Chapter 470


Hearing Xie Ming yelling out the name of the old man behind the gauze curtain, the two bodyguards with sunglasses next to him were suddenly startled, reaching into his arms and preparing to take out their guns.

“You can’t let anyone who knows the adult’s name survive!!”


Two bullets instantly hit between the feet of the two bodyguards. Xie Ming turned the blue rose and said, “You guys, it seems that you haven’t figured out the status of the two sides at this time.”

“It’s really weak!”

ZERO walked forward slowly and mocked: “Not only is weak, but his behavior and thinking are so pedantic! That’s why you can’t win!”


Behind the curtain, Kirihara Taizo tightly grasped the wooden walking stick, and blue veins burst out of his old hands.

“Kirahara Taizo, regardless of your relationship with the Sakura stone mining industry, you are the founder of the Kirahara industry and the shadow founder of the Shumu regime. However, after the defeat of the war, you became an active facilitator in the establishment of the colony. . Commonly known as…”

“Tonghara the traitor.”

Leaping off the rogue’s head gently, Xie Ming held up his gun and walked to Lulu Xiu’s side.

“However, his true identity is to manage the nation’s rebels, the important town of Kyoto’s six houses. This city government is amazing.”

“You guy, you slander your lord!!!”


Taizo Kirahara stopped the action of the two bodyguards and stared sharply at the two in front of him.

“However, as you said.”

Xie Ming turned around and put away the blue rose: “Neither of us are Japanese.”


“No way!?”

Later, the cadres of the Black Knights began to discuss: “The blame has to show us the appearance.”

“Since you are not Japanese, why are you fighting! What is your intention!?”

Tongyuan Taisan asked.

“of course…..”

“Destroy Britain completely!”

“How can this kind of thing be achieved? With you, can it be done!?”

“Yes!” Lelouch said firmly: “I, we, have a reason to do this!”

“Hello? The Knightmare over there, come over and block it.”

Xie Ming greeted, “Since Tongyuan wants to see how we both look, let him have a look.”

“…Listen to him.”

After the rogue slowly squatted down and blocked the two of them, Xie Ming and Lu Luxiu slowly took off their masks.

“It’s been a long time, old man.” Xie Ming said with a light smile.

“Ah, it really is.”

Lelouch also smiled: “This time the opponent is you, it’s really great.”


The pupils of Taizo Kirahara shrank in an instant, and he suddenly realized: “It turns out that it’s you…”

“Yes.” Lelouch said softly, “At that time, no matter what, I was for your care.”

“If the opponent is not me, are you two brats going to treat him as a hostage?”

“How is it possible?” Xie Mingshi said with a smile: “How can we be so lawless.”

“You little devil is the least credible!”

Glancing at Xie Ming, Tongyuan Taizo smiled: “The seed that was planted eight years ago has finally bloomed now. Hahahahahahaha!!!”

It seems very interesting and very ironic. Britain will ultimately be destroyed in the hands of the British. How can this not make him laugh.

“The one over there is called a fan, right?”


Shan said solemnly.

“These two people are definitely Britain’s enemies. And they will become Britain’s most powerful enemy! I understand why they don’t show their faces. I can assure you that you can rest assured to follow ZERO and Joker!”

“We will provide the concealment and information of the base in Kyoto, so let’s do it boldly.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Thank you, Mr. Tongyuan.”

“Thanks, old man.”

The two put on their masks again, preparing to leave.

At this time, Mr. Tongyuan opened the gauze and asked with interest: “Are you going to embark on the road of Shura?”

“Sura? It’s a bit too ridiculous.”

Xie Ming joked: “The two of us, but righteous partners.”

“Justice… partner!? Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!!!!”

Under Duke Tongyuan’s laughter, the Black Knights slowly left.

Since then, the Black Knights have truly become the power in Lelouch’s hands.


“What’s the matter, I got caught in the rain?”

At home, when he saw Lelouch who was soggy, Xie Ming poured a cup of hot tea and offered him: “Didn’t you go to the concert with Shyarly?”

“… Shyarly’s father is dead, I did it.”


Xie Ming’s face stiffened, and then it became calm: “Go take a bath first, and then talk to me.”


After 10 minutes, with a white towel on his head, Lelouch was holding a teacup and slowly talking about it.

Shyarly’s father is a geotechnician who takes Sakura stone. When the Narita battle started, he happened to be on a business trip in Narita.

The flash flood caused by the red lotus type II almost buried the entire city of Narita. And Shyarly’s father, of course… was buried alive.

“…” Xie Ming drank his tea without speaking.

He agreed to Lelouch’s plan. Because of the war, how can there be undead? Moreover, Cornelia is about to besiege Narita Lianshan, he also thought he had issued evacuation instructions to nearby residents long ago.

Therefore, Lelouch said that he killed Shyarly’s father, which was wrong. Shyarly’s father’s death was caused by him and Lelouch together.

“War, there is no right, there is no error.”

Gently lowering the teacup, Xie Ming said lightly: “Lu Lu Xiu, since we have already embarked on this path, we must bear this.”

“I see…..”

“We are all sinners, because killing is a sin. No matter who you kill, we take the lives of others with our own hands. This will not change.”

“I see.”

“We killed Clovis yesterday, we killed Shyarly’s father today, and we will kill more people tomorrow. We must carry forward this sin.”

“I see!”

“Then what are you confused about!?”

Xie Ming violently picked up Lelouch’s collar and glared at him: “Who are you showing your weakness now?! Who is looking forward to forgiveness!? Who is hoping to pity you!?”

“I am also a murderer! So when the time comes, I will go to Shyarly to apologize! Ask her for forgiveness! I will use my full strength to make up for it! Then you! What are you going to do!!?”


“Smelly boy.” Putting down Lelouch, Xie Ming returned to the sofa: “You should feel it, Shyarly has always liked you. How about you, do you like her?”

“…I am still qualified…”

“My question is, do you like Shyarly?”

“I don’t know…” Lelouch said softly, “But tonight, I accepted her kiss.”


Xie Ming scratched his head and couldn’t laugh or cry: “You have already got the answer, what are you still installing here?”


“You are a smart person, Lelouch.” Xie Ming said softly: “If you don’t like Shyarly in your heart, then you won’t accept her. No matter what the situation is.”

“Go back and think about it, and give me an answer before Shyarly’s father’s official funeral.”

“I will take different actions based on your answers.”

After that, Xie Ming left the living room, leaving Lulu Xiu alone, staring at the tea in the cup in a daze.

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