Chapter 461

Charles is undoubtedly Lelouch and Xie Ming’s worst enemy. This man is the symbol of the entire sacred British Empire.

In other words, if you want to destroy the sacred British Empire and create a peaceful and gentle world, then Charles Di Britain must be killed!

After listening to his speech, the two confirmed the matter again.

It seemed to be stimulated. Conelia, who had been fighting against the Japanese remnant party everywhere, became more fierce at this time, and he deliberately told everyone about his tactics to destroy the remnants of the party through news reports.

And this tactic was exactly the same as Clovis’s tactics surrounding the civilian area of ​​Shinjuku at that time.

“This little girl, Cornelia, is provoking you, Lelouch.”

Listening to the detailed report in the news, Xie Ming couldn’t help but laugh.

Lelouch packed up ZERO’s clothes and ordinary soldiers’ clothes, and sneered: “The other party is kindly entertained, how can I not keep the appointment?”

“It looks like you are planning to repeat the old tricks. First gather the local rebels, use Geass to capture Sunderland, and then use tactics to repel the enemy and then take the opportunity to mix into the enemy and approach Conelia.”

“What’s wrong? Is there any problem?”

“… Cornelia and Clovis are different.” Xie Ming said lightly: “That little Nizi can’t provoke you without defense, don’t rely too much on Geass’s power. ”

“I know, you don’t need to say more.”

Lelouch closed the box and went out.

“Hey, is it the rebellious period…”

Xie Ming understood the reason for Lelouch’s bad mood, and Charles’ speech completely aroused the hatred in his heart. Now he can’t listen to anyone’s words anymore.

“What to do?” CC, who was lying on Xie Ming’s bed and holding the quilt, said irrelevantly.

“What else can I do?” Xie Ming shook his head and took out the ZERO costume from the mezzanine of the closet: “Teach him a lesson from Coneglia. If you are filled with hatred and pride, you can’t do anything. ”

“This time, I will go with you.” CC said suddenly.



In the Saitama civilian area, according to previous tactics, Lelouch had successfully mixed into the army where Conelia was located. However, when Cornelia’s guards came out, everything was reversed.

Terrorists do not obey orders at all, act without authorization, escape without authorization, and surrender without authorization. On the contrary, Cornelia’s guards strictly followed Cornelia’s orders and were meticulous.

Within a few tens of minutes, the Saitama civilian area had been suppressed. Lelouch lowered his head and felt a sense of powerlessness.

“This is the organization? The quality difference between the subordinates is really too big!”

At this time, Cornelia gave Lelouch a fatal blow.

“Notify all Knightmare pilots, open the hatch, revealing your looks. Repeat, open the hatch…”


This is the most profound defeat Lelouch has tasted. In fact, when it comes to tactics, Cornelia can’t match Lelouch at all. However, all tactics are built on a foundation.

Loyal subordinates. There is no loyalty to your subordinates under your hand, so no matter how strong your tactics are, it’s just a matter of fact. In the current situation, Lelouch has fallen into a dead end.

Geass has no effect at all in this situation.

“It’s your turn. Hurry up and open the hatch for inspection.”

The Purple Guard Knightmare stood in front of Lelouch’s Sunderland with a spear in hand, and said lightly.

“What should I do!? Break through forcibly!? No, my driving skills are not that strong at all! Use Geass to control the soldiers to protect me?! But all the soldiers are in the Knightmare!”

“What’s the matter? Open the hatch quickly.”

“That…” Lelouch calmed down his tone as much as possible: “In the battle just now, the hatch was stuck.”


The guards did not doubt: “Then turn around and I will help you open the hatch.”

“…..I see.”

“It’s ZERO and Joker! There!!!”

“What!!” Lu Luxiu was taken aback, then turned his gaze to an abandoned high-rise building.

Xie Ming wearing a goblin mask and CC wearing a ZERO costume are standing on it in gorgeous red costumes.

“Ahhhhhhh, what a warm hospitality~”

Xie Ming shrugged pompously, and said in a rather mocking tone: “I heard that our great beauty Cornelia is pursuing us hard? Wouldn’t it be too much if we didn’t show up for a while!?”

“You guy! You dare to be disrespectful to Lord Cornelia!!! The third and fifth teams, shoot!”

“Ah, so scared, so scared, so scared~”

Hugging the waist of ‘ZERO’ next to him, Xie Ming jumped to tango under the gunshots of the soldiers.


Pretending to touch his sweat, Xie Ming said with a grin: “Then, we have seen each other, and we both quit now~ Goodbye bye, the beauty of Cornelia~”

With a leap, the two disappeared into everyone’s field of vision.

“All Knightmare are dispatched! A thorough search!!”


In the sewer, Lelouch took off the soldier’s helmet and ran. Not far away, Xie Ming was turning his Shura mask and looking at him calmly.

“It’s good to have self-esteem. But I haven’t taught you to let yourself be controlled by emotions, Lelouch.”

“If the conditions are the same, I won’t lose!!”

Lelouch retorted angrily.

“Don’t make excuses for your failure!”


Xie Ming slowly approached and stared at Lelouch: “Think about what you have done recently? I was almost found out by Karen, and the ZERO helmet was taken away by the cat. I looked down on my opponent. Just like you, you can still Subvert Britain!”

“You said that if you have the same conditions, you will not lose. But how to gather the same conditions as the opponent is also part of the war.”

Rubbing Lelouch’s head, Xie Ming’s words calmed down.

“We are brothers, these things need to be shared by us. I hope you will not forget. This is a war, not a game.”

“…I see, Brother Xie Ming.”

Lelouch gave a wry smile. When was the last time he was reprimanded like this? 5 years ago or 6 years ago? Really, it’s been a long time.

“I will do it, our subordinates, our army, our… the country! All will be created!”

“Then, come on. I still said that, without violating my inner principles, let go and do it.”



The impatient CC who was waiting on the side yawned: “Could you go there soon? I haven’t finished my pizza yet.”

“Would you not look at the atmosphere?”

Xie Ming said dumbfounded: “I will go back to make you a pizza tonight, new recipe.”


There was an instant brilliance in CC’s boring pupils.

“This pizza girl.” Lelouch couldn’t help but vomit when he saw this situation.

“You can control it, kid.” CC came back unceremoniously.

“Is it a kid, you two…”

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