatened Lelouch or Nanali, he would never show mercy.

Just like when he was in the Rewrite world, he killed his own teacher by himself, just like Mr. Esaka.

Feeling the heaviness in Xie Ming’s words, Lulu Xiu gently closed his eyes. When I opened it again, there was no hesitation in his eyes.

“I understand, Brother Xie Ming. But if I have a chance, I still want Suzaku to join us.”

“Then it depends on your ability.”

Xie Ming said noncommittal.

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